Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 120: Analyzing Rouquan


 In a round of confrontation, Cross Country only used one Konoha Tornado. As a Jonin, Hinata suffered a disastrous defeat!

Especially later, as the indifferent voice of Cross-country sounded, not only Hinata Hiroki's eyes were full of astonishment, and he was completely stunned, but also the other ninjas of the Hyuga clan who were gearing up and waiting to teach Cross-country a lesson when they saw Hinata's ranking. After the tragic defeat, his face suddenly turned pale!

You must know that the ninja of the Hyuga clan who defeated the cross-country team was not an unknown person!

 The person who won the cross-country victory was Hinata’s ranking!

Despite Hyuga's ranking, the Hyuga clan's status as a separate family made many Hyuga clan members present look down upon it. But when it comes to Hinata's strength, even Hyuga Hiragi feels that it is difficult to defeat him. It can't be like cross-country, where Hinata will be defeated in just one round!

 So, when they defeated Hinata in the cross-country rankings, almost all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan took a breath of air!

Those whose strength exceeds Hinata's ranking are better, and they can still remain calm in the face of cross-country at this time.

But the remaining ninjas of the Hyuga clan who are not as good as Hinata, and who know how strong Hinata is, can't help but look frightened after coming back to their senses, and even standing in the team of ninjas of the Hyuga clan, they are all worried. He took a few steps back, as if trying to avoid the sharp edge of off-roading!

"What happened just now? Did I read that correctly? Did you lose the ranking?"

“In just round of confrontation, that brat from the Nara clan defeated Hinata’s ranking. Am I dazzled?”

 “What a scary guy! No wonder Sun Crown died in his hands, he really has some strength!”

"Nonsense! You became an ANBU at a young age. Do you think everyone in the village is a fool?"

“Sir Ri Ri Lie won’t send me to spar with him, right? I don’t want to die!”

"He is an ANBU! Anyone who dies in his hands will die in vain! I would say it is better to go back to the village and wait for Lord Hizu to handle this matter!"

Just by defeating Hyuga in the ranking, the cross-country has shaken the Hyuga clan's ninja determination to take revenge, and it has severely trampled on the Hyuga clan's so-called wealthy majesty!

However, when Hyuga Hiragi heard the frightened sighs of those Hyuga clan ninjas, the look in his eyes became even more ferocious!

“Not only is he trampling on the dignity of our Hyuga clan’s wealthy family, he also has such potential at such a young age. This brat from the Nara clan will definitely become a hidden danger to our Hyuga clan in the future!”

"Now, even if I risk my life, I can't let him leave alive, otherwise I, the Hyuga clan, will not only lay a hidden danger, but also become the laughing stock of the Uchiha clan!"

Hyuga secretly felt angry, but thinking back to Hinata's disastrous defeat in the rankings, Hinata couldn't help but hesitate.

"But. But if I really want to fight with this brat, will I definitely be the winner?"


“I have to be absolutely sure before I go up, but I can’t lose to this kid and cause me to lose face!”

Hunting secretly, Rixiang Rilie took a deep breath and gave the order again:

  “Once, if you lose the ranking, you will be the best!”

 “Yes, Lord Rilie!”

The ninja, who is also a dividing family of the Hyuga, even if there is no Hyuga ranking once, I have clearly knew that I must lose in the hands of off -road.

 But there is no other way.

Who made Hinata Rilie the highest voice of the Hyuga clan in the camp?

What's more, Hinata Rilie is a member of the Hyuga clan. Hinata only bit her lower lip and silently responded, then clasped her fists towards the cross country and said:

 “Hinata once, please give me advice!”

"Oh? Is he another member of the Hyuga clan?"

Seeing another member of the Hyuga clan's branch dispatched, how could Cross Country not understand what Hyuga and Rilie was thinking?

 Obviously, in the off-road theory, Rixiang Rilie sent people from one branch after another to die in order to consume his own chakra.

 It doesn’t matter whether the previous Hinata’s ranking was good, or the current Hinata’s ranking.

As long as they can consume cross-country chakra, Rixiang Rilie doesn't care how ugly their defeat is.

On the contrary, they are all members of the Hyuga clan. The shame is also the disgrace to the people of the Hyuga clan, just like they are members of the Hyuga clan, not their Hyuga clan.

However, even if Cross Country knows Rixiang Rilie’s intentions, what can he do?

Since Cross Country has long been determined to treat all the people of the Hyuga clan as human stakes, he doesn’t care how many conspiracies the Hyuga clan has!

But knowing the plan of Hinata Rilie, if Off-Road doesn’t ridicule Hinata Rilie, then that’s really not the character of Off-Road!

Therefore, when it became clear that Hinata was indeed a member of the branch of the Hyuga clan, Cross Country smiled contemptuously at Hinata and said: "Hinata, if I guessed correctly, you are a member of the branch of the Hyuga clan. ?”

“That’s right! The Hinata who was ranked just now is also a member of the Hyuga clan’s branch!”

 “Is it also a family separation? It’s interesting!”

Listening to Hinata's answer, the look of contempt in Cross Country's eyes became more and more intense, and then he said with a smile: "You, the guy who leads the Hyuga clan, if I am not wrong, you should be a member of the Hyuga clan clan, right? I I have long heard that the heads of the Hyuga clan produce idiots, and the division of families produces geniuses, and now it seems to be true. "

“If you really have a problem, it will always be someone from the branch who will help you out.”

“It’s just those incompetent people who can give orders based on their status as clan members.”

“Hinata once, do you think this is what I said?”

Taking advantage of the conflict between the Hyuga clan and the two families, Cross Country slapped Hyuga and Rilie hard in the face.

 After finishing talking about cross-country, even Hinata looked at Hinata Rilie with a strange look, which made Hinata Rilie feel his face burning.

However, as a member of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hirotsu definitely doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Hinata.

He just gave Hinata a fierce look. Under Hinata's aggressive gaze, Hinata gritted his teeth, opened his eyes, and used his soft fist in the direction of cross-country!

 “Stop talking nonsense and let’s see the moves!”

 “Soft Fist!”



Same white eyes, same soft fist!

When Hinata opened his Byakugan and used his soft fist just like the previous Hinata, Cross Country used the sense of wind comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage to sense Hinata's attack paths at all times, but there was no such thing as the previous victory over Hinata. The Hinata in front of him was eliminated in one round.

 At this time, it is natural that cross-country cannot quickly deal with Hinata once.

To be honest, when using the "acceleration" secret technique on cross-country that is comparable to the Fourth Hokage, as long as you can grasp the opponent's weakness and fully exert the power of Konoha Gouken's fluid technique, let alone being much more serious than Hinata's ranking in front of you. He killed Hinata once. Let's talk about Hinata Hiretsu, the elite Jonin, and there is at least a 50% chance of defeating him in cross-country.

How to put it this way, cross-country at this time is the feeling of maintaining a "qualitative" half-step change in mental energy at all times!

The second stage in which the properties of wind-attribute chakra have changed to the extreme. The method of using wind-attribute chakra that is comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage is no joke!

However, now that we understand that the Hyuga clan is preparing to consume themselves in wheel battles, wouldn't it be a bit stupid if Cross Country didn't grasp the weakness of Rou Fist early and know himself and the enemy?

Therefore, using the sense of wind to sense the number of Hinata's attacks at all times, Cross Country seemed to be struggling to avoid Hinata's soft fists, which made those members of the Hyuga clan watching the battle secretly happy.

 In fact, only Cross Country understands that he has only one purpose for not defeating Hinata once he fought against her!

 That is to slowly analyze the secrets of Rouquan in actual combat!

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