Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 105: psychological warfare

“Shadow, is everything that guy said true?”

“Does the secret technique you used before really have so many shortcomings?”

During the spiritual communication, as soon as Uchiha Shisui's voice came, Cross Country couldn't help but smiled bitterly, nodded, and replied:

“Shun, everything that guy said is true.”

“My new secret technique has just been developed not long ago, and it lacks a lot of understanding, so there must be some flaws.”


“It’s just that I didn’t expect that that guy could see the flaws of my new secret technique so quickly!”

Replied, the urgent thing is Cross Country, Uchiha Shisui and the two are silent.

Obviously, what Loquat Juzo said before was not only to prove his own strength, but also to psychologically crush Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui!

The Blade team is facing the crisis of team destruction. Needless to say how much pressure the team leader Uchiha Shisui is under, right?

 There’s also off-roading!

 When the Blade Team is facing a comprehensive disadvantage, it can rely on its own explosion to reverse the disadvantage step by step and transform it into a situation of comprehensive advantage. How much effort did it take?

On the contrary, when facing Loquat Juzo confidently, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui suddenly suffered a setback, and the psychological blow was not the slightest. What's more, Loquat Juzo, who can develop the secret technique of blood mist to cooperate with the silent killing technique, is an expert in psychological warfare, because when he used words to suppress the confidence of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui, he also shaped the confidence of Uchiha Shisui. There was an image of invincibility in Uchiha Shisui's mind when he was off-roading.

Facing Loquat Juzo, psychological warfare failed first, and the subsequent performance of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui will definitely get worse and worse.

 And that

 Isn’t it what Loquat Juzo hopes?

To be honest, Off-Road is well aware of how many flaws there are in the new Mysterious Shadow Realm Arrival.

It’s just that, on the one hand, Cross Country knows that the shortcomings of the arrival of the shadow world are because he doesn’t have that much time to comprehend, so he doesn’t care too much about it. On the other hand, Cross Country was partly hoping for luck, trying to use the power of the S-class secret technique Shadow Realm to make Loquat Juzo lose confidence in winning.

Who would have thought that in the end cross-country had the opposite effect in terms of psychological warfare.

Especially Loquat Juzo’s remarks that pointed to the coming of the Shadow Realm, became the inner demon of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui!

Then, just when the first weakness of Loquat's Ten Hidden Points in breaking the Shadow Realm is that as the range of the Shadow Realm expands, its confinement effect will be far lower than that of the ordinary shadow imitation technique. Seeing Cross Country, Yu Zhi Bo Zhishui was all stunned, and Loquat Juuzang knew that he had gained a comprehensive advantage in psychological warfare.

 So, when Loquat Juuzang formed the seal again, in order to add fuel to the effective psychological warfare, Loquat Juuzang used actions to break through the second weakness of Shadow Realm Advent!

 “Two brats, I just talked too much nonsense to you!”

 “From now on, the uncle must become serious!”

 “Water escape! Water body technique!”




Loquat Juzo gained an advantage in psychological warfare. Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui were only slightly stunned. Who would have thought that Loquat Juzo took advantage of the opportunity to complete the seal!

That is the water escape and water body technique. To put it bluntly, it is just an ordinary clone technique!

 Let’s not compare it with the multiple shadow clone techniques that Xue Guo currently masters. Let’s talk about the ordinary shadow clone techniques, which crush the water clone technique in terms of effect. After all, the original strength that each shadow clone can inherit far exceeds that of the water clone, so Uchiha Shisui didn't take it to heart when Loquat Juzo successfully performed the spell.

However, almost as soon as he saw the water avatars appearing one after another, he subconsciously used the ability to descend from the shadow world and imprisoned the ten water avatars created by Loquat Juzo.

Just when the ten water bodies were imprisoned by the coming of the shadow world, Loquat Shi hid in the sneer, and suddenly jumped out of the imprisonment of the coming of the shadow world!

