Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 47 – Ambush part 1

After passing through the weak barrier without difficulty, Sango didn’t let his guard down, and that was to be immediately proven a correct behaviour.

It was hard to define something like a 7th sense, while it wasn’t anything that in his previous world could be defined as ‘supernatural’, it was something that approached that realm. The 7th sense is a way for a person’s subconscious to warn said person of things he should be aware of, in most cases a threat to one’s life. The mind never stopped receiving external information, but a person can’t consciously sort through all that information, so that is where the subconscious comes into play. Sometimes the information received contained minuscule clues that, when put together, will combine into evidence. If said evidence is relevant to the person’s good, then signals are sent to the conscious mind. Reading and understanding said signals is another matter as humans don’t rely as much on instinct as before speech was developed, but if one had enough experience, or even if said person had an above average perception, it could interpret and learn to trust those signals.

Sango had both experience and an unusually high perception, as the moment he began scanning his surroundings he sensed danger. Maybe the slight rise in temperature from another person close by was the clue, or maybe some incongruity from somewhere in the surroundings was also a clue, or a combination of both. It didn’t really matter, but Sango knew he wasn’t alone and that he was in danger.

*hush* Using his newly developed jutsu, he teleported to the other side of the barrier close to where a startled Ino was.

Looking at where he was just a moment ago, Sango saw the flash of a dagger passing just where his neck would have been and a startled man wearing a shinobi’s metal headband.

Everyone was frozen for a split second, but Sango didn’t need to think as his body knew what to do. Less than a second passed since his escape, but Sango teleported once more, this time upside down right where the unidentified enemy was.

*slash* Using one of his special knifes, he pinned one of his hands to the ground. The man let out a suppressed moan of pain. The level of one’s training could be somewhat understood by the person’s reaction to unexpected pain, by his reaction Sango understood that he wasn’t dealing with weaklings.

Moving his head to the side, Sango dodged a very fast kick from the man. His movement was limited by having one of his hands pinned by Sango’s knife. Having been inserted deeply into hard rock, it was hard to remove thanks to its peculiar shape.

His reasons for disabling one of his hands was simple, not many people could cast jutsu with just one hand and doing so would require more time. Another reason was because they needed the capture him, Sango could have killed him instead of rendering his hand useless, but that won’t have done much good for his team’s situation, they were in urgent need of intel.

Keeping an eye on the man’s other hand, Sango understood that he wasn’t able to cast jutsu one handed, although he didn’t yet discard the possibility.

That didn’t mean his hand was idle, the unknown shinobi was already reaching for a pouch at his waist, intent on retrieving something. Too bad he wasn’t given the chance as a hand sprung forth from the floor and caught his hand before it reached the pouch.

Having been together for some time now, Kurenai and Sango were capable of a high level of cooperation between them. She understood Sango’s intentions and was able to assist him without losing any time.

Their enemy didn’t even have a chance of escaping, and the man was beginning to understand that, sadly for him, no one cared what he thought.

*slash* Another knife pierced the man’s right foot this time. It wasn’t like the shinobi didn’t want to dodge, having had it done to him once before, he now was trying to pay attention, but Sango took the exact moment he was distracted to make his move, he couldn’t dodge.

By this point the fight could be already considered over, with Kurenai and Sango working together there was no way for their enemy to win. Escaping may have been possible if his hand hadn’t been pinned to the ground at the start of the fight, but there was no medicine for regret.

The man knew that he was caught, his enemies were strong. Having gathered his resolve, he tried to bite the ball of poison he kept hidden in his mouth.


I bring you another chapter, I hope you will like it.

I'm preparing to travel back to my country but I'm struggling right now, I managed to send my stuff back but sending myself back looks to be more difficult in this period as my fight was cancelled, now I have to find another way.

Well, at most I will have to travel 2000km on foot hahaha, joking, or am I? Yea, I'm joking, I prefer a bike than on foot.

Once I get back I will have to be quarantined for 14 days, f****** hell. But that won't influence my writing. Once I'm back I will have daily chapters, everyday.

Join my discord server! Do it! We can discuss all our ideas and suggestions there!

If you like this story and want to support me please check my P.A.T.R.E.O.N! Thanks!

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