Naruto Resurrection

Chapter 13 - Bloodline

Suzaku goes to his room but is quickly stopped by Izumi who was in his way, she was sweating after a long training day and her flawless hazel hair was now tied up in a ponytail, her cute young face was now in full view. She really had an angelic look on her face and entire body. She was girl shinobi who could do no 'wrong'. Izumi looks incredibly gorgeous and well-toned and in shape for her young age.

"What were you talking about with father?" Izumi asked with cute furrowed eyes.

"None of your business," Suzaku coldly said. He didn't want his 'sister' to find out to he put her father under a Genjutsu.

"Hey! That is not fair!" I am worried about you!" Izumi shouts as she stomps her feet and crosses her arms with a loud huff.

"Don't worry about me," Suzaku snarled as he walks off with his hands in his black combat pants.

"But I do! Because I am your sister! You are such a jerk!" Izumi yells as she points her finger at Suzaku, her older brother, and moves closer to him. Suddenly she tripped on a nearby rock by accident and her face falls on his c.h.e.s.t.

"Um-uh... Sorry!" Izumi blushes, her face turns a beet red color as feels her brother's muscular c.h.e.s.t press up against her face. Very awkward. She had a super embarrassed face right now.

Suzaku could feel the warmth of her smooth face embracing his c.h.e.s.t. Taboo indeed it was.

Suzaku sighed and just patted her head, he really didn't spend much time with his sister in his past world, so he doesn't fully know what it means to be a true brother, but he would now try his best. After all, this was now his new life with his new family and new powers yet to be discovered.

Izumi blushes, even more, when Suzaku head pats her and she quickly pushed off her face from his c.h.e.s.t.

"How about we have a little sparring match?" Suzaku takes out a wooden katana from the shrine table and points it at Izumi as she just smirks.

"You are on! I going to make you wish you haven't challenged me!" Izumi picks up her wooden sword and skillfully spins it around and points it at Suzaku.

"I won't go easy on you," Suzaku says with a stone-cold face.

Both of them grip the handles of their wooden swords.

'This is the perfect time to test out my swordsmanship skills and techniques,' Suzaku breathes in deeply, suddenly he could feel a strange and powerful aura circle around his body, he went into a sword-strike stance that Izumi had never seen in her life. The stance was one of high skill and accuracy, this was a new rare Kenjutsu. Izumi's eyes start to shake, 'When did brother learn this!?'

The battle was other before it even began...


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