Without the Earth, there would be no children!

Naruto knew this very well.

It was precisely because he had to protect Hinata and the unborn Boruto that Naruto had to do this. Otherwise, when Naruto failed, the Earth would become the harvest of the Otsutsuki clan, and by that time, there would be nothing left!

Kushina wanted to say more, but was stopped by Minato. Minato looked at Kushina and shook his head.

Kushina understood.

She was not someone who didn’t have a big picture view.

“I’ve said everything I should say, let’s do it, everyone!”

After Naruto finished speaking, he was ready to take action. Seeing this, Madara stepped forward and said, “Naruto, I’ll go with you!”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Madara said, “After all, I have experience in this matter, and I can watch from the side.”

Naruto thought about it and agreed because it made sense.

As a result, Hashirama and Tobirama also wanted to go with him.

Okay, then the three of us will go together.

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, then turned and left.

“Naruto, I won’t accompany you!”

Sasuke opened the door of the Hokage’s office and walked out. At the end of his sleep, he was going to find Itachi.

Twenty kilometers away from Konoha, there was a vast forest area. With a buzz, Naruto flew to Thunder God and brought three people here.

Four people landed on the big tree.

Ban looked around, all the dense trees, without any feeling of being high above.

“Naruto, the position you chose is not too high!”

Ban followed the trunk and walked to the trunk of the tree, then formed a seal: “Wood Release!”

Chakra was injected into the tree, and the tree instantly burst out with huge vitality, growing continuously, rising continuously, and then turned into a towering tree, almost a hundred meters high, directly overlooking the entire forest.

Ban put away his hand, smiled slightly and said: “This is the feeling of performing this technique!”

Being high above, standing high and overlooking the earth, this is what Ban likes to do most.

Tobirama snorted coldly. This Madara only knew how to steal his elder brother’s technique. Also, Uchiha was evil. At this time, he still cared about this!

Hashirama looked at the land in front of him, his eyes raised, and in the distance was Konoha Village.

“Naruto, are you ready?”

Naruto nodded, then closed his eyes. In the land of the soul, the little ten-tail obtained from Jixuan was bound here!

“It’s your turn!”


Naruto untied the little ten-tail, and then the little ten-tail was released directly from Naruto’s body.


The huge roar resounded through the sky and earth, and a large area of ​​the surrounding forest was swept across.

Hashirama looked at the little Ten-Tails and subconsciously wanted to subdue it. Tobirama was watching from the side. Madara was very excited. Looking at the little Ten-Tails in front of him, he said excitedly: “Naruto, the next step is to feed it chakra and change its form! Hmm? That’s not right!”

Madara stared at the little Ten-Tails in front of him and said in surprise: “It’s shrunk?”

Naruto said: “No! This is another Ten-Tails. The previous Ten-Tails is still in my body!”

Madara said in surprise: “There are actually two?!”

Tobirama: “Isn’t this too surprising?”

Hashirama also felt the crisis and sighed: “No wonder Naruto made such a choice!”

Naruto made a seal again and said: “The rest of the things, I’ll leave it to you three, act according to the plan!”

With a whoosh, Naruto disappeared directly on the spot.

The next second, Naruto appeared on the body of the little Ten-Tails, then linked to the little Ten-Tails and continuously supplied it with chakra.

Madara looked at Naruto in front of him, and then said: “Hashirama, Tobirama, let’s form a barrier and guard around Naruto to protect him from activating the Ten-Tails normally!”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Although Tobirama was very reluctant to cooperate with Madara, he had to do it for the future of the ninja world!

“Let’s get started!”

Hashirama and Tobirama jumped up and spread out. The three of them formed a triangle and formed a barrier.

Konoha Village.

The outpost sensing ninja immediately noticed the moment the little Ten-Tails appeared, because the chakra fluctuation was too large.

“Quick, go and notify the Hokage!”

Kamizuki Izumo gritted his teeth and said: “Such a huge chakra fluctuation, what on earth is this!”

Gang Zitie frowned and said: “Who knows, go and notify the Hokage!”

Beside him, Kakashi’s father, White Fang, looked at the little Ten-Tails in the distance, stepped forward and said: “I am immortal, I will go to find out first, you go and notify!”

With that, White Fang jumped directly into the night.

The responsibility of the older generation of ninjas is revealed at this moment.

Inside Konoha Village.

Kakashi directly ordered Shizune that all ninjas should remain alert and not be allowed to go out!

JiraiTsunade, Shizune, and Shikaku all came over. Kakashi was silent, but he told everyone that the noise was caused by Naruto, so that everyone would not be nervous!

Jiraiya frowned and said, “What is Naruto doing again?”

Kakashi smiled and said, “Lord Jiraiya, believe in Naruto!”

Jiraiya was silent. Kakashi would not say this for no reason. If he said so, it means that Naruto has already informed him and is implementing this plan.

Shizune said unhappily, “Kakashi, you can’t completely keep silent. Those present are not outsiders!”

Tsunade raised her hand and said, “Shizune, don’t say anything. Kakashi is the Hokage now. Since Naruto told him and he agreed, then do it according to his wishes!”

Kakashi: “Thank you, Lord Tsunade, for your understanding.”

The third and fourth generations stood on the Hokage Rock, overlooking the entire village.

“Minato, do you hate me?”

“Why do you say that, Sandaime-sama?”

The Sandaime sighed and said sadly: “You should hate me! You and Kushina paid the price of your lives for the village. When you were dying, you wanted the people in the village to treat Naruto as a hero, but what about me? I didn’t take good care of Naruto!”

The Fourth Generation was silent.

The Third Generation continued: “Although I also gave him money and took care of his life, it was me who made Naruto the hated of the whole village! To some extent, I still stand on the position of the Hokage and treat Naruto as the Hokage Jinchuriki! I’m sorry for this, Minato!”

The Fourth Generation looked at the village below and took a deep breath and exhaled.

Yes, from the perspective of a father, Minato felt that the Third Generation did not do enough. He and Kushina both sacrificed for the village. Logically speaking, Naruto is their widow and should be treated as the descendant of a hero!

What was the result?

Naruto had a miserable childhood, if it wasn’t for Iruka, if it wasn’t for Jiraiya.

Naruto would have turned evil long ago.

On this point, even if Minato thought that the Third Generation had a hard time for the sake of the Hokage, Kushina would not agree.

Yes, the Third Generation was completely incompetent in taking care of Naruto.

Minato took a deep breath and exhaled: “It’s all over, Third Generation Master.”

Naruto’s home.

Hinata lay on the bed, touching her belly, and smiled: “Child, child, you must grow up healthy!”

Downstairs, Kushina sat in the living room, silent.

In the forest.

Madara looked at the little Ten-Tails in front of him, narrowed his eyes and said: “Enough chakra absorption!”

Naruto changed his seal.

The little Ten-Tails changed again and again!

“Come out, God Tree!”

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