naruto seikiden

Chapter 043

The funeral between the pillars was held on December 31, the twelfth year of Konoha, on this day, all of Konoha mourned, and the daimyo of the Land of Fire personally came to Konoha to express his sorrow, and the entire Land of Fire was shrouded in mourning.

On this day, the four hidden villages of cloud, earth, sand, and fog, as well as some other small hidden villages, all sent messengers to Konoha to express their condolences.

In fact, in Qingfeng’s view, these people are not so much mourning, but more confirmation of the death between the columns, surprisingly on this day between the burial columns, Qingfeng’s heart does not have much sadness.

Like a bystander, he watched all kinds of strange faces, the ninja envoys of various countries faintly breathed a sigh of relief, the eyes of the Uchiha clan faintly carried a hint of ease and pleasure, the hidden worry in the eyes of the daimyo of the Fire Country, and the sadness and ease in the eyes of the Hyuga clan.

All kinds of people, all kinds of thoughts and emotions, Qingfeng looked at the coffin buried between the pillars suddenly felt a little funny, and a little sad, perhaps for the death between the pillars, is a thing that many people are looking forward to, the death between the pillars, like a boulder that pressed on everyone’s hearts, all of them were relaxed.

But if these people know that the other boulder Uchiha doesn’t know where to hide, I don’t know what kind of expression they will have, let them know that the larger alien of the black extinction has always been hidden in the darkness of the ninja world, I don’t know what kind of experience they will have?

Qingfeng’s heart did not have much sadness, he looked at the coffin buried silently and just said goodbye!

Yes, goodbye! Either see you later, or see you again after death, what a simple thing, in the future, when the wind is strong, it will naturally be able to resurrect the pillars, and if the wind dies before becoming stronger, then it will naturally meet the pillars in the Pure Land of Bliss.

It’s two very simple cases! So the breeze is not sad!!!

The funeral between the pillars was held extremely solemnly, and no matter what thoughts of various countries were in their hearts, at least they expressed the most basic respect for the death of the ninja god.

And even after the funeral between the pillars, the entire Konoha people still consciously hung white flowers in front of the door, wearing black clothes, expressing their continuous mourning and respect, you must know that even when the previous Great Citizen of the Fire Country died, the entire Konoha did not show this.

This shows how much the pillars are loved in Konoha, I am afraid that for the people of the countries of the Hokage, except for those in high positions, those civilians are very respectful of the pillars!

After all, it was the pillars that ended the Warring States period and brought more than ten years of stable life to civilians from all over the world!

And the death of the pillar can be imagined, the follow-up will cause a series of turmoil, after all, the pillar between the suppressive figure disappeared, some careerists in various countries are naturally ready to move.

After the funeral, on January 1, the thirteenth year of Konoha, Karuma officially assumed the position of the second Hokage of Konoha.

No one made any sense of this decision, in fact, for so many years, Kuruma was no different from the real Hokage, it was just a code word, but in fact, the whole of Konoha was basically under the control of Kuruma.

At this time, some people are sudden, although the ninja god pillar has passed away, but as the younger brother of the ninja god, the grandmaster of the water dun still exists, and compared to the pillar, the knightma is more iron-blooded.

In the past, when the pillars were alive, there were still some scruples between the pillars, but the departure of the pillars was like a boulder missing for others, but why was it not a layer of restraint for the pillars?

The whole of Konoha was calm again, and it was even calmer than before.

It seems that there is no reaction to the passing of the pillar, but I am afraid that only Mito, Koichi, and others who are closest to the Kuruma can understand the sadness of the column! It’s just that Tsuma has never been a happy person, let alone a person who likes to show his sadness.

And now is not the time to grieve, he knows very well that the departure of the pillar will cause some very big turmoil and changes, Konoha has been unshakable like an iron barrel under the operation of the pillar for many years, but he can’t stop everyone in other countries from floating, he must act and prevent this situation as soon as possible.

However, compared to the strength of Karuma, Mito, Koichi, Tsuko, and Tsunade are obviously more sad.

However, Koichi is a man after all, and the death of Pillar has officially placed the burden of the Senju Patriarch on his shoulders, and he suppresses his sadness with his work, but the other three daughters are not.

But fortunately, there is still Qingfeng, and in the new January of the thirteen years, Qingfeng is not practicing physical arts, but stays at home all day with Mito and Tsuko, Tsunade, trying hard to amuse them, and after half a month of hard work, finally has some effect, Mito, Tsuko, and Ozuna have all walked out of the shadow of leaving between some pillars.

But correspondingly, the departure between the pillars made the three women focus on Qingfeng’s body, and the dependence on Qingfeng was more related to love, and Qingfeng felt that the burden on his body was heavier, but it was also more spurring on Qingfeng’s growth and efforts.

Qingfeng’s training and study are more serious!

The thirteenth year of Konoha’s New Year is no longer joyful for the entire Konoha, but full of sorrow!


In a dark world, there is no light, only darkness, and in this dark world there is a huge shadow, that shadow is like a hideous evil god, which looks extremely vicious.

Suddenly, a shadow gradually squirmed in this dark world, and then I saw that the shadow faintly showed the outline of the pig cage, but what was even more frightening was that from the pitcher plant came a man’s deep voice.

“My lord, the pillars are dead!”


There was a sudden ripple in the darkness, and then I saw that at the bottom of the huge shadow like a demon god, a pair of white eyes slowly appeared, and circles were covered in which eyes.

These eyes are like heaven and earth, containing the creation of all things!

These eyes slowly disappeared after appearing for a moment, and then an old and deep voice sounded.

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