Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 57 – Breakthrough

It was bad or worse, he acknowledged that since not long after waking up he began feeling not quite right, not fully awake or a better way of putting it would be feeling the same as being in a dream, not quite aware of himself.

For Kurenai, she began understanding that something was wrong with him after seeing the state he was in, he was clearly not behaving normal.

“What is wrong with him?” Sakura neared to Sango and asked worriedly. At first extremely flustered by his bold behaviour, now the young girls were worried as they understood something was wrong with him.

Kurenai did not reply, she began checking his body’s state.

He had a dangerously high fever, his skin flushed and his breathing rough and quick along some other changes.

As she checked his body, chakra began to be wildly released from his body, the strength of it enough to make it visible to the naked eyes. It was turquoise as his hair, but there were some strands of red mixed within.

“What is happening!?” Someone yelled but Kurenai was not in the position of paying attention to that. He was showing symptoms like a certain drug, but in their previous battle she did not see any trace of Sango being drugged, nor was there an opportunity.

She wanted to think more but there was not time, his body twitched then blood began flowing from his nose. It immediately brought fear to her, she felt there was danger of losing him at that rate.

She did not have any remedy to fight the drug, that was because it was not used widely, but she also had no certainty that he had indeed been drugged with an aphrodisiac.

Kurenai did not know what to do, it was not something she could tackle right now.

As her mind raced, Sango moved even bolder as he cupped one of her breasts strongly.

“Ahh!” She let out a surprised gasp at the unexpected attack, fortunately she had her back to the girls, so they did not see anything. The stimulation was strong, and his hand felt like hot iron whose heat burnt through her clothes onto her skin.

That brought the inkling of an idea to the forefront of her mind, an idea that made her heart skip a few beats and the blood rushed to her head, but she soon regained her self-control as she saw his pained state. She knew that if it was someone else, she would never even take in consideration such a way of trying to ameliorate his pain, she had to acknowledge that her feelings for Sango grew more than she was willing to accept, but now she had no choice but to accept it.

There was a chance that helping him fulfil his needs would ameliorate his state. She had no real proof, it was only a possibility, a chance. She needed that chance, or she would have nothing and if she lost him, she would have nothing again.

That idea was bold, was improbable of succeeding and most of all, it was daring.

She knew she wouldn’t do that for someone else, even if she tried denying it or ignoring her own growing feelings, the truth could not be escaped forever, she knew her own feelings for him, and they were growing with time and they scared her.

As a myriad of thoughts raced through her mind, she realized there was no time for that, she had to move fast as his condition worsened.

“I may have a way to cure him, but I need you to take care of the villagers!” Making up her mind, she told so to the girls.

Looking at each other, the young Gennin nodded firmly, showing their understanding and acknowledgement.

Kurenai didn’t want to leave the girls alone, but most of the danger was gone and there didn’t look to be anything else there that could make it difficult for them, but she still left a clone behind in case something happened.

She picked Sango up and left the cave. She ran as fast as she could outside the caves and into the forest, then she ran some more in a desolate place where no one would wander to.

Before she could lay Sango down onto the grass, she found herself on her back and Sango leaning above her, his hands placed on the grass at the sides of her head.

The situation took a turn for the unexpected, or not so unexpected, she realized. Yet, Sango did nothing and instead turned to leave with the last bit of inhuman self-control he had remaining, but before he could take the second step, he fell to his knees as his body fought back his will with hellish pain. Even his special technique to resist pain did not work anymore, his mind felt like it was breaking itself apart, chastising him for trying to leave again.

Despite all that, he still gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand up only to be stopped by someone embracing him from behind.

“Its all right. Let me help you.” She whispered in his ear, heart strongly beating against his back.

The sensation soothed him, briefly calming his pain as his body agreed. Before he could react, she turned his head with her hand and kissed him, not a kiss of obligation, not unwilling he felt it, it was a kiss of love, of deep affection. Yes, she understood him, so she told him, not in words, that she was not unwilling nor was she forced by circumstances. So, he accepted her because she wanted him, so did he want her.

Without breaking the kiss, she moved on his lap embracing him at the neck and fully falling into the kiss.

Their kiss became more hungry and wet with each passing second, then the self-control crumbled.


Sorry for the clifhanger! My brain was leaving through my ears for some reason.

I want to thank Tempest1618 for becoming a patron! Thank you it made my day!

I also want to say something, I will begin releasing another book tomorrow, some of you may know it, it's named The Book of Ra. Once it is fully released I will send a free copy to the first oldest patrons I have before I publish it on amazon.

Join my discord server! Do it! We can discuss all our ideas and suggestions there!

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