Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 108: Hidden dangers (Part 1)

 Awesome, really awesome!

 Other than awesome, off-road, there is really no other adjective that can be used to describe those fog ninja jounin who act as deadpools!

 Because under normal circumstances, no one can imagine that a ninja with a dignified Jonin level would actually act as a deadpool. Moreover, let’s not talk about the Mist Ninja Jonin, let’s talk about the two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas: Loquat Juzo and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon. They also have some kind of general detonating talisman hidden in their bodies to act as deadpools. This is considered It is simply unimaginable in the ninja world!

 So, let alone cross-country at this time, even the experienced leader of the sharp blade team and the future Shunshen Shisui were killed by the mist ninja's cruelty.

Of course.

Off-road is still the luckier one. After all, he vaguely heard the "hiss" and "hiss" sounds before, and he was the first to escape the explosion range of the detonating symbol!

 However, even those who escaped the fastest and evaded the most timely cross-country were affected by the explosion of the detonating talisman. They looked like they were stained with gunpowder smoke and suffered certain injuries on their bodies.

The situation of Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and Meng who were completely enveloped by the explosion, wouldn't it be even more dangerous?

Then, using the little chakra that had just been restored in the body, Cross Country quickly used the wind sense secretly passed down by the Fourth Hokage, and began to sense the surrounding situation, for fear that the Mist Ninja's Deadpool might have some hidden trump card. Immediately afterwards, after nearly finding the seriously injured Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and "Meng", let alone the idea of ​​collecting the Mist Ninja Swords, Cross Country used his thin body to carry With Kakashi and the other three, he really "escaped" and disappeared to the place where he had fought with the Mist Ninja before!

 “Don’t have any more pursuers!”

 "If the Mist Ninja sends another team. No, maybe not even a team is needed!"

“It only takes one Mist Ninja Chuunin, and our Blade Team will be completely wiped out!”

 Originally, due to the fierce battle before, the chakra in the body was about to be exhausted.

In the end, in order to avoid the power of the explosion of the detonating talisman, even a little bit of chakra was restored at this time, but he had to carry Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, "Meng", three bodies whose weight far exceeded his own existence, cross-country It was really difficult to "escape", and the thing I prayed silently in my heart must be that I would never encounter the ninjas of the Mist Ninja.

If they encounter the Mist Ninja again, the Blade Team will really face a situation of death and no life!

But who can imagine that when Cross Country is like a frightened rabbit, even if the chakra in his body is not enough, because of the lessons of the previous Mist Ninja Deadpool, when he always maintains the sense of wind and senses the surrounding situation, Cross Country's heart is silent. I prayed that I would never meet the mist ninja, but the reality was that I went on the opposite path to my cross-country prayers!

Almost at the cross-country front foot, he had just left the place where he had fought fiercely with the Mist Ninja before, struggling to carry Kakashi and other members of the Blade Team on his back. The moment he had just escaped from the two-kilometer range, it might have been because of the explosion of the detonating talisman before, but more likely It was the Mist Ninja who had already ambushed the team, near the place where the Blade Team and the Mist Ninja had previously fought!

Using the sense of wind to observe the surrounding situation, Cross Country suddenly discovered that there was a ninja lurking there a hundred meters ahead, silently waiting for something!

At this time, the only thing that can make the cross-country feel lucky may be that the ninja is not strong enough!

If there really was a Mist Ninja Jonin out there, carrying Kakashi and other members of the Blade Team off-road, he would really not be qualified to even try!

At this time, the lurking ninja in front has only the strength of a chunin level under the cross-country perception.

At that time when Cross Country was biting his lower lip and his eyes were full of determination, there was only one thought in Cross Country's mind!

 Just kill!

 Kill the lurking ninja in front and break out with all the hope of the Blade Team!

 "Shisui, "fierce", Kakashi!"

“Whether I can break out of the encirclement depends on whether I can kill the guy lurking in front of me in a confrontation!”


Secretly thinking, Cross Country did not give up any member of the Blade Team. Still carrying Kakashi and others, he suddenly burst out the remaining chakra in his body and used the "acceleration" of the Fourth Hokage. Secret technique!

 The next second, just hear a "swish" sound!

I don’t know whether it’s because of the desperate situation that my potential exploded, or because of the extreme concentration of cross-country!

With such a small burst of chakra, Cross Country has once again completed the second stage of extreme changes in the properties of wind-type chakra!

With an instant burst of speed comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, the cross-country sprinter suddenly reached the side of the lurking ninja in front of him.

Moreover, the lurking ninja obviously never imagined that the off-road burst would be so fast!

Therefore, when Cross-Country barely maintained stability, he stretched out his right arm and turned it into a hand knife, slashing directly on the neck of the ninja. The ninja who had been lurking for a long time was actually knocked unconscious by Cross-Country's hand knife. past. But just when Cross Country was secretly surprised that the ninja lurking here actually had this level of skill, a green figure suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country!


 One kick, just one kick!

When Cross Country barely blocked it with his arms, the sudden figure kicked him away. Not only that, but also the other members of the Blade Team fell one after another with the sound of "Plop" and "Plop". fell to the ground.

While Cross Country felt secretly bitter in his heart, he still had no solution.

With a "carp kick", Xue Yu endured the pain in his body and quickly grasped a kunai, preparing to fight with the sudden green figure.

But what made Cross Country's slightly tense nerves relax immediately was that when Cross Country stood up and was about to confront the green figure, he unexpectedly discovered that the green figure that kicked him away was actually a familiar face. !

 “Akai, is that you?”

 “You are. You are off-road!”

“It’s me! Akai, it’s really you, so great!”

 When I saw the other person’s face clearly and found out that the other person was Akai, I couldn’t help but feel excited about cross-country!

However, after the fierce confrontation with the Mist Ninja, especially after enduring the detonating talisman of the Mist Ninja Deadpool, Cross Country was at the end of his strength, and there was no strength left in his body.

Before meeting Akai, the cross-country erupted again, knocking out the poor ninja from the same village, which made the cross-country state even worse. Therefore, when he was surprised to find that the green figure coming towards him turned out to be the familiar Akai, he put down all the pressure and fell to the ground.

 Fortunately, Akai supported the cross-country in time, so that the cross-country was not injured here.

But if off-road still maintains the power at his peak and can use the sense of wind comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage, then he will definitely not be able to let down all the guard in his heart after meeting Akai. Because, just when Akai couldn't figure out the situation and was standing beside Cross-country and other members of the sharp blade team in confusion, as well as the companion who was knocked unconscious by Cross-country's hand knife, a white figure suddenly lurked. Off-road, near Akai and others!

“Using a clone to perform a task, it’s really impossible to complete the master’s instructions.”

“Since there is no chance to strike now, I will recover the decapitating sword and the same shark muscle and return them to their owners!”

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