He wake up at midnight and and saw there was no one except him. he knows that the villagers are giving some time to adjust himself with emotionall situation.

He stood up went to his house were previous sakumo and kakaashi lived. he didn't sleep well last night so he wento sleep.

Early in the morning, ☀ sun shine through the Window of kakaashi house.

due to sunrays kakashi woke up from the Slumber(deep sleep).

He got from the bed, pushing bedshit aside.

He wento over the desk. on the desk was a picture of his team. (rin \u0026 obiito). kakaashi looked at with regret.

"i will not leave a place regret again "he murmured.

He walked out the room and He entered the bath room locked the door.

kakashi looks into the mirror and observed himself.

kakashi face fully revealed to mirror.

kakaashi looked quite handsome. why would he mask himself . and i have to do something about this mark.

kakashi touches his left eye. and then the sharingan chakra consumption has not stopped. kakashi thought '."sharingan consumes chakra a lot. no wonder in plot kakashi progressed very slow and he can't stand battle very long.,

kakashi didn't think of Way to reduce stress of sharingan due to obiito. because sharingan is Wii gift of obiito. part of obiito. he doesn't want to damage it. but now I'm leading this body and I don't need to worry because uchiha blood '." He then shakes his head and slap him self two to three times. and

looks straight into the mirror and says to himself."stop worrying you should enjoy your second life always you cannot fall into depression. let the Nature take it course."

He stripped his clothes and went into the

bath tub. the cold water impacted his skin as he fell into silence.

kakashi grabbed the soap and rubbed himself. He washed himself. and grabbing the shampoo and he washed his hair. after washing stepped out of bath tub. quickly drying his body hair with a towel. he threw the towel and putting the clothes with attached mass and leaf village head band.

He comes out of the room see the sky and says "first i will train and create plans when it's required afterwards "

kakaashi walk towards the library while walking towards he meets asuma and kurenai yuhi .

hai kakashi , "where are you going to "Ashma said while looking at kakashi.

"To library " kakashi said without expression on his face

"i thought you are going to buy new icha-icha volume i have one extra you need "Ashma said to cheer up kakashi.

"No thanks next time :"kakashi said, and he walk towards library,

kurenai says to Asuma ":he need some time adjust to death of rin. "

"may be. let's go "Asuma says and they walked towards hokage mountain.

kakashi comes to the library and greets elderly man. the elderly man also after seeing the kakashi and identy token he stands up respectively greets kakashi .

kakashi after showing identy token walks through the library and there first goes to history section, then nijustu, genjustu. taijustu and there are at most c\u0026d - rank justu so he walks to under ground library were only jonin and who have the permission of hokage can enter,

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