In the farm.

Ichiro Chuine took Naruto in, and after entering, Ichiro Chuine went straight to the farm owner, Tomu Chuine.

“Tomu, this is the person that Grandpa asked me to find. Now I hand him over to you. You must teach him how to be a real grower!”

Tomu looked at the stranger in front of him, and when he heard that it was arranged by Grandpa, he did not dare to neglect and said: “Don’t worry, young master, leave it to me!”

Ichiro Chuine looked at Naruto, patted his shoulder and said: “Naruto, practice well!”

Naruto nodded.

“I will come to pick you up in the evening!”

With that, Ichiro Chuine stood up and left here directly.

After Ichiro Chuine left, Tomu looked at Naruto and shouted: “Hey, stranger, your name is Naruto, right?”

Naruto exclaimed and nodded.

Tuomu looked at Naruto, walked around Naruto, observed him, frowned and said: “Your breath is very steady, but your physical fitness is not good enough!”

Tuomu understood why this kid was sent to the farm. He didn’t have the tough physique that this land should have!

“Okay, kid, learn to chop wood first!”

“Chop wood?”

Tuomu nodded and said: “Yes, chop wood!”

As he said, Tuomu waved and said: “Follow me!”

Tuomu took Naruto to a forest farm, where trees were placed everywhere, and people from the Chuigen tribe came here with carriages to unload firewood.

“Then! This pile of firewood needs to be chopped. After chopped, we will have people from our tribe drive carriages to deliver the chopped firewood to every household in the city!”

Naruto said, “Oh, it’s amazing. It turns out that the firewood he used last night came from here.

“Come on, young man, let’s see how much firewood you can chop today!”

Tomu called a person in charge of the forest farm over.

“Come on, Ah Shuo, take this young man to chop firewood!”

The young man named Ah Shuo came over. Ah Shuo wiped his sweat and looked at Naruto. Naruto was also looking at him. This guy looks a lot like Sai. He looks even more fragile than himself!

“Boss, who is this?”

Tomu introduced: “A stranger, the young master just sent him here. His name is Naruto. Don’t worry about it. Today we are just chopping firewood with him. Do you understand?”

Ah Shuo raised his hand and smiled and said, “Leave it to me. No problem at all!”

After Tomu left, Ah Shuo took Naruto to a wooden house, opened the curtain, and there were many axes inside.

“Then, pick an axe that you like, and then follow me!”

Naruto hummed, and stepped forward to take a look. These axes are all very finely crafted. If they are used as ninja tools, they will probably love them every day and must be collected.

Naruto chose one and tried to pick it up, but it was unusually heavy.

“Oh my!”

Naruto let go of his hand, and Ah Shuo chuckled. Naruto looked over and scratched his head awkwardly.

Then, Naruto went to find the next one.

After searching for a long time and trying several, he barely found a handy one.

Seeing this, Ah Shuo said, “Is this the one?”

Naruto nodded.

“Okay, follow me!”

As he said, Ah Shuo came over, casually took the first axe that Naruto had just picked up, easily held it in his hand, and took it away directly.

Came to the firewood yard.

Ah Shuo motioned Naruto to pay attention!

“Well, chopping wood is simple, but if you want to chop more and faster, you must pay attention to the skills,”

“First, squat on the ground, stand in a horse stance, and keep your steps steady!”

“Then inhale, raise your hands above your head, exhale, and swing your arms down.”

“Do you understand?”

Naruto nodded, feeling a little confused. Why is it so serious to chop wood?

“Give it a try!”

Ashuo asked Naruto to try it himself, and then he started chopping wood next to him!

Naruto picked up a piece of wood and placed it on the huge stump in front of him, then imitated Ashuo, raised the axe, and started chopping!

Crack, split it in two!

Naruto raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly. This is not that complicated.

Looking up at Ashuo, Naruto was shocked.

This guy chopped so fast, and his movements were smooth and flowing, and it felt like he didn’t need any effort at all!

“This is too fast!”

Ashuo saw Naruto stop and said, “Keep chopping, don’t stop!”

Naruto said, “Oh,” and continued to chop. In order to catch up with Shuo, Naruto worked very hard. Slowly, Naruto felt tired and began to sweat all over. He looked up at Shuo. This guy had no intention of stopping at all. He kept chopping steadily.

No, I can’t stop.Come down!

If you can’t chop down others, at least you have to keep moving.

In this way, they chopped until noon, when the forest farm called for lunch.

Naruto wiped his sweat weakly. He was really hungry. The four buns in the morning could not bear such a large amount of exercise.

Ah Shuo asked Naruto to put down the axe and follow him to eat.

The meal was in a large townhouse. Ah Shuo looked at Naruto and said, “Follow me, okay?”

Naruto nodded and followed him to get food.

The food here is quite good. Naruto glanced over and saw vegetables, meat, and even eggs. However, their eggs were too big, about three times larger than normal eggs!

After Ah Shuo took Naruto to get food, he came here and sat down. Naruto couldn’t wait to start eating.

Everyone in the forest farm was looking at Naruto. After all, a person who looked obviously different from himself would definitely attract attention when he came here.

“Hey, Ah Shuo, who is this?”

While eating, Ah Shuo introduced: “Naruto, a foreigner, brought here by the young master, and then the boss asked me to bring him to chop wood!”

“Oh, it’s like this, the young master actually brought people here!”

“No, no, I heard from my friend that it was the arrangement of the clan leader, so the young master brought him here!”

“Oh! It’s the clan leader’s guest, so it’s our guest!”

Ah Shuo was surprised during a few words of casual chatting.

It turned out that the person in front of him was arranged by the clan leader, so he had to pay more attention to him.

“Come on, Naruto, eat more, I’ll get you a bowl of water!”

Naruto nodded, he was really hungry.

The rice here is also very big, a grain of rice is about four times bigger than that on Earth, so the bowl is also big, Naruto eats very happily.

“The water is here, Naruto, give it to me!”

Naruto thanked, “Thank you, Ah Shuo!”

Ah Shuo waved his hand and said, “You’re welcome, drink it!”

After eating and drinking, Ah Shuo took Naruto to rest for an hour and a half, and then Tomu came over to take a look, and Naruto and Ah Shuo continued to work.

In this way, they chopped firewood for an afternoon.

When Ichiro Kurigane came, Naruto’s arms could no longer be lifted.

“Oh my god, Naruto, you work so hard!”

Naruto nodded with a wry smile, and Ichiro Kurigane carried Naruto, said goodbye to Tomu, and flew away directly.

Dinner had already been eaten at the forest farm. After Naruto entered the house, he didn’t even want to take a bath, and fell directly on the bed. After a while, he fell asleep.

He was really too tired.

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