Chatted with Ichiro for a long time.

Naruto told the story of his growing up with Hinata, and Ichiro was very envious after listening to it.

“It’s great, Naruto, you actually have such a gentle wife!”

When talking about Hinata, Naruto’s eyes were full of tenderness.

“Yes, at the beginning, I didn’t like her, I just treated her as a sister, until Pein attacked my village, I completely understood her feelings, but at that time, I didn’t express it directly afterwards!”

“It was really confirmed when Toneri was going to attack the earth. At that time, I completely revealed it. Now thinking back, I still think I’m a bastard, haha!”

Naruto smiled and scratched his head.

Then, Naruto looked at Ichiro and said, “Although you have watched Huizi grow up, you are not related by blood. Moreover, the way Huizi looks at you is exactly the same as the way Hinata looks at me. I am not wrong about this!”

“So, you can try to accept her, instead of being disgusted with her and feeling that you are not good enough when you think of her!”

“True love will suddenly appear when it is time. Your love may be in the future. Try to change it. Just like Huizi said, this is arranged by the grandfather. Didn’t you also say that the grandfather never made a wrong choice!”

Ichiro wanted to refute it, but after thinking about it, he felt that it made some sense, nodded, and said nothing more.

“Okay, I’ll try it! Let’s go, take you to where you live.”

Ichiro Taraine got up and took Naruto to where he lived. They walked all the way through the downtown area and came to the townhouse.

“It should be here!”

Ichiro Tsuchine identified a room and greeted Naruto directly. He pushed open the wooden door of the yard first, then walked in and pushed open the door of the hut.

Naruto was surprised and said, “Is there no door lock?”

Ichiro Tsuchine shook his head and said, “What lock? Isn’t there a latch on the door? Why lock it?”

Naruto laughed and said, “I forgot that this is not Earth. That’s right. You are all from the same clan on this planet, and there is no theft.”

After entering the door, Ichiro Tsuchine pressed the switch and the light came on.

Unlike what Naruto thought, the electric lighting here has a history of hundreds of years!

Ichiro Tsuchine said that this was invented by the clan members with the attributes of lightning and dark matter. As early as hundreds of years ago, they used this lighting. It is very useful and has been used until now.

Naruto smiled and nodded, “You can do it too. You haven’t upgraded for hundreds of years, but the lights are still dim!”

Ichiro asked curiously, “Does your planet also wrap the lights with colored paper of other colors?”

Naruto waved his hand and said, “No, when I was Hokage in my previous life, technology had developed to the point where we could use all kinds of lights freely, and they were much brighter than yours!”

Ichiro said excitedly, “Then you should upgrade ours!”

Naruto scratched his head awkwardly and said, “Sorry, I really don’t know how to do this!”

“Then what are you talking about!”

Ichiro waved his hand and said, “I have already prepared everything for you here. From now on, this will be your residence!”

After that, Ichiro Trine yawned and said, “It’s getting late. I have to go back to sleep. Tomorrow morning, I will wake up and come to find you. Wait for me to come. Don’t run around, okay?”

Naruto nodded and sent Ichiro Trine out.

“Don’t see me off, go back!”

Naruto nodded, waved his hand, and watched Ichiro Tsune disappear in front of him.

After Ichiro Tsune left, Naruto looked back at the wooden house behind him. There was almost no decoration outside the wooden house. All the houses here were like this, that is, the place where the old man lived on the top of the mountain was a little more spectacular.

Color, it seems that it is not important to this world.

Naruto subconsciously looked up at the starry sky. The stars in the sky were deep and far-reaching. At this moment, standing on this foreign land, Naruto felt a little sad.

What does his own Earth look like now?

After a sigh, Naruto walked towards the wooden house. The furnishings in the house were very simple, but fortunately, there were all the necessary ones, a room, a bathroom, a living room, and even a kitchen. This kitchen was very unique and large. It was behind the wooden house, and there was firewood next to it.

Naruto laughed and said, “This is still making a fire to cook!”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

It’s really unique. Naruto was very emotional.

Naruto went back to his room and turned on the light. The room was simple, with a bed and a set of clothes on it, which seemed to be for him.

There was a table next to the bed and a chair in front of the table.

Naruto thought about it and decided to take a shower first!

So he went to the bathroom and foundThere was no water heater for a long time.

“No way!!!”

Naruto is really good at thanking, there is not even a faucet, this this this……

Naruto held his head and looked at the big bathtub in the bathroom, and he suddenly understood something.

This is not to boil water by yourself and then pour it in to take a bath by yourself!

But how did that ramen restaurant cook at the market just now!

There was no other way, Naruto had to come to the kitchen. Sure enough, he saw a big vat next to him with a lid on it. After Naruto opened the lid, there was a full bucket of water inside.

Okay, so this is how to play, right!

There was no other way, he could only do it himself.

After searching around, he found that the water scoop was next to him. He picked it up and saw that it was made of a split gourd.


Naruto really felt like he was going out with Jiraiya when he was a child and living outside.

Scoop the water into the pot. Fortunately, there are two pots, one big and one small.

It seems that the big one is specially used for boiling water.

After getting a pot of water, Naruto sat down, picked up the firewood next to him and put it in. After searching, he found a flint next to him.

Picking up the flint, Naruto suddenly frowned and said to himself: “This won’t burn, there is no fire starter!”

Looking down and around, he found a large pile of soft grass next to him.

“It’s you!”

Without thinking, Naruto knew that this must be used to start a fire.

Pick up most of it and put it in, then hit it directly with the flint.

Da! Da! Da!

The last one, ignite it directly.

“Got it!”

Naruto put the flint in place, picked up a piece of firewood, put the burning grass pile in, and then began to operate with both hands, picked up the firewood inside and put it on the fire. Fortunately, the firewood was very dry and the burning effect was very good.

After a while, the stove started to burn.

“Comfortable, comfortable!”

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled. This was not easy.

In the past, it would have been enough to just ask Sasuke for the Fire Style. Of course, Naruto learned it himself later.

After the water was boiled, Naruto took a comfortable bath.

After the bath, Naruto dried himself and changed into the clothes prepared on the bed. This time he had underwear, which was a little big, but better than nothing.

The materials here are relatively rough and not very comfortable.

“Forget it, it’s good to have something to wear, let’s sleep!”

Perhaps because of being too tired, Naruto fell asleep as soon as he got on the bed, and slept very soundly.

In his sleep, Naruto was still mumbling: “Hinata, Hinata, Hinata…”

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