“Don’t kill me?”

“You mean you can kill me whenever you want?!”

“Bastard, who do you think I am!!?”

The suspended red fish basket is reversed, and the hot torrent instantly pours down from it.

The two sides were so close that no one could avoid a surprise attack by Kaiura.

Perhaps, in fact, there is no need to hide.

The hot flame hit, and Kyosuke subconsciously wanted to absorb it, but as a result, his entire arm was instantly incinerated in the heat.

His face changed slightly, the reincarnation pupil technique was stimulated, and Kyosuke successfully jumped to the undamaged point of time and restored his destroyed arm.

“Attacks that can’t be absorbed?” In his mind, he recalled being hammered by the Day Tiger, and the fool also wanted to absorb it.

Unexpectedly, he actually had this day of retribution.

At this moment, a sharp tingling pain suddenly came from his eyes, and Kyosuke frowned slightly, knowing that his pupil power was used too often.

Whether it is eternal or reincarnation eye, it does not mean that pupil power is infinite, but their upper limit is relatively high, and no matter how it is consumed, pupil power will slowly recover.

Jumping repeatedly in the timeline, the pupil power consumption is so intense that it far exceeds Sasuke’s Tenchi power and Madara’s chakra tomb.

According to Kyosuke’s current situation, a battle can be used up to three times, and more reincarnation eyes will usher in a forced closure.

“Hahahaha, I know it’s amazing.” The appearance of the Pu style is still so arrogant.

Obviously, the other party does not know much about the situation of Otsuki, and it is likely that it should be the descendant of Kaguya’s mean woman.

Just like the man who guarded the seal before.

Most of the wedges of the large tube, including various types of pupils, respond to changes in the nature of Chakra.

In other words, the natural flame tube wood cannot be absorbed, unless the ability itself is biased towards the strong of the “restriction system”.

His fish basket and hook are the advanced products of a certain scientific and technological civilization, in fact, to the extent of cold-bloodedness, there will still be no shortage of civilized groups that serve them.

Otherwise, where will there be wedge marks, sacred trees and other foreign substances.

By chance, Urashi went to a perennially burning asteroid and obtained a sufficient amount of natural flame on it.

It may be useless to deal with a normal enemy, and bullying such a lonely guy is actually quite useful.

“Alas.” Kyosuke suddenly shook his head and sighed, his expression full of reluctance: “I saw that you were quite interesting, and I wanted to win you over to deal with the law enforcement team of Otsuki.”

“Why do you have to seek your own death.”

Staring at the other’s red light fish basket, Kyosuke’s eyes lit up, wondering if this thing could be copied by Yayoi.

Well, she’s proficient in biology, counting the full set of conceptual technology of scientific ninja, plus energy physics at most.

Fish basket this thing… What discipline is it?

No matter what it is, Yayoi will definitely not be proficient anyway, so exchanging the corresponding research materials is a huge expense.

This money cannot be reimbursed by Pu-style?

Without him, he wouldn’t think about stealing the big tube wood technology, right?

That’s why Kyosuke sighed, lamenting that he was about to lose a helper.

The purple pupils suddenly bloomed, and in an instant, the jade of seeking the Dao pierced Pu Shi’s body.

Less name Biguna!

“Compared to that guy, your strength is indeed too poor.”

The big tube wood is a half-step divine fire powerhouse, and his body is close to the state of gods to some extent, and his resilience and ability to resist blows are not comparable to ordinary six-level at all.

Dealing with him requires Kyosuke to pay all his hole cards, including his own life, to barely win.

In fact, if the idea of completely destroying the earth was the same, the casualties caused that day would definitely increase countless times.

It was the idea that “you are all food” that prompted him to finally be turned over by the three against the wind.

As for the Pu style in front of him, it is not considered the innate suppression in ability, at most, it is close to the strength of the six high-level realms.

The decisive day between Madara and the pillar is here, and there is no problem at all in eating him alone, let alone Kyosuke, who has now opened the eye of reincarnation and exchanged for a type of pupil technique.

“Oh, by the way, you can’t die yet.” Suddenly remembering something, his subordinates slowed down slightly.

Ichigo needs food because the young body Ten Tails needs energy supply, and now that the enemy is hanging, that little thing naturally belongs to Kyosuke’s booty.

There is no strength in front of him, and he likes to shout wildly, isn’t it the best meeting gift.

“I hope it will like my stepfather’s gift.”

Without giving Urashi the opportunity to devour the eye of reincarnation, Kyosuke quickly stepped forward and cut off all the enemy’s limbs with a raised hand.

When he used the shrunken black rod to completely block the Pu-style Chakra, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Throwing the stick in his hand to Yayoi, Kyosuke said with a smile: “Borrow you to study for a few days, and then I will take it.”

“Don’t worry, you will definitely be a living big tube wood by then.” Yayoi laughed along with him.

As for what Urashi thinks, will anyone care now?

