Naruto: Sango's Story

Chapter 7 – Confrontation

“I couldn’t let big sister wait!” Answered Sango, making a truer slime form on her red lips.

“Haha, you are a charming little boy!” Yuhi’s voice sounded amused, then she took a kunai from her pouch and handed it to him.

“Let’s begin!” She took her own kunai and launched herself at him, her movements were restrained because her opponent was a child.

Her intent was that of teaching him to always be prepared for a surprise attack, so she wanted to take him by surprise, but she was the one surprised when he parried her attack with his kunai.

Since she restrained herself, Sango didn’t find any challenge in stopping her, he was a trained assassin himself and his techniques were the most modern and improved ones in his former world which was more advanced than this one, not to forget that thanks to the lack of any supernatural elements like chakra, the only tool people had were their bodies, hence the myriad of techniques developed were much more complex and covered many more areas, stalking techniques, speaking techniques, techniques to hold your breath, techniques to fight with only one hand, and much more, they were researched and improved continuously.

Hence, he was better if you compared only techniques, but since this world had many things, like chakra, techniques weren’t enough to supress his enemies anymore, he needed to master what this world had to offer.

Wanting to confirm that his parry wasn’t just a fluke, she increased her speed and attacked him again, from his blind spot, but this time he didn’t just parry, he deflected her kunai and at the same time he took the opportunity created by her surprise and placed the kunai to her neck.

He couldn’t compare to her, that was if she didn’t limit her strength, since she only used technique, she lost to him, if she used all her real powers then he would lose without doubt. The reasons for that were simple, his muscle memory still wasn’t formed, he couldn’t use ninjutsu other than the basic spy ones, his physical strength needed improvement.

“Where did you learn that?” She looked at him with wonder since he said he has no memories.

“I don’t know, my body just reacted on its own.” He lied, his face showing puzzlement.

“You must have received training before, and you reacted by instinct.” She came to that conclusion on her own helping Sango create an excuse, in fact he had prepared what to say in this situation but it looked like he didn’t need to say anything.

“Very good, let’s see what you can do.” She looked like a cat seeing a mouse, ready to jump at him, he also liked her behaviour, she looked to have forgot about what was bothering her before, finding someone who could challenge her in technique was a good surprise, tickling her fighting instincts.

Kurenai Yuhi was indeed in a bad mood before, just when she thought Asuma got the courage to start pursuing her, she began to truly see his character. Not only he seemed to be after many women, but she also started to hear rumours about him, bad rumours, she wouldn’t have believed them since she knew Asuma for a long time, but she confirmed some of them herself.

That’s why she was in a bad mood, but thanks to the surprise Sango gave her, she forgot about her worries for a time, his body’s strength wasn’t that of a child, but it was close to that of a normal adult despite his size, his reflexes were also something else entirely and lastly his technique was even better than hers, she was excited at the prospect of being challenged in technique.

They continued like that for a long time, Sango’s muscle memory formed faster than normal and he began to feel that this body was really his, if they continued like that then in just a month he will regain the control over his body he had after 12 years of living and training in his previous world.

Kurenai Yuhi herself gained from this sparing, Sango attacked her weak points she didn’t know she had, he took the opportunity the slightest of her mistakes made to make her aware of her errors. Of course, Sango knew that he was able to supress her only because she held back to purely technique and she also used the same level of strength he used, thanks to that they both gained in the exchange and their mood was good.

Just then steps were heard, and another person came to the training field, Yuhi and Sango sopped their spar and turned towards the sound only to find Asuma getting close, he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a smoke in his mouth.

Sango’s face didn’t change but Yuhi’s face darkened.

Asuma walked closer but Yuhi stopped him with a cold voice, “Why are you here?” she asked Asuma, he had a wry smile and spoke, “Can we speak about this? Please believe I didn’t do those things!” he said.

“Hmph, there is nothing to talk about, now leave.” Her voice was cold, she had enough of his excuses, in the beginning she believed him until she saw a woman run into his embrace and begging him not to leave her, her eyes were not lying when she spoke, then some women came to her and asked about Asuma, in the last days many things like those happened, opening her eyes, she even asked a Hyuga clan member to see if they were clones or people in disguise, but it turned out that they weren’t clones, and were in fact people of Konohagakure.

Sango wasn’t so stupid, he had to go to great length to make sure there are no weak points for anyone to discover that Asuma’s reputation is being destroyed by someone.

He had to learn all about Asuma’s life to make sure he doesn’t make mistakes like, for example, impersonate Asuma when he should be away from the village, risking exposing his plans.

This time, to make sure anyone who checked those women didn’t find anything odd, he disguised as Asuma and pursued those women, so those women behaved by themselves when they created trouble for Asuma.

No one would be able to clear Asuma’s name as long as Sango is careful.

“This, those are for you, please let me explain myself.” Asuma extended the beautiful flowers, Yuhi looked troubled.

“Uncle, you are pretty good.” Said Sango to Yuhi’s and Asuma’s surprise, Asuma looked at the young boy he overlooked earlier, too focused on Yuhi to pay him any attention, the boy’s words made him happy but his next words froze him, “You really love to give flowers to girls!” Sango’s words indicated that Asuma gave flowers to other girls beside Yuhi, something Yuhi caught on.

“Oh? What do you mean by that, little brother?” Yuhi’s face darkened while looking at Asuma.

“Ah, I just remembered seeing uncle some time ago, he gave flower exactly like those to the Big Sister at the shop close to my home.” His words sounded truthful and his face innocent, no one would doubt the words of such a child, not Yuhi at least.

“Interesting, why don’t you go and give her those flowers too?” She said, meaning that Asuma should leave.

“That isn’t true!” Asuma shouted, “Please believe me!” His words fell on deaf ears, Yuhi didn’t want to listen anymore.

“I am busy, go look for someone else to listen to your crap!” She took Sango’s hand and left the training area, leaving a stunned Asuma behind, the past few days were the worst of his life, he knew someone was setting him up because he didn’t do those things, but there was no way to prove himself, he had to find a way to find the culprit and clear his name.

Sango was happy, his plan worked like he hopped and even better, in fact one of his clones did give flowers to that woman at the shop but he didn’t expect his actions to come in handy today.

“Big sister, where are we going?” Sango asked.

“Let big sister teach you some new recipes.” She said, leading Sango to his apartment.


Trying to write three novels may be harder than I thought, but not impossible, I did write two chapters in a day, but I had inspiration.

I hope to be able to keep this pace.

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