“Brother Tuomu, are we still going to fetch water today?”

Tuomu glanced at Naruto and smiled slightly, saying, “Don’t worry, what I said yesterday counts. We are still going to fetch water today. There is no change!”

Naruto said, “Oh!” and nodded, “That’s good, that’s good!”

After bringing Naruto to the water field, the thin old man appeared again.

“Leave it to you!”

Tuomu said this and turned away.

The thin old man said respectfully, “Goodbye, Director!”

Naruto asked curiously, “Old man, this Tuomu is younger than you, why do you respect him so much?”

The thin old man laughed and touched his short beard, saying, “Outsider, you don’t understand. The director is much older than me, but he has mastered the energy conversion of dark matter when he was young, so he has maintained his youthful appearance!”

Naruto nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that dark matter is somewhat similar to the Chakra Fruit, which can make people immortal and stay young forever.

“Let’s fetch water!”

Naruto sighed, took the pole and bucket, and started to work hard.

After chopping wood two days ago and fetching water yesterday, Naruto found that today, Naruto started to learn from these people, breathing, walking, and coordinating body movements, Naruto was imitating!

As a result, the more he worked, the more tired Naruto felt!

What’s going on?

The morning passed quickly, Naruto was exhausted and could hardly eat.

The thin old man came over with a smile, brought a bowl of water, handed it to Naruto, and said: “Baby, come, drink it!”

Naruto nodded with a wry smile and said: “Thank you, old man.”

After taking a breath, Naruto found it a little sweet. The thin old man smiled and said: “When you are tired, drink something sweet, you will be motivated!”

Naruto hummed and drank it all directly. Sure enough, he felt much better instantly!

After wiping his mouth, Naruto thanked him: “Thank you, old man!”

The thin old man took the bowl, looked at Naruto and said: “If you imitate blindly, you will lose yourself, but imitation is the beginning of learning. You must go through this confused process. If you have understanding, you will be enlightened at the moment of understanding!”

“Remember one sentence, you are you, your body, and it also has its own rhythm. Find it, don’t imitate us blindly!”

After saying this, the thin old man left.

Naruto stood up, looked at the thin old man and shouted: “Old man, but, if I don’t imitate, what is the meaning of my coming here? Isn’t it to ask me to understand the secret of your breathing coordination?”

The thin old man laughed and said: “Then I don’t know!”

After saying that, he turned and left.

Naruto scratched his head, which confused him.

What does it mean not to imitate blindly? Obviously, imitation was effective at the beginning, but later the more you imitated, the more tired you became?

Also, what does it mean to have your own rhythm?

Could it be that I can find the way to learn chakra in the past?

But chakra was brought to Earth by Kaguya Otsutsuki!

If I learn chakra again, I will definitely not be able to beat Otsutsuki, after all, he is the ancestor of chakra!

Naruto himself knows this without the old grandfather King Chuigen telling him.

Therefore, after these few days, Naruto guessed that he was asked to come here to start preparing to learn the practice method of the Chuigen clan!

But now, what the hell is going on?

Just as he was worrying, someone shouted: “Stranger, come and eat quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to do anything in the afternoon!”

Naruto was getting annoyed and was about to get angry, but after thinking about it, he still held back.

After all, they are doing it for their own good.

Forget it, let’s eat first.

After eating and resting, Naruto continued to work in the afternoon.

Originally, he continued to imitate, but when he remembered the words of the thin old man, Naruto did it in his original way, that is, picking!

Really, chopping wood and carrying water, isn’t it just physical strength? What breathing and coordination, bullshit!

Naruto gave up on himself and just went back to brute force!

You guys are strong, right? I’m stronger!

After doing this, the thin old man stood not far away and shook his head.

Just praised yesterday, but not today.

The understanding is limited.

Time passed quickly, Naruto was exhausted and didn’t want to eat. He worked too hard in the afternoon and felt like proving himself.

Waiting for Tomu to pick up Naruto, they were all shocked.

“Naruto, what did you do today? You are so tired?”

Naruto waved his hand and smiled bitterly.

Tomu felt that Naruto was really tired, so he helped him walk.

“Don’t work so hard next time, take it step by step, and find a way!”

Naruto was a little depressed. He wanted to, but he really couldn’t find the way you said.

Also, can you people from the Chuigen clan stop hinting when you talk? TeachIf you want to learn, you can just teach directly!

Thinking of this, Naruto really missed Jiraiya teacher, and Fukasaku Sennin of Myoboku Mountain. They taught directly and roughly, and said clearly that if you don’t know, you will be beaten!

Ichiro Tsuchigen fell from the sky!

“Naruto! Naruto! Good news, oh my god, what happened to you?”

Ichiro Tsuchigen was very surprised. He knew that Naruto was not in good condition at a glance. He looked up at Tomu, and Tomu waved his hand hurriedly and said, “Master, it has nothing to do with me. I went to pick him up, and he was like this!”

Naruto waved his hand and said, “It’s none of their business!”

Ichiro Tsuchigen took Naruto and put his hand on Naruto’s back, and said seriously: “Listen to my command, huh!”

Naruto exhaled, and Ichiro Tsuchigen’s hand on Naruto’s back began to emit dark matter energy.


Naruto inhaled, and in an instant, a dark matter energy began to flow into his body.


Bad dark matter energy was spit out from Naruto’s mouth.

“Okay, move your body!”

Naruto shook his neck and suddenly felt that his neck, which was originally so sore, was much better. The pain in his shoulders was also weaker, and his hands and feet were lighter.

“Hey! Hey!”

Naruto looked at Ichiro Tsuchigen in surprise and said, “What’s going on? Brother Ichiro, what are you doing?”

Ichiro Tsuchigen crossed his arms and looked like a little kid, not worth mentioning.

“Oh, I see. You know medical ninjutsu. Heal my wounds!!!”

Ichiro Tsuchigen was furious and said, “This is dark matter transformation, idiot!!!”

Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment.

To be honest, it was a bit difficult to break all the past cognitions and change the way of practice in a short time.

“Oh! Thank you, brother Ichiro!”

Ichiro Tsuchigen came to Naruto, waved to Tomu, and lifted Naruto up.

After galloping all the way, he came directly to the wooden house.

“Oh my god, Ichiro, why are you flying so fast today!”

Ichiro Taraine laughed and said, “Come on, let’s go inside and talk.”

Naruto rubbed his dizzy head and walked towards the wooden house. He subconsciously looked at the second floor next door. As a result, the girl who peeped today did not open the window.

“Oh, by the way, Ichiro, I just happened to have something to ask you!”

Naruto stepped forward and put his hand on Ichiro Taraine’s shoulder. Ichiro Taraine laughed and said, “I just happened to have something to tell you. Let’s go inside!”

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