Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 34 – Conclusion

Having waited for some time, it was a relief when an Anbu member came to tell them that they were free to go.

“Sorry for the inconvenience, you don’t need to wait here anymore.” Said the Anbu while looking at them.

“We understand.” Kurenai replied for both of them.

“But before that we were instructed to inform you of the situation.” After saying that, the man waited until they indicated that he could continue.

Sango could tell he was struggling to find the right words for what he had so say, finally before they could get irritated with the long wait, he spoke.

“While you were here, someone was assassinated in this building.” His words surprised Kurenai, Sango also showed some surprise on his face as to not look too suspicious. “That is why we had to keep you here more than usual.”

Kurenai began speaking with incredulity in her voice “What? But this building is under the protection of the Anbu!” She was right to be surprised, this place was filled with very strong shinobi of Konohagakure, let alone assassinating someone, even just entering the building should have been a in and of itself. “If what you said is true, then the assassin must be very powerful. Was the assassin caught?” Kurenai asked. Her capability to steer the conversation was clearly showing in such a manner that the Anbu member was feeling compelled to answer her questions.

“No, let alone finding it, there were no traces or clues at the scene.” The masked man replied, he was still feeling scared about that.

“Who was the victim?” She asked, Sango was also interested in the answer, not because he didn’t know who it was but because he wanted to see her reaction once she knew.

The Anbu was clearly uncomfortable at having to say that, he knew that Kurenai and Asuma had been in the same team since a long time ago and had a close relationship once, he didn’t look forward to seeing a woman cry, but it wasn’t the first time he had to do something like that.

“The victim was, Asuma Sarutobi, the Hokage’s son.” The mournful crying that he expected didn’t come, as he watched Kurenai he saw sadness, but it wasn’t a strong and overwhelming sadness as he expected, what prevailed was her expression of surprise at an unexpected death. That was what it was, having drifted apart for years, her feeling for him but a distant memory, he didn’t have the same weight in her heart as before. The natural outcome was as such, while another’s death was saddening for her, a bit of melancholy present as they were once close was also understanding, but mostly she was surprised as to why someone would assassinate him and why in such a dangerous location. There were better places to do so.

Her reaction didn’t only take the Anbu member by surprise but Sango too. Sango expected a stronger reaction but not by much, so his surprise wasn’t strong, while the Anbu felt a sense of incongruity from her reaction that made him feel uncomfortable and wondered if she was so cold before. He didn’t know but she was a very warm person, but just a few hours ago Asuma attacked her and Sango, that served to lower Asuma’s weight in Kurenai’s heart more than ever.

After a short time of silence, Kurenai returned to normal, her face expressionless. “Why was he targeted?” She asked.

“We don’t know.” He plainly answered. Not wanting to stay there anymore, he left without looking back as his job was done.

“Are you all right?” Seeing the Anbu member leave, Sango turned towards Kurenai and asked.

Seeing the worry on his face, Kurenai felt warm at the affection and care he showed towards her. Saying she wasn’t sad would be a lie, they had been teammates that watched each other’s back once after all, but she herself was surprised that the news of his death hadn’t brought her as much sadness as she expected.

Having made a habit of patting his head, Kurenai did just that and patted then ruffled Sango’s hair.

“I’m fine, thank you for asking.” She smiled at him with her red lips, Sango could feel warmth and care radiating from her, himself the target.

“Should we go?” Seeing that indeed, she was fine, Sango decided it was time to leave the place, they had already spent too much time there.

“Yes, let’s go home.” It pleased Sango that she referred to his apartment as home, it felt like he overcame a huge hurdle that day.

This time, their hands intertwined together naturally, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

They left the building where Asuma died leaving behind an incomplete body, looking like a pair of lovers.

It was night by the time they returned home, the day had been more eventful than they expected, but once they returned home all that disappeared as they began behaving like a young married couple, not that either of them were aware of that.

They took turns taking a bath, then they busied themselves in the small kitchen preparing their meal together. All the while, the assassin was bidding his time until Sango was alone.


Hello readers, nothing new beside Grid has volunteered to edit the chatpters, in other words the story will become more readable, give him a cookie!

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