Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 63 – Another meeting

It wasn’t a surprise for Sango to find out that he was the last one to arrive at the meeting place. Kurenai and the girls were already speaking to each other, drinks already on the table, even one ready for himself.

“Hi!” Sango came up to the table and saluted with his hand, “Sango!” Since Sakura as seated nearest to Sango, she sat up an gave him a quick hug. Since he was more than a head taller than her, she was the perfect height for him to pat her head, he did just that then sat down beside Kurenai.

“What were you talking about?” Taking a sip from his drink, he asked.

“The Chunin exam!” Ino excitedly shouted attracting some attention from the other customers. Seeing the gazes directed at her, she apologized and resumed talking in a fainter voice. “The Chunin exam will begin soon!”

“Oh?” He of course knew about it, but he had not thought about it with the events of the past few days.

“The exam will be in two weeks from now.” Kurenai took the lead in the conversation and explained, she then turned towards Sango. “I spoke with Lord Hokage as our team is rather ‘unique’.” she then faced the girls, “We arrived at the conclusion that Sango will have to take the exam on his own.”

“What!?” Exclaimed Sakura, “W-Why?” Came a faint voice from Hinata.

“I said why, our Team is made of 4 Gennin, the other teams are made of 3.” Kurenai spoke in a strict voice, “It wouldn’t be fair for the other participants now would it?”

“But isn’t it unfair for Sango to take the Chunin exam alone?” Ino interjected, she too unwilling to accept the news.

“Hmm, do you really think that is unfair? You know his strength.” Kurenai said back to her, then she faced Sango, “Isn’t that right?”

Sango smiled, “It will be easy.”, others hearing his words may think he was just boasting, but the ones present were aware that his words were no empty boasting at all.

Sango then turned to face his young teammates. “Don’t worry, you will do just fine without me. I expect to see you all to show the other teams just how much you have improved.”

His words fired up the girls, it looked as if a fire was ignited inside their eyes. “Yes!” “Yes!” “Yes!”, Three firm answers, Sango was expecting just that from them.

“Very well, that out of the way, I think I’m a bit hungry.” With that Sango concluded the discussion regarding that subject, now they only had to have fun.

“Well done.” Kurenai whispered to him, she knew he would handle it well, and she was right.

Sango just smiled and took her hand under the table, he basked in her warmth and softness.

The day progressed smoothly, Team 0 was long since past the relationship of a normal team, they were as close as family. They ate and drank, they laughed, and they spoke about trivialities.

Three hours later the group split, Kurenai and Sango left towards their apartment and the girls made their way home.

On the way, Sango stopped and said, “Sorry, I forgot to do something, go back without me.” Smiling apologetically, he left Kurenai and turned into an alley.

Shrugging, Kurenai stopped to buy some necessities as she returned home.

Sango turned several times as he headed towards a secluded place. He had memorized the entire layout of the village; in other words, he would always have an advantage while fighting there.

But he did not think he would have to fight today, as he arrived the predetermined location, he spoke. “Come out.”

“Haha, one can’t even try to hide from you.” An all too familiar voice come from behind Sango, he did not turn around as he could feel his presence.

“You weren’t really trying.” Said Sango, “Anyway, why are you here?”, he wasn’t at all pleased with Orochimaru following him, even if he had always been aware of it.

“What kind of teacher would I be if didn’t teach you anything?” Saying that, Orochimaru tossed a scroll in Sango’s direction, which he caught easily.

He looked at Orochimaru questioningly, he wondered from where that generosity came from, “What do you want in exchange?”

“I feel offended, do you think I don’t make gifts?” Contrary to his words, Orochimaru’s face was as shrewd as before, he did not look offended at all, not that Sango would have cared.

“Well, there is something you may be able to help me with…” Speaking as if he just thought about it, Orochimaru continued to talk, “During the examination I may need your help with something, I’ll find you then.” Ending the discussion there, Orochimaru’s clone dispersed in a puff of smoke.


Sorry for the long delay, some things happened and I didn't have chapters stacked for such a situation.

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