Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 148: The sharp blade reappears (Part 2)

 The war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja is approaching a fever pitch.

 The countdown to the decisive battle has begun!

While following Meterdai on cross-country training with overloaded weights, which is to unlock the hidden secrets of the human body, Konoha relied on Shikaku's calculations and surprisingly took down the second line of defense of the Mist Ninja, approaching the Mist Ninja's. Base camp. As long as the third line of defense in front can be eliminated, the only remaining line of defense for the Mist Ninjas, the war within the Fire Country will soon be over.

 It's just that when the Mist Ninja's third line of defense was captured, Konoha's side was sniped by the Mist Ninja's powerful ninjas.

 Seven mist ninjas!

  It’s still the Seven Mist Ninjas!

 A few days ago, when Shikaku was about to take down the third line of defense of the Mist ninja in one go, members of the Seven Mist ninjas showed up and turned the tide, causing heavy losses to the ninjas on the Konoha side. It is also because of this that Shikaku hopes that cross-country, Uchiha Shisui, can reorganize the sharp blade team and assist the ninja troops in the Land of Fire to complete the final preparations before the decisive battle.

As for cross-country, we are also very aware of the importance of this battle.

As long as the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja can be overcome and the base camp of the Mist Ninja can be overcome, then with the cooperation of Uchiha Shisui, it is very possible for the cross-country team to rescue Linlai, who is the three-tailed jinchūriki. In this way, cross-country can not only complete the mission of the Blade Team, but also solve the problems between Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, and Lin while completing the mission of the Blade Team. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

 So, in order to exceed the task and successfully start the cross-country journey of human body secrets, I am going to use the remaining time to practice hard and strive to be in a better condition to face the next war.

Who would have thought that on the next day, when he went cross-country to Meterdai's place, hoping that Meterdai could further improve his human body secrets and open them, Meterdai sighed deeply and said:

“Off-road, if you want to practice the hidden aspects of the human body, you must practice in a quiet environment.”

"You are about to return to the Blade Team and perform extremely difficult tasks. Practicing under such circumstances will not only lower your combat level, but there is no way to improve it. After all, it will further open up the human body. Secret cultivation is very demanding. Even if you can complete it, do you have so much time to recover from fatigue? "

“So, cross-country, you should take a good rest in the past few days and adjust your condition is the right choice.”

“Don’t forget, Shikaku-sama’s hope rests on your sharp blade team!”

 After getting Matt Dai's reply, Cross Country couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. There really is no way to have both the fish and the bear's paw at the same time!

 Carrying out the secret cultivation of the human body can only improve the strength, but it cannot perform better on the battlefield.

If he did not practice the secret cultivation of the human body, he would be afraid that his own strength would be insufficient and he would not be able to exceed the plan he made.

 Finally, after struggling for a long time, Cross Country decided to do what Matt Dai said and prepare to maintain his condition. After all, what Matt Dai said was not wrong at all. It took a whole day for cross-country to recover from the fatigue of opening the secret of the human body some time ago. Now that the war is about to begin, how can there be so much time? Off-road for recovery?

 Then, in the next few days, in addition to chakra training and the Uzumaki clan's spiritual and mystical training, Cross Country only carried out some consolidation training.

Until the day when the war started, when Shikaku sent someone to notify Cross Country to rendezvous, he put on an ANBU mask, put on ANBU clothes, and carried ANBU's special sword. Cross Country said goodbye to Mattai, Akai and others first. With a sound, he immediately headed to Shikaku's camp and prepared to go into battle to kill the enemy!

 “Ying, long time no see!”

Not long after Cross Country arrived at Shikaku's camp, Uchiha Shisui's figure appeared next to Cross Country, smiling and saying hello to Cross Country.

 And the cross-country was next to Uchiha Shisui, so naturally he found that Uchiha Shisui's injury had recovered quite well.

Immediately afterwards, just when Cross Country was about to ask what the mission of their sharp blade team was, Shikaku's figure appeared in front of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui, assigning tasks to the two of them alone and said: "Kage, Shun , you are the elite ANBU under the Fourth Hokage, but this battle is the key, so your Blade Team must complete the mission assigned by me!"

 “In about half an hour, our troops will be assembled.”

“The mission of your sharp blade team is to conquer the barrier of the Mist Ninja’s third line of defense before our troops are assembled!”

"is that OK?"

"no problem!"

Listening to Shikaku's instructions, Uchiha Shisui's heart trembled, and his figure disappeared in front of Shikaku with a "whoosh".

 After leaving Shikaku's camp, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui must have left Konoha's camp without any time to rest.

Especially when he went to the second line of defense of the original Mist Ninja and discovered the Konoha base, Uchiha Shisui looked at the cross country with solemn eyes and ordered: "Kage, according to our clan's intelligence, the Mist Ninja's second There are members of the Seven Mist Ninjas in the three lines of defense, so to complete Shikaku-sama’s mission, we must solve the problem in front of the third line of defense of the Mist Ninjas before the Seven Mist Ninjas show up.”

“In other words, within ten minutes, we will be able to kill nearly twenty fog ninjas at least.”

“So, when we go to our base, we will use the shadow communication technique to cooperate, and be prepared to catch the fog ninja by surprise!”


 Uchiha Shisui did not have a detailed plan, all because the task assigned by Shikaku was quite difficult.

 The more detailed the plan, the more difficult it is to complete in difficult battles.

Especially for cross-country, the mission Uchiha Shisui has to perform is simply to use the power of the Blade Team to resist the entire force of the Mist Ninja's third line of defense. It is a mission with a narrow escape!

 But there’s no other way!

If you want to end the war ahead as soon as possible, even if Shikaku is Shikaku's nephew, Shikaku must take risks to complete this layout.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 The more difficult the task feels, the more excited the mood becomes when going off-road.

Immediately afterwards, in less than ten minutes, Cross Country followed Uchiha Shisui to the second line of defense of the original Mist Ninja, which is now the base of Konoha. Moreover, not long after arriving there, Uchiha Shisui saw Konoha's troops beginning to gather, and quietly left the Konoha base here with Cross Country.

The next time they appeared, off-road, Uchiha Shisui's reorganized sharp blade team was suddenly deep in front of the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja!

Moreover, just when the Sensing Ninja of the Mist Ninja discovered that Konoha was about to start a decisive battle, the ghostly figures of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui suddenly sprinted not far from the Mist Ninja's third line of defense!

 “Enemy attack!”

 “Enemy attack!”

 Obviously, because there is only one line of defense left, the ninjas on the Mist Ninja side are very vigilant.

Off-road, Uchiha Shisui relied on his own concealment ability to quietly approach the front of the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja. But even so, when approaching the third line of defense of the Mist ninja, the Mist ninja still discovered the figure of Uchiha Shisui off-road, and then countless Mist ninjas attacked, and it only took a few seconds. In a matter of seconds, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui were surrounded.

 However, when faced with being surrounded by as many as twenty mist ninjas, Cross Country only had a faint smile on his face.

 Then, in the next second!

 The moment when a Mist ninja chuunin formed a seal with his hands to use the Water Release Ninjutsu to explore the status of Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country disappeared in place with a "whoosh"!

  Immediately afterwards, use the Wind Instantaneity!

The moment Off-Road's figure appeared in front of the Mist Ninja Chuunin, the light of the palm blade shrouded the two palms of Off-Road!

Just using a palm, cross-country showed the sharpness of the sharp blade again, and first killed a Mist ninja chuunin!

 “Mist Ninja!”

 “Let’s fight!”

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