In the starry sky.

The place where Naruto blew himself up and died.

A long white halo was left here. In the eyes of the Otsutsuki clan, this was just the energy generated by the self-explosion, which burned up the matter of this star field.

However, before Urashiki died, he told Naruto that if the Otsutsuki clan blew themselves up, they would see the ancient separated clan.

Naruto didn’t believe it at all at the time, because it was completely nonsense.

What’s more, Urashiki himself said that he saw it in an ancient book he found when he was in the clan land.

This is even more nonsense.

Naruto can’t lose. If he loses, the earth will be over, and then there will be no meaning for his rebirth. Therefore, the struggles of the Six Paths Sage, Boruto, Sasuke and others in their previous lives will all come to nothing.

Therefore, Naruto repeatedly asked Urashiki to confirm what death can see.

Urashiki just kept asking Naruto to believe in himself, and he himself died and gave his power to Naruto.

So, Naruto, who had no choice, decided to take a gamble.

So, after absorbing Urashiki’s power, the data of Otsutsuki’s self-destruction was instantly familiar, and Naruto started the bet directly.

With a bang, it exploded directly.

As a result, only Otsutsuki Hoshiki was killed, and Otsutsuki Hiashiki left directly with the other five elite tribesmen.

Naruto didn’t know such an ending before he died, otherwise, he would definitely question Urashiki, why this self-destruction was so rubbish, only killing one person, and it was the opponent’s assist.

Unfortunately, there is no answer to such a question now.

Baiyun just existed here, one day, two days, three days, four days……….

Time passed quickly, until one day, a man with horns on his head came here. From the outside, he looked very much like a member of the Otsutsuki clan, but he did not have the Samsara Eye, but black eyes like the earthlings.

His name is: Ichiro Taraine.

“The dark matter here is so dense. It seems that another Otsutsuki has self-destructed, huh? No!”

Ichiro Tsuchine raised one hand and placed it in front of the bridge of his nose.

With a buzz, Ichiro Tsuchine’s black eyes turned into two white transparent eyes.

That’s right, Ichiro Tsuchine’s eyes are all pure eyes.

“It’s so complicated. Not only are there people from the Otsutsuki clan, but also… huh? This person actually has pure eyes. It’s really interesting. No wonder my grandfather asked me to come here!”

As he said this, Ichiro Tsuchine sat cross-legged in the void, pinched his hands, and faced the white halo in front of him, and his pure eyes began to glow.

“Let me reorganize you!”

In the white halo, there was a sudden shaking change, and slowly, some matter inside began to gather slowly.

Just like that, one day, two days, three days, four days…

Finally, one day, he clapped his hands, and the dark matter in front of him gathered to the extreme, reorganizing into a human figure, Naruto without a single piece of clothing on his body.

Ichiro Tsuchine stood up and looked at the remaining white halo in front of him. He sighed and said, “These are the dark matter you originally had. As for the dark matter related to you, I will see if it is destined for you in the future. I don’t have time to help you condense it. Let me take you away first!”

As he said, Ichiro Tsuchine took Naruto away quickly and disappeared in the starry sky.

Here, the white halo still exists here, but it seems to be a little smaller than before.

Ichiro Tsuchine didn’t know how long he had been sailing in the interstellar. Finally, after a wormhole jump, he came to a star field. This is the depths of the universe. Even the Otsutsuki clan has harvested the universe for tens of thousands of years and has not come here.

In this star field, there is a galaxy that is extremely similar to the solar system, but this galaxy has ten major stars, one of which is five times larger than the earth. It also has a near-satellite similar to the moon, and next to it is an energy planet similar to the sun.

As soon as Ichiro Tsuchine took Naruto into this galaxy, he was interrogated.


Two people who looked similar to Ichiro Kurige, except that the horns on their heads were not as long, came to Ichiro Kurige.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
“Routine inspection!”

Ichiro Kurige said with a smile: “I want one too?”

One of the people being inspected said with a smile: “Young Master, this is the rule, sorry!”

Ichiro Kurige nodded and said: “Okay, okay, hurry up, I still have to report!”


The two people who were inspecting put their hands together and put them in front of their noses. Just like Ichiro Kurige’s action before, the two people’s eyes immediately became clear and pure. After scanning Ichiro Kurige on one side, they scanned Naruto on the other side.

“No problem, please come in, young master!”

Ichiro Kurige waved his hand, took Naruto to the huge planet in front of him.

The surface of the planet has an invisible ripple. The moment Ichiro Tsuchine entered, it was like entering the water, and ripples appeared. Ichiro Tsuchine put his hand on Naruto’s body and urged the dark matter to let Naruto enter.

Otherwise, the defense of this planet would immediately launch an attack.

Passing through the clouds, the mountains and rivers below are beautiful and handsome. Ichiro Tsuchine took Naruto flying all the way, and finally, through the sea, desert, and forest, they came to a huge mountain. The entire mountain was flattened, and a super tall palace was built on the platform.

“Finally back!”

Ichiro Tsuchine landed and landed in front of the palace gate with Naruto.

“Go and report, tell Grandpa, just say I’m back!”

The servant at the door immediately opened the door and let Ichiro Tsuchine take the floating Naruto in. The person in front trotted all the way, bypassing seven or eight courtyards, and finally came to the door of a garden arch.

“Report to the clan leader, the young master is back!”

“Oh?! Let him come to see me directly!”


Just as the voice fell, Ichiro Tsuchigen came in with the floating Naruto.

“Grandfather, I brought you the person you wanted!”

Ichiro Tsuchigen walked in swaggeringly, pushed Naruto to Grandfather, and Naruto, who was lying flat and floating, slid directly in front of the grandfather.

“You kid!”

The old man in front of him complained. At this moment, he was feeding the fish, holding the bait plate in one hand and the bait in the other. He had no hands to catch the floating Naruto, so he had to turn his head and look at him. Naruto stopped there!

Ichiro Tsuchigen didn’t show any surprise. Instead, he ran to the seat next to him, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp.

“Ah, I’m so thirsty!”

As he said, he poured a few more cups.

“You kid, there’s still no water on the way!”

Ichiro Tsuchine put down the cup and complained: “This is the task you assigned me, Grandpa. I didn’t dare to delay for a minute and came back immediately! Besides, didn’t you say that if you appear outside, try not to stay too long, so as not to meet the people of the Otsutsuki clan!”

The old man laughed and said, “Yes, yes, I said it!”

The old man let go of the last handful of bait and shouted, “Come on, you continue to feed for me!”

Ichiro Tsuchine stood up and said, “Okay!”

As he said, he walked over, took the bait plate, and started to feed, while the old man walked over, touched his white beard, and approached Naruto to look carefully.

At this time, Ichiro Tsuchine did not speak, and concentrated on feeding the fish, because he knew that Grandpa was watching something and didn’t like others to make noises.

After watching, the old man raised a dry hand with wrinkled skin and placed it on Naruto’s body.


Naruto’s heart began to beat, and the blood in his body resumed flowing smoothly. Naruto was alive.

“Yes, the son of prophecy, it is indeed him!”

The old man stroked his beard with satisfaction and smiled, looking at his great-grandson, and said with satisfaction: “My dear grandson, this job is well done!”

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