Inside the Ninja School.

Kaede and Kawaki came here as transfer students. After passing the preliminary test by Teacher Iruka, it was found that the two of them actually had the strength of Genin, but as ninjas, they had many theories and rules that they had not learned!

Therefore, Teacher Iruka directly let the two enter the senior grade, and after completing their studies, they directly took the Genin exam.

On the podium, Teacher Iruka was explaining vividly.

Below, Kaede listened very seriously, but Kawaki was a little distracted looking out the window. Suddenly, Kawaki was very excited, and he stood up and shouted, “Naruto Boss!”

In the class, hearing Kawaki’s voice, other students looked over.

“Oh my god, it’s Naruto!”

“Wow, I can actually meet the hero Naruto!”

“Naruto is so handsome!”


The discussion continued, and Iruka put down his textbook, looked down, and said in a deep voice: “Everyone sit down quietly, don’t make noise!”

After seeing everyone quiet down, Iruka pointed at Kawaki and said: “Kawaki classmate, sit down!”

Kawaki said “oh” and sat down reluctantly.

Then, Iruka walked out of the classroom.


“Teacher Iruka!”

Iruka looked at Naruto, took a close look at her, and then said with emotion: “Naruto, you have changed a lot!”

Naruto smiled and said: “Ah, yes, there is nothing we can do about it. By the way, how are Kawaki and Code?”

Iruka smiled and said: “Code is OK, very well-behaved, but Kawaki is a little noisy, but both of them are good. As long as they study a little, they will definitely have no problem in the Genin exam. Moreover, from my observation, their current strength is comparable to that of Chunin!”

Naruto nodded when he heard this.

These two people have wedges in their bodies, but the degree of awakening is different. Once awakened, they can reach the strength of Jonin in minutes. Therefore, a certain amount of learning and discipline is essential!

“Teacher Iruka, please help me pay more attention to these two people and don’t let them go astray!”

Seeing Naruto’s instructions, Iruka nodded carefully and said, “I understand.”

“Well, Teacher Iruka, please help me call them!”

“Okay, no problem.”

In another office, Naruto sat on a bench and looked at Kawaki and Code and said, “Have you two studied hard in school!”

Code took the lead and answered seriously, “Reporting to the leader, I have studied the ninja manual, ninja regulations, and some knowledge of seals!”

Kawaki saw that Code spoke so fluently, and he was not to be outdone and said, “Boss, I have learned it too!”

“Oh? What did you learn?”

Seeing Kawaki like this, Naruto asked with some amusement. He had experienced Kawaki’s character in his previous life. This child has a good heart, but unfortunately, he was chosen to be a tool.

Kawaki saw Naruto asking him, and hurriedly answered: “I learned the Three Body Technique, the use of chakra, the classification of ninja tools, etc!”

Hearing Kawaki say this, Naruto nodded in approval and said: “Well, it seems that you still listened to some classes and were not completely distracted!”

With a chuckle, Code could not help laughing.

Kawaki scratched his head embarrassedly, he knew that he must have been distracted and caught by the boss.

“Code, Kawaki!”

Seeing Naruto calling him, Kawaki and Code looked at each other seriously.

Naruto looked at the two and said, “You lack the most basic ninja theory and have not established a cognition of being a ninja. Therefore, I hope you can follow Iruka teacher and study hard! I know your strength. If there is an exam now, you can all become Chunin!”

“However, the ninja world does not only rely on strength, but also knowledge, cognition, teamwork, etc., so I hope you will study hard! Konoha is your village, you must also grow up well and protect the village!”

After listening, Kaede responded first: “Don’t worry, leader, we will not let you down!”

Kawaki nodded immediately.

Naruto stood up, patted the shoulders of the two and said, “That’s what I feel relieved about! Come on, roll up your sleeves!”

Kaede and Kawaki said “oh”, and rolled up their sleeves directly. They obeyed Naruto’s words 100%. After rolling up their sleeves, Naruto planted the mark of Flying Thunder God on everyone’s shoulder!

No matter how far away they are, as long as the chakra is enough, he can reach them instantly.

“Remember, if you encounter something that you can’t handle and want me to help you, especially in critical moments, send your chakra to this seal.”If you activate it in your mind, I will sense it and come to you, understand?”

Coder and Kawaki nodded seriously.

After finishing this, Naruto asked Kawaki and Coder to go back to the classroom.

After the two left, Kakashi walked in.


Naruto hummed, Kakashi walked to Naruto, looked at Naruto and asked: “You mean, both of them have wedges, as long as they awaken, they may be replaced, right?”

“Yes. But Coder is different, he is given a white wedge, after awakening, only the strength will be improved, there will be no other changes, mainly Kawaki, the wedge on Kawaki is the real key!”

Kakashi nodded and said: “I understand, I will help you keep an eye on them!”

Naruto looked at Kakashi and smiled: “Then I’ll trouble Teacher Kakashi. ”

Kakashi sighed and said, “As the Hokage, your teacher can only do so much for you. The rest of the things may need you to shoulder them alone.”

Naruto hummed, then smiled and looked at Kakashi and said, “I will definitely win!”

Kakashi gave Naruto a thumbs up.

After parting with Kakashi, Naruto went to find Sasuke.

Naruto stood downstairs of Karin. After a while, Sasuke came out with his clothes in order. As soon as he came out, Sasuke looked at Naruto intently.

“You have changed, Naruto!”

Naruto smiled slightly, put his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder, and walked away directly.

With a buzz, the next second, the two appeared on the Hokage Rock.

“Have you become more powerful!”

Looking at the village below, Sasuke asked, and Naruto responded: “Ah, I absorbed the power of the new Otsutsuki, that is, the previous Jixuan, so I also became an Otsutsuki! ”

Sasuke tilted his head and looked at Naruto’s profile carefully. Indeed, there was almost no difference between him and Kaguya and Momoshiki.

“By the way, Jixuan, how did you find him?”

Naruto told Sasuke all about his cooperation with Urashiki. Hearing this, Sasuke frowned and said, “Naruto, can Urashiki really be trusted? What if he betrays us?”

Naruto thought about it and responded, “I know this is risky, but I have to do it. Urashiki is my only window to understand the Otsutsuki clan. Apart from him, even Kaguya can only tell me some superficial things about the Otsutsuki clan. After all, Kaguya is a guardian, and her identity is not enough to know the affairs of the Otsutsuki clan. Therefore, there is no other way to cooperate with Urashiki! ”

Sasuke still felt that it was a little unreliable. After all, Urashiki was from the Otsutsuki clan. Facing the God of Otsutsuki, there was no guarantee that this guy would directly stab him in the back at a critical moment!

Naruto put his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I still have a defense. Even if Urashiki stabs me in the back, I can guarantee that I will not die!”

Sasuke looked at Naruto seriously. After a few seconds, Sasuke said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry, even if I fight to the end, I will live and die with the village!”

Naruto patted Sasuke on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t let this happen.”

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