The two walked to the ruins and sat down, Yayoi explaining to him the changes in the ninja world in recent years.

“Yes, it’s been eighteen years.” Kyosuke was very emotional.

In terms of real age, he is now a 45-year-old greasy uncle.

Even Yuren’s smelly boy is almost thirty years old, and it is said that he also gave birth to a very cute daughter.

Is it called Kaoru Uchiha?

“Unexpectedly, I have become a grandfather.” Although Kyosuke was laughing, the longing in his eyes was as strong as a flame.

All these years, how is everyone doing?

The various means left behind should protect the village without worry.

If the village is fine, the people he cares about should be fine.

It’s just that without your own company, you will be more or less lonely.

When Kyosuke broke free from his longing emotions, Yayoi continued to talk about the changes in the village.

When it came to the death of Pillar, a soft sigh came from Yayoi’s ear: “Speaking of which, I am not actually a qualified friend.

“When I go back this time, send him to accompany him as soon as possible, it is the only thing my friend can do.”

“What else can Yayoi say, fortunately he and Kyosuke-sama are not friends.

Children and families are a big deal, and the death of Juma also makes Kyosuke a little sad.

As for the other Shinobi Sect and Senju, they are just a group of unimportant characters to him now.

When you subdue the Ten Tails, you will inevitably go to the Wet Bone Forest, that huge slug, but a feast, I believe that Little Ten Tails will definitely like

it when the time comes, and by the way, it will be good to uproot the Ninja Sect.

The most important problem at the moment is to quickly find Momo-Shiki and Kaguya, who escaped the seal.

When he had just fought, he had already sensed the emptiness of the enchantment, indicating that Kaguya had already broken away from the seal of the Six Dao Immortals at this moment.

Don’t look at her once so easy to talk to, a full foodie is stupid and sweet, that is people have lost their free body.

Now even without the blessing of the Ten Tails, Chakra is a little inadequate, but Kaguya’s body is still immortal.

The divine fire is not extinguished, no matter what kind of heavy damage she suffers, she can recover.

Of course, the strong man who ignited the divine fire is not invincible, otherwise Kaguya would not have to fear sanctions from his own clan.

If you want to kill a strong person who has taken the Chakra fruit, you must be a divine fire, and only that level of power has the possibility of destroying the divine body.

For many intelligent races in the universe, the large barrel wood that ignites the divine fire is indeed very consistent with the characteristics of the gods in the traditional sense.

Manipulating time, shuttling through space, controlling wind, fire, lightning, and gravity vectors are not the means that gods can have.

Therefore, factions such as “St. Huari” appeared, using theocratic means to control a civilization.

Maybe Kaguya can’t destroy the ninja world, but she wants to do something, unless the six brothers collectively recover, even Madara and Pillar are still there, it is useless.

“This woman is really unconscious.” Kyosuke sighed for the first time.

Kaguya and Momoji are urgent problems, and the rest have to be put aside for the time being.

For example, the “born anti-bone” Uchiha mirror.

In the original book, this guy played a beautiful hand to throw enemies, and when Uchiha and Senju were still hating each other, he resolutely threw himself under Senju.

This is different from the water stop and weasel in later generations, at that time, Uchiha’s mouth could not hear the word Senju.

More contradictions are concentrated in the upper echelons of Konoha, and Senju has long been wiped out in the dust of history.

Although the method is a little unreliable, the attitude of wanting to stop the war is right, and Uchiha Kagami is different.

Even now, many people on both sides still hate each other, but everyone can’t and dare not show it on the surface.

Ku Wu is still stained with the blood of others, how can it be easy to eliminate hatred.

Being able to try not to be hostile is already a very precious thing, I am afraid that a thousand hands will not think that there will be Yu Zhibo’s descendants who will take the initiative to come over.

It seems that the situation is similar, but Itachi and Shisui can at most choose Konoha Village, and Uchiha Kagami is to surrender to the enemy.

It would be better if he changed his name to Uchiha Durant tomorrow.

The most outrageous thing is that this guy hooked up with the Ninja Sect at some point.

Maintaining the peace of Konoha Village now can no longer satisfy the heart of Uchiha Kagami.

What he wants to save is the ninja world, to be the savior praised by everyone in the ninja world.

Look at the pattern of people.

At most, ordinary people are just talking, or simply thinking about it, but this Uchiha mirror is a real activist.

Why is Ninja Sect out of action now?

The reason is simple, Konoha’s side is ahead of the entire era in technology, and the result of strong action is nothing more than a defeat for both sides.

So if he can steal the core information, does it mean that Konoha will completely lose its overlord status?

According to Yayoi, Uchiha Kagami dated a girlfriend of the scientific research department and had close relationships with many scientific research talents.

If he hadn’t noticed it in advance, he might have really succeeded.

“It’s okay.” Kyosuke showed a bright smile as bright as the sun: “Don’t stop what he wants to do.”

“The behavior of a disciple is always responsible for the actions of the master, isn’t it.”

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