“Grandpa, what is going on!”

Naruto looked at the old man, his eyes full of doubts, waiting for the old man’s answer.

The old man laughed and said, “Forget it, let me tell you an old story!”

“The Otsutsuki clan was originally a very beautiful planet. Many people lived on this planet, and of course, many countries were established! Among them, there is a country where everyone has the surname Otsutsuki, also called the Otsutsuki Country! The king is called Emperor Otsutsuki!”

“Originally, people in the country lived very peacefully, but suddenly one day, a meteorite fell from the sky and hit the mountains and forests of this country. The King of Otsutsuki sent people to check it out, but only found a deep pit. There was nothing in the pit, so he didn’t pay much attention to it!”

“But after a while, someone found that the trees were constantly dying where the meteorite landed, and even the animals were constantly moving away, so , someone went to check and found a big tree growing in the pit, and the tree was still growing!”

“So, someone went to report to Emperor Otsutsuki, who was Emperor Otsutsuki Suinin at the time!”

“The emperor heard that it was a big tree growing in the meteorite crater, and thought it was a divine tree from heaven, so he went to worship it in person. On the way to worship, near the place where the meteorite landed, the emperor found that the surrounding land was torn apart, the river dried up, and the trees withered!”

“Asking the entourage around him, he found that this situation had occurred since the tree appeared!”

“So, after seeing this big tree that was still growing, the emperor decided to cut it down because it was unlucky!”

“Just as he was about to tell the people around him, perhaps because he knew the emperor’s intention, the big tree trembled slightly The fruit shook, and a red fruit fell down, hitting the emperor’s feet! ”

“The emperor heard a voice, full of temptation, eating it, eating it will make him immortal and have great power!”

“Emperor Suinin was not in good health and had been taking medicine for treatment. When he heard this voice, he suddenly seemed to lose his mind, picked up the fruit on the ground and ate it directly!”

“After eating, Emperor Suinin suddenly trembled all over, then lay back and fainted.”

“The court doctors at the time were helpless and had no way to wake up Emperor Suinin. Just like that, about three or four days later, Emperor Suinin suddenly woke up. After waking up, the emperor felt that his body was full of strength and had endless power!”

“It happened that this At this time, the largest country on the planet began to fight, and the war spread to the Otsutsuki Kingdom. Emperor Suinin personally led the people to fight. During the battle, Emperor Suinin fought against hundreds of enemies alone and was extremely brave! ”

“Faced with the invasion of a big country, Emperor Suinin’s ferocity directly repelled the opponent’s attack. Afterwards, Emperor Suinin remembered that the reason why he was so fierce was that he felt that his strength became stronger after that coma!”

“Therefore, Emperor Suinin easily thought of the fruit that fell from the big tree.”

“After this battle, the king of the big country did not give up, but was very angry and sent more soldiers to come to fight. Emperor Suinin was extremely anxious. He knew that no matter how brave he was, he could not defeat so many troops!”

“At this time, Emperor Suinin seemed to hear a call from the big tree, so Emperor Suinin came under the big tree again. The big tree seemed to make a deal with Emperor Suinin and dropped another fruit! ”

“After Emperor Suinin ate it, his whole body changed dramatically. A sky eye grew in the middle of his forehead, his eyes turned into white eyes, and the horns on his head grew even bigger!”

“The army of a great country came to the Otsutsuki country. The Otsutsuki people were unable to resist and retreated one after another. Some died and some were injured. At the critical moment, Emperor Suinin descended from the sky and started fighting directly. He was extremely powerful. With one punch, the ground cracked and the soldiers fell into the gaps one after another!”

“Emperor Suinin, who was furious, roared, and his eyes turned into Samsara eyes. His attack methods became more diverse and powerful. At the end of the battle, all the soldiers were killed, not one was left! ”

“The king of the great country was very frightened, afraid of the power of Emperor Suinin, so he sent troops to cut down the tree. After Emperor Suinin knew about it, he put his hands together one night, created a huge star with his bare hands, and came to the sky. Then, he directly projected his sky eye onto it, and a huge magatama eye appeared. A ray of light, except for the people of Otsutsuki country, all fell asleep!”

Naruto listenedAt this point, he nodded thoughtfully. This big tree must be the sacred tree. The Chibaku Tensei created with bare hands should be the Infinite Tsukuyomi!

As expected, the old man said something familiar to Naruto.

“After the light, countless people’s eyes turned into Samsara Eyes. At this time, the big tree in the deep pit suddenly became extremely tall, and vines stretched out continuously, wrapping all the people who fell into sleep with vines!”

“The big tree absorbed these vitality madly, and then began to grow a huge flower, which slowly turned into a huge fruit!”

“After Emperor Suinin ate it, the whole person became extremely powerful, able to climb mountains and seas, fly in the sky, like a god!!!”

“However, the big tree that lost the fruit became extremely irritable. It told Emperor Suinin that it needed more vitality, otherwise it would suck the planet dry!”

“So, in order to make itself stronger, for In order to allow his race to live a stable life, Emperor Suinin took the saplings born from this big tree and looked for planets with more vitality. After the harvest, he gave half to the sacred tree and ate the other half himself! ”

“Slowly, Emperor Suinin also distributed it to his tribesmen. The tribesmen began to change one by one, and they could all open their Samsara eyes. As they ate more fruits, they became stronger!”

“However, among them, there was one who held a different view from Emperor Suinin. That was Emperor Suinin’s younger brother, Prince Suigen. He felt that harvesting the vitality of other planets in this way was too cruel, and was no different from the previous king of a great country!”

“Unfortunately, Emperor Suinin insisted on his own way and did not listen at all. He even criticized his own brother for not understanding the secrets of the universe!”

“Prince Tsuchigen was in great pain and vowed not to eat the Chakra Fruit again. However, once he ate the fruit, he would become extremely irritable and uncomfortable, and even die later!”

“Prince Tsuchigen was in pain and constantly felt it. Finally, he discovered a kind of cosmic energy that could make up for this situation. So, Prince Tsuchigen began to try to capture this energy and finally succeeded!”

“This energy is the dark matter of the universe, the final destination of all energy!”

“After absorbing this energy, Prince Tsuchigen lost the ability of the Samsara Eye, and his eyes turned into black pupils!”

“It happened that Emperor Suinin did not find Go to the new planet to harvest chakra fruits. The tribe members did not eat for a long time and fell into rage. The big tree was also roaring. In the end, there was no other way. Emperor Suinin sacrificed some of the crazy tribe members! ”

“After seeing this scene, Prince Suinin told Emperor Suinin about his new discovery, but Emperor Suinin simply disdained it and accused his brother of wanting to take his position!”

“Prince Suinin was discouraged. Finally, after saving some of his tribe members, he led his troops to leave the planet directly!”

Speaking of this, the old man sighed, looked at Naruto, and said kindly: “I am the Prince Suinin, the younger brother of Emperor Suinin. The current God of Otsutsuki is my brother!”

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