The two of them were so confused that they had to face each other.

Looking at everyone looking at him, Obito smiled.

This perfect lie made him happy, but it was better this way, so that they could truly believe that he was Uchiha Madara.

Obito flashed to Karin and said, "Karin, come out."

Karin came out tremblingly, and she was a little panicked when she saw so many terrible chakras in front of her.

Before she could speak, she was sucked in by Obito. Before she was sucked in, Obito told her, "Heal Sasuke's wounds."

Seeing this scene, Kankuro said, "Is that Madara's ability?"

Temari said with emotion, "Time-space ninjutsu."

Here, Karin screamed and disappeared. When she opened her eyes, she saw Sasuke lying in front of her.

"Sasuke! Sasuke, how are you?"

Feeling with her hand, she found that Sasuke's ribs on his waist were broken!

This injury is too serious.

Look around, there are block-like things everywhere. This should be the different space of the masked man.

The Raikage took a step forward and looked at Obito and said, "I don't care if you are Madara or whoever you are, I'm asking you, where is my brother?"

Obito walked on the snow, found a stone raised by the battle, swept off the snow on it, sat down and said, "He ran away, and the capture of the Eight-Tails failed. In the end, so far, your brother is the most perfect Jinchūriki ninja I have ever met! He is worthy of being your brother."

When the Raikage heard this, his eyes suddenly turned white, and he was a little panicked because of joy.

Darui sighed on the side and said, "I vaguely noticed that there are so many tricks in the adults, as can be seen from the songs he wrote, how could he be captured by Sasuke."

Xi was a little embarrassed, he actually made a wrong judgment.

After the Raikage was overjoyed, he was immediately furious and said angrily: "That idiot, idiot, I was so sad, but he actually took this opportunity to go out of the village to play. It is unforgivable and must be punished with an iron claw!!!"

Obito looked at the Raikage going crazy there and said: "Okay, the madness is over, let's have a meeting. It happens that all the five Kage are here. Taking this opportunity, I want to tell you about my plan. When you understand, tell me your decision."

The Raikage waved his hand and said angrily: "Your Akatsuki plan is definitely not a good thing. A group of war criminals and traitors!"

Onoki floated to the Raikage and said: "Calm down, Raikage, there is no harm in listening to him. See what he says."

Looking at The other Kages didn't say anything, so Obito said, "So, are you all willing to listen?"

Gaara, who had been silent, spoke first, "Why do you want to tame Sasuke?"

Obito sighed and said, "Sharingans that can open to Susanoo are very rare. Good eyes must be well managed. I want him to exercise his pupil power in actual combat with the five Kages. Also, I was the one who sent Sasuke here. I originally wanted him to weaken the five Kages and take them hostages, or to kill one or two Kages. Now it seems that it is too much to ask."

Mei Terumi frowned. Not long ago, in the meeting room, if the Tsuchikage had taken action in time to kill the White Zetsu, she would have been either dead or seriously injured.

She looked at Obito and said, "Capture the hostages, or kill them, why do you do this!"

Obito responded, "Ah, this is what I'm going to tell you next, in order to make the Moon Eye Plan go smoothly."

Onoki looked at Obito, as if he wanted to see through him, and there was some sweat on his forehead, because the shock that Uchiha Madara gave him before was too profound.

"Madara! I didn't expect that you are still alive!"

Obito looked at the Tsuchikage and sneered, "Two Libras, you are not bad, you became the Tsuchikage."

Thinking of Uchiha Madara's past achievements, Onoki was puzzled and said, "You are such a powerful person, there is no need to use these roundabout means, with your ability, any plan should be able to be implemented!"

Obito couldn't help but give Onoki the best supporting role in his heart.

Very good, this question is asked.

Obito looked at Ohnoki and said, "I was seriously injured in the battle with the first Hokage, Hashirama. I lost one eye. In addition, I had to pay a great price to maintain my life. Otherwise, I would not be alive until now. This has led to my current lack of strength."

As he spoke, Obito looked at Tsunade and said, "To put it bluntly,

It's just a shell."

Hearing this, Xi immediately analyzed and asked: "The plan you mentioned, is it not a plan for you to recover yourself?"

Obito thought for a while and said: "Well, you can say that."

After all, the real Uchiha Madara told Obito to remember to revive him.

Tsunade stepped forward and said: "I will never revive a big devil like you!"

Obito looked at Tsunade and said: "My recovery is just a small part of the plan."

Mifune asked: "What are your intentions, what is the Moon Eye Plan?"

Obito changed his legs, then crossed his legs again, stretched out a finger and appeared, looking at everyone and said: "Everything merges with me and becomes a complete body that unifies everything."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone had different expressions.

Gaara: Shocked!

Mei Terumi: Confused.

Raikage: It feels bad.

Oonoki: Absurd!

As for Tsunade and Jiraiya, they are ready to fight at any time.

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