 “So that’s it!”

“Loquat Juuzang’s Water Body Technique is not meant for combat at all, but to distract the confinement ability of the Shadow Realm!”

"Based on the effect of the use of Shadow World Advent just now, in addition to spreading the range of Shadow World Advent, which will affect the confinement ability of Shadow World Advent, the number of imprisoned objects will weaken the confinement ability of Shadow World Advent from another aspect. ability!"

"Just now, I used Shadow Realm's Descendant to imprison ten water avatars of Loquat Juuzang, which is equivalent to dividing the Shadow Realm Descendant's confinement ability among eleven people! Under such circumstances, the confinement effect was dispersed many times. With Loquat Juuzang’s elite Jonin level strength, there must be a way to escape from the shackles of the shadow world!”


 “Shisui is in danger!”


 One second ago, Juuzang Loquat had just used water to separate himself, making Cross Country aware of the second flaw in the arrival of the shadow world.

 The next second, Loquat Juuzang used his own actions to tell Cross Country about the third flaw in the arrival of the S-level secret technique Shadow Realm!

That is the black shadow coming from the shadow world. Except for the ground, it cannot extend to the surrounding trees or any place where you can step on!

 In an instant, using his sense of wind, Off-Road saw Loquat Juzo throwing out a few kunai.

 The location where those kunai flew away was on the ground covered by the arrival of the shadow world!

The Loquat Juzo was apparently stepping on the kunai, ignoring the effect of the arrival of the shadow world, and clashed with Uchiha Shisui!

Especially at the beginning, Uchiha Shisui never imagined that Loquat Juzo could escape from the confinement effect and even be able to move his feet. Therefore, Juuzou Loquat had just exploded the chakra under his feet, and rushed in front of Uchiha Shisui. He carried the decapitating sword with brute force and faced the Kodachi in Uchiha Shisui's hand. "Smashed" it down!

 Then, there is no need to say the next!

Uchiha Shisui's Kodachi is so short, so it must be a sensitive one, and he is inherently inferior in terms of strength.

 Instead, it is the decapitating sword of Loquat Juzo!

The weight of the broken blade was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It's like the ghost light Suigetsu in the original plot. When he picked up the decapitating sword for the first time, he almost couldn't bear the weight of the decapitating sword. From this, we can see the advantage of Loquat Juzo in terms of strength!

Carrying the decapitating sword on his shoulder, he "smashed" it directly in the direction of Uchiha Shisui.

When Uchiha Shisui fell to the ground, there was only a "swish" sound!

The figure of Loquat Juzo suddenly appeared behind the cross-country!

“Kid, if I’m not wrong, you can’t move while maintaining this secret technique, right?”

“If you move rashly, the secret technique of the Nara clan that you improved will definitely suffer backlash!”

“You’re going to get hurt anyway, so you might as well get hurt in the uncle’s hands, that way you’ll look more respectable!”


Crazy laughter came, and his eyes filled with murderous intent stared at the cross-country ahead. Juuzang Juuzang, who could hold the decapitating sword with one hand, was very proud. He was trying to break through the fourth flaw of the S-class secret shadow world in the cross-country. At that moment, he suddenly cut off the giant blade in his hand. Obviously, when he dropped the decapitating sword, Loquat Juzo had already foreshadowed the death scene of Cross Country, so he naturally did not need to be as cautious as before. He also needed to use psychological warfare to disintegrate Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui's combat consciousness.

However, what made Loquat Juuzang's black pupils shrink slightly was that when he lowered his beheading sword, he suddenly noticed a faint smile on the corner of the cross country's mouth in front of him!

 And just when that faint smile appeared on the cross-country face!

With just one sentence, the confident Loquat Juzo completely collapsed mentally during the off-roading!

“Loquat Juzo, your psychological warfare is excellent, but it’s a pity that our Blade Team is a team!”

 “Shun, it’s up to you!”

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