Time passed slowly!

The sacred tree continued to absorb chakra, and the buds were constantly changing and moving towards maturity.

People who were reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation would not enter the Infinite Tsukuyomi, so they could move around in this world and watch over the five great nations and other ninja worlds!

The Uchiha clan had the most people, and under the leadership of Fugaku, they all gathered in Konoha Village, downstairs of the Hokage’s office!

Hashirama gathered the Kages and said, “Right now, Naruto wants us to protect the ninja world and take care of those who are trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, so we have to separate!”

Tobirama nodded and said, “I have no problem!”

Madara crossed his arms and said, “I have no problem either!”

The Third Hokage and Minato listened to Hashirama’s arrangement. Hashirama nodded and said, “Okay, the five of us will go to the five major countries respectively. Tobirama, you go to Kumogakure, Monkey, you go to Iwagakure, the Fourth Hokage, you go to Sand Ninja, I go to Kirigakure, Madara, you stay in Konoha, Fugaku will assist you!”

Seeing Hashirama asking him to protect Konoha, Madara snorted coldly and said, “Konoha doesn’t need me, Fugaku is enough, I can go to assist Naruto and see if he can help me with anything!”

Hashirama nodded and said, “It’s all right, anyway, don’t leave Konoha too far, if Naruto needs you, you go there!”

After the instructions were completed, the Uchiha clan began to divide, and then everyone set off to various parts of the world.

Naruto’s family.

Kushina was guarding Hinata below. Once she found something wrong, she would cut off the vines and release Hinata. Even if the vines would continue to entangle her, she had to ensure the safety of her daughter-in-law.

Here, Madara looked at Fugaku and said, “I’ll leave the task of guarding the village to you. I’ll go out for a while!”

Fugaku nodded and said, “No problem, ancestor.”

Under the sacred tree.

Naruto closed his eyes. Through the full moon in the sky, he could see the scenes in any corner of the world, of course, including his own home.

“Hinata, I’m sorry!”

A little tear fell from the corner of Naruto’s eyes, and he was more cautious when controlling the sacred tree to absorb Hinata.

With a whoosh, Madara came to Naruto.

“Naruto, they have already set off!”

Naruto did not answer, but hummed.

Madara looked at the sacred tree in front of him and said with emotion: “I never thought that this time, it was you who opened the infinite moon reading. Thinking about how you stopped me and Obito from opening it before, I feel that this world is really a dream!”

Naruto said expressionlessly: “I didn’t expect this day to come either. There is no way. Life is unpredictable, and all I can do is to move forward!”

Madara glanced at Naruto. He could see the shadow of Hashirama in Naruto, and even more so his own shadow!

The figure of Naruto fighting alone is very similar to him.

Loneliness, yes, this kind of loneliness.

This is why Madara has never refuted Naruto’s words.

“I will be here. If you need anything, you can call me!”

With that, Madara flashed out.

Naruto was silent, and time passed by.

One day,

Two days,

Three days……..

Finally, the sacred tree produced a fruit.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, and it was time to eat the fruit!

Naruto stood up, raised his head, and then slowly ascended to the top of the sacred tree. Looking at the huge fruit in front of him, Naruto could feel the huge chakra energy contained in it!

It is worthy of being called a sacred tree!

The Otsutsuki clan is really a powerful race. They can actually invent something like a sacred tree.

It can not only absorb vitality, but also absorb natural power.

Naruto followed the operation in Kaguya’s memory, came to the top of the sacred tree, successfully harvested the fruit of the sacred tree, and held it in both hands.

“Very powerful energy!”

Just as he was about to eat it, the sacred tree whose chakra was taken away was instantly furious. The original pattern of the tree roots could no longer be maintained because the chakra fruit was stolen by Naruto!


The roots of vines all over the world began to tremble, and the people hanging on them were shaking and in danger.

Naruto frowned. Now, it was not the time to eat the fruit.

So, Naruto put the fruit away.

Then, he put his hands together, concentrated his energy, and forcibly controlled the sacred tree to calm it down.

Naruto is now very powerful. Facing the sacred tree, he can easily control it and force it to calm down.

After more than ten seconds, the sacred tree stopped trembling, and the vines and roots around the world stopped shrinking.

However, Naruto could hear the signal from the sacred tree: “So hungry, so hungry, hungry…”

That’s right, the sacred tree, whose chakra was taken away, returned to a hungry state.

At this time, people from all over the world were still hanging on the sacred tree, and their bodies were still filled withThere is a lot of vitality hidden!

Naruto frowned, he noticed the desire of the sacred tree.

The sacred tree at the moment is like a thirsty person, with a large bowl of water in front of it, and now it is about to drink!

“Can’t let the sacred tree be like this!”

Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, he controlled the sacred tree to absorb the vitality of the earth, now, let the sacred tree absorb it, it will really kill people!

Why did Kaguya recruit people to the other side of the mountain every once in a while? The purpose was to let the sacred tree absorb and appease the sacred tree!

Naruto is not Kaguya, the current Naruto is very powerful!

“Give you some chakra, bear it, if you dare to absorb it again, I will swallow you directly!”

Naruto separated a little chakra from his body to the sacred tree, let it absorb it, and directly transmitted his consciousness to the sacred tree, so that it would know awe!

The sacred tree got Naruto’s consciousness and stopped absorbing vitality from the earth. The people hanging on its vines are not in danger of life for the time being, and they are all sleeping.

After dealing with the sacred tree, Naruto was about to eat the fruit, when suddenly, Naruto frowned.

“Is it coming?”

Naruto looked up at the sky. His current perception range was the entire earth. In the atmosphere, he could sense that there were several very powerful chakras approaching this side, and at a very fast speed!

In a few blinks of an eye, the person came in front of Naruto.

“Hmm? Urashiki, is this the Uzumaki Naruto you mentioned?”

Urashiki nodded, looked at Naruto in front of him, and said seriously: “Yes, Master Tenshiki, this is the Uzumaki Naruto I told you about!”

Otsutsuki Tenshiki snorted coldly and said: “This guy seems to have absorbed Urashiki’s power!”

Otsutsuki Dishiki said angrily: “A low-level life dares to spy on the power of my Otsutsuki clan. Brother, let me subdue him!”

As he said that, Otsutsuki Dishiki was about to make a move, but the guardian Water Shiki stopped Otsutsuki Dishiki and said: “Master Dishiki, how can I let you make a move? I will make a move with Doshiki!”

As he said that, Otsutsuki Water Shiki looked at Otsutsuki Dishiki and said: “Dishiki, let’s make a move together to take him down!”

Dishiki smiled and said: “That’s exactly what I meant!”

Naruto’s eyes focused, and there were four Otsutsuki, and it seemed that there should be two pairs of combinations!

Thinking of this, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. This was equivalent to the power of two Momoshiki and two Kinshiki. It was not too strong. With his current strength, he could fight!

The war was about to start!

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