Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 161: Decline

 Blood splattered everywhere!

Under the incredulous gaze of Kuri Kasumumaru, his arm holding a long knife and needle was struck by the air blade, Half Moon Slash, and was neatly broken there!

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

Under the opportunity created by Akai and Shiranui Genma, they first used the most basic substitute technique to avoid Kushimaru's killing move. Then, the use of wind teleportation, which was comparable to the Fourth Hokage, evaded Kushimaru's perception, followed by the use of the air blade Half Moon Slash, which could be said to be completely mastered when cutting off one of Kushimaru's arms. The situation is over!

Furthermore, don’t look at it at this time, Kurumi Kushimaru only has one broken arm.

 But the arm holding the long knife and sewing needle occupies a very important position in the cross-country battle with Kurikaru Kushimaru!

 Having lost his right arm and even his long knife and stitches, how much of Kurikaru Kushimaru's remaining combat power can he have at his peak?

What's more, Kuriragushimaru not only lost an arm in the hands of the cross-country, but also suffered heavy injuries from Ding Zao in the previous confrontation with Konoha!

 So, at the moment when Kurihara Kushimaru lost an arm and his long knife and stitches, Cross Country was already 100% sure that he could kill Kurisaru Kushimaru!

With the death of Kurisu Kushimaru, one member of the seven famous Kiri ninjas will be reduced.

The outstanding record of killing Kuritsuri Kushimaru off-road, isn't it equivalent to cutting off an arm of the seven Kiri ninjas?

 Then, taking advantage of Kurumi Kushimaru's signs of decline, a faint smile appeared on Zi Yue's face. Then, just like what he had thought before going off-road, he not only wanted to cut off Kurisharu Kushimaru's arm here, but he also wanted to cut off the arms of the seven Kirigin ninjas and take the opportunity to kill Kurisharu Kushimaru!

 As for Li Xia Chuan Wan.

How can he be a cross-country rival when he is already showing signs of decline?

Moreover, when Kushiyoshi and Kurihara Kushimaru were about to behead Kurigaraki Kushimaru, who was showing signs of decline, in the other two battlefields where Konoha and Kiri Ninja clashed, the Kiri Ninja side was as if they were fighting against Kushiyoshi. Just like Kurimaru Kushimaru, he also showed signs of defeat, and was about to face a complete defeat!

 Outside the Land of Fire.

 There was the battlefield where the Fourth Hokage and the Mist Ninja clashed.

Under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage, the ninjas on Konoha's side were extremely morale-worthy. It only took a few minutes to defeat the ninjas on the Mist Ninja side.

Especially when the Fourth Hokage personally went into battle, with the cooperation of many Konoha ninjas, using the killing move of flying thunder **** technique and Rasengan, the figure of the Fourth Hokage was seen constantly flashing in the eyes of the Mist Ninjas. Beside him, the lives of the Mist Ninja were being harvested unscrupulously, and then he completely defeated the Mist Ninja who showed signs of decline.

 At this point, the battle between Konoha and the Mist Ninja on the outskirts of the Country of Fire has come to an end.

The Mist Ninja could not withstand the ferocious power of the Fourth Hokage, so he could only gather his defeated troops and gradually return to the Kingdom of Water.

 Next, as long as the confrontation between Konoha and the Mist Ninja ends within the Land of Fire, then the confrontation between Konoha and the Mist Ninja during the Third War will be an overall victory for Konoha.

 But when he won, the Fourth Hokage did not show any joy.

Especially when ninjas came to report information. When the Fourth Hokage learned about the internal strategy of the Land of Fire and was about to complete it, he slowly put away the information in his hands. However, the Fourth Hokage's eyes slowly looked into the distance. I thought silently in my heart: "It is indeed the right choice to form the Blade Squad. Without the Blade Squad, I'm afraid our operations would not be so smooth!"

“But Kakashi, before forming the Blade Team, the mission I gave you must be completed!”

 “Don’t forget my entrustment, especially don’t forget it”

 “Don’t forget the importance of that task!”

  thought secretly, the Fourth Hokage sighed deeply, gathered up Konoha's troops and prepared to return to the camp.

At the same time, the Fourth Hokage had just received information from within the Land of Fire. When he learned that the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja was broken, the Konoha ninjas led by Shikaku actually captured the third line of the Mist Ninja. It didn