Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 1: Nara Cross Country

 The sun sets in the west and it is already dusk.

 Every day, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

 During the war, the originally prosperous village also had a curse-like law, that is, people died every day!

However, when the whole village was under the haze of war and silently paid tribute to the heroes who died during the war, a little kid who had had enough of the funeral atmosphere sneaked out and hid in the Nara family's reindeer farm. In the breeding farm.

"What the hell, can I travel through time by downloading a mobile game plug-in? God, just let me travel to the world of Naruto. Why don't you choose a good time? At the end of the Third World War, there was a dark ending to the war in the past, and there was a dark ending in the future. Do you know how dangerous the Kyuubi attack is? It’s going to kill a lot of people, you know?”

  After complaining crazily for a long time, the little kid's mood was finally relieved. Who would have thought that when he saw the strange pattern on his right palm, his originally depressed mood became even more depressed.

The little kid’s name is Cross Country. His name before time travel is not important anymore. He only knows that his name is Nara Cross Country and he is a member of the Nara clan branch of Konoha Village.

What? The Nara clan is not divided?

 Well, as a senior Naruto fan, I think that I understand the settings of the Naruto world than Kishimoto, but I also don’t know that the Nara clan actually has branches!

And even if it is stated in the original work, the three families of Konoha Village, Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi, have been friends for generations. The elites of each generation enjoy the title of the "Inaraka Butterfly" trio in the ninja world, and they are even more popular in the world. The family that has protected the Hokage of Konoha Village for generations. But after he really traveled through time, he realized that protecting his family for generations was a fart!

Let’s just talk about the pattern on the cross-country palm. It seems to be the family emblem of the Nara clan, but in fact it is the curse seal used by the past Hokages to control the Nara clan!

The function of the curse seal is basically the same as the caged bird of the Hyuga clan. However, all members of the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans must receive the curse seal under the supervision of successive Hokages when they reach the age of four. To put it simply, after the curse seal takes effect, you will live if the Hokage wants you to live, and you will die if the Hokage wants you to die, without even the slightest room for resistance.

Among the divisions of the Nara clan, the only one that can be considered lucky is the clan. The conflict between the two families is far less deep than that of the Hyuga clan. After all, whether you are a clan or a branch family, you have to survive under the will of the Hokage. Even the fate of the future is in the hands of the Hokage, so how can there be internal strife?

It has been three months since I traveled cross-country, and I have basically learned about my own life experience, as well as the historical background of the Naruto world.

As a member of a branch of the Nara clan, not long after Yukoku was born, his parents died tragically on the battlefield of the Three Wars. The only relic he had was a ninjutsu scroll, which was still in the possession of his uncle Nara Shikaku, who did not enter the ninja school for further training. , not even qualified to browse and watch.

At this time, it happened to be that not long after the Third Hokage abdicated, the Fourth Hokage succeeded him. However, he did not change the wartime policy. As long as he was five years old, he could go to the ninja school for further training.

  In other words, the four-year-old Cross Country only needs to survive a few months before he can enter the ninja school and get his parents' belongings back from Nara Shikaku. It's a pity that when Cross Country heard the news from Nara Shikaku, he had no other feelings except that he felt more and more depressed.

Because in this world, perhaps only Cross Country knows that the capital for survival is not a family secret, let alone hard work, but a cheat!

Looking at the plot of the original work, let alone the Nara clan, even if you are from the Hyuga clan, a wealthy family in Konoha, what about the Uchiha clan?

Hyuuga clan members are not even as good as supporting characters in the original work. As the protagonist’s brother-in-law, Hyuga Neji is a genius, so doesn’t he just die at the drop of a hat?

The Uchiha clan is even worse. In a few years, they will be annihilated. People who don’t have the Mangekyō Sharingan are even embarrassed to survive until the end of the original work. In the end, the surviving members of the entire family can even be counted with one slap. come over!

In the original plot, except for Uzumaki Naruto, who is favored by fate and inherits Asura, the son of the Sage of Six Paths, and Indra, and the Second Pillar of Uchiha (Sasuke), who can truly control their own destiny?

So as long as we recall the sad stories in the original plot, in addition to lamenting that there is no hope for the future, Cross Country can only practice hard with the idea of ​​​​the stupid bird flying first, and fight against the **** fate as much as possible!

"Oh, don't think about it so much. Why don't you practice without a plug-in to help you? Maybe you will die in a few years when the Nine-Tails attacks! It's better to practice quickly, it's better than being a cannon fodder on the battlefield in the future! "

After gathering his emotions, he turned around to face the carefree reindeer in the breeding farm. He was quite envious in his heart, but he put his hands together and formed a very weird seal. It was the secret seal gesture of the Nara clan. !

 “Shadow Mimicry!”



