Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 39 – Mission Preparation

Time flew once again; Sango’s newly released book didn’t fail to cause a commotion once again. The income generated was much larger than before as his previous book had paved the way. Before printing began there were already a huge amount of orders from various stores and companies. It could be said that money was literally flowing in.

The Team gathered experience doing various rank D missions and they were now ready to receive a Rank C mission, that was the reason they were at the mission assignment desk having gathered enough points to receive higher rank missions.

Sango was feeling rather emotional too, similar to the rest of his teammates. After all this was a rather major event indicating their slow but steady growth. What this meant was that from today they will be faced with missions that possess a real threat to their lives.

The event that happened a while ago was proof that after rank d they were no longer ‘trainee’ as their lives will be on the line with every mission. That event happened when team 7 took the merchant’s escort mission believing that it was only rank c only to discover that the client hid the real danger of the mission, something that meant the mission was in fact of higher rank. They came in conflict with Zabuza, a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Mist. In the anime, Zabuza and Haku both died after their fight with Team 7, but that was not the case this time. The only victim was Haku who died taking a blow from Kakashi who would have killed Zabuza otherwise. Team 7’s mission was indeed completed but they also managed to acquire Zabuza’s enmity, not only towards themselves but towards Konoha as well. Team 7 left with only superficial and shallow injuries thanks to Kakashi’s abilities and the team’s overall synergy and capability so the Hokage regarded the event as resolved, but Sango knew differently. After that Zabuza would take his revenge sooner or later, the Hokage maybe didn’t consider that to be a threat or he simply didn’t know of how much he cared about Haku, whatever the case Sango knew to take such possibility into consideration in the future.

The mission they were going to take was a bandits subjugation request as a group of bandits has become rather active and bold over the past few days, they began attacking merchants and peddlers and sometimes innocent travellers indiscriminately.

As a team, they agreed to don’t rush with their advancement, but they also convinced Kurenai to let them take the more difficult missions of their rank. Since she knew of their strength as she trained them and since Sango was together with them, she agreed with them.

“Happy new girls?” Walking away after taking the mission, Kurenai asked wryly.

“Of course!” Ino exclaimed, “We shouldn’t drag our feet with those boring missions forever!” She indeed looked satisfied.

“I don’t like it but I have to agree with Ino…” Sakura spoke next.

“I-I don’t m-mind…” Hinata’s rarely heard voice was heard after Sakura spoke, she didn’t mind either way if they were together.

“That’s Hinata for you.” Sango said while patting Hinata’s head resulting in her face taking the semblance of a tomato.

“I agree, although it will be a strong experience.” Kurenai who led the group told them so, she didn’t mind their eagerness, rather she liked it. The other teams also should felt the same but there was a difference in skill level between the other teams and their team, that was the decisive factor in her judgement.

“Go get ready, prepare all the necessities and be ready to depart at sunset.” Kurenai dispersed the group after they walked a fair distance away from the Hokage’s building.

“Yes!” They all agreed in unison.

Dispersing to prepare for the trip, the group members left in different directions. The only two left were Sango and Kurenai who were heading towards the same direction.


We can all agree that my release frequency has became very slow, I'm sorry. I have a schedule but I get distracted with no fail, I always daydream new adventures and stories and I have to write it, I now have so many first chapters for many novels... On the other hand I god 4 days off and I want to try and release 4 chapters in 4 days, don't know if I will be successful...

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