As the chakra in his body was transported across the country, his shadow in the sunlight suddenly became longer, and soon merged with the shadow of a reindeer in front of him. Undoubtedly, what is used in cross-country is the signature secret technique of the Nara clan, called shadow imitation technique, which is to connect with the enemy by extending one's shadow, imprisoning the opponent's body, and making the opponent perform the same actions as oneself. family secrets.

Moreover, if there are any members of the Nara clan watching the cross-country practice at this time, they will definitely be very surprised!

You must know that even if children during the war started practicing at the age of four, they would not be able to change the nature of chakra at will and refine it into the Yin Escape Chakra suitable for the Nara clan's secret arts. Cross-country came from time travel, and after practicing for just three months, he was able to change the nature of chakra and have the capital to perform shadow imitation. This is a qualification that even the original Xiaoqiang Nara Shikamaru did not have!

However, just when the reindeer felt that the reindeer's body was completely imprisoned during the cross-country trip, and he immediately started to prepare to change the reindeer's movements to be consistent with his own, there was a sudden "pop" sound!

In an instant, I felt as if a nerve in my head had been cut off during the cross-country trip, and waves of pain hit my mind!

"Damn it, did you still fail? As a time traveler, apart from a slight advantage in mental energy, it took three months to not even master the shadow imitation technique. Isn't this an embarrassment to the time travellers?"

 Others may be surprised by his cultivation speed, but Cross Country himself is not satisfied. He knows that there are too many geniuses in the original work!

 Not to mention the far ones, just the near ones.

Kakashi Hatake is a genin at the age of five and a chunin at the age of seven. He can develop S-level ninjutsu at the age of ten. Isn't that abnormal?

The Itachi God of the Uchiha clan was a ninja of the same generation as the cross-country. He was an outstanding being who opened his eyes at the age of eight and wielded the Mangekyou Sharingan as a teenager!

From the day he traveled through time, Cross Country regarded Itachi God and Kakashi as his goal to transcend. He tried his best to get a chance to see the scroll left by his parents from Nara Shikaku.

However, in addition to memorizing the chakra training method and the shadow imitation technique, the off-roader with the mind of an adult practiced hard day and night, only maintained five hours of deep sleep every day, and coupled with superhuman mental energy, he was able to continuously Even a small shadow imitation technique cannot be used successfully, how can one be willing to go off-road?

What’s more, what limits cross-country growth is not hard work, but talent!

  It is a physical limitation!

Just because Cross Country is only a little over four years old, and the Nara clan's body is not ranked among the other families. Their physical fitness is worse than that of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. Even though Cross Country has superhuman mental energy, , forcibly condensing chakra in the meridians. However, due to physical limitations, the amount of chakra in cross-country is only one-third of that of ordinary genin. It is a miracle to be able to initially perform the shadow imitation technique. It will take at least several months of accumulation to fully master it.

Resisting the backlash after the failure of the shadow imitation technique, when the pain in his head gradually disappeared, Yue Yue could only silently stare at the Nara curse seal on his right hand, and silently sighed: "If it weren't for Uncle Shikaku who gave me a few days ago. After planting this curse seal, part of my body's energy was lost innocently. Maybe I have started the next stage of training in the Nara clan's secret technique?"

"I can't help it. Uncle Shikaku was not willing to plant this curse seal for me. I can only blame the rules set by past Hokage. Now I can only try Xiao Li's self-abuse practice. I don't want anything else. But I hope that after practicing, my body will have more energy so that I can master the shadow imitation technique as soon as possible!"


“Dear player: Hello off-road, congratulations on your energy consumption reaching 1000. You have successfully opened the acceleration upgrade APP and are being bound..."


Just as he was preparing to go to the training ground not far away to sweat it out, Cross Country suddenly heard a strange sound in his mind. He couldn't help but froze, and then he felt a burst of ecstasy!

“There is indeed a cheat! That accelerated upgrade APP actually works, that’s great!”

 There was a burst of ecstasy in his heart. He quickly calmed down his excitement and asked the system: "APP, can you redeem the reincarnation eye here?"

 “Sorry, this service is not available.”

“APP, can you redeem ninjutsu here? Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Shadow Clone Jutsu, I want to redeem them!”

 “Sorry, this service is not available.”

“APP, I want to do weight-bearing training, you can do it, right?”

 “Sorry, this service is not available.”

 “Then what can you do?”

Constant inquiries and constant disappointments, even the joy of getting a gold finger in cross-country was extinguished.

 But when he was endlessly disappointed in off-roading and felt that relying on this copycat APP was not as useful as practicing on his own, the accelerated upgrade APP finally gave him a little surprise!

“Player, the APP binding is successful. The copy you are currently experiencing is "Naruto". The energy consumption reward is: 1 tree climbing training card and 1 water treading training card."

“Player, if the conditions are met, you can modify the skill training progress at will. Please ask if you want to modify it.”


I finally figured out some of the wonderful uses of the APP. After a while of excitement from the cross-country, I immediately said to the APP: "APP, I want to modify my physical fitness. I can simply modify it into an immortal body!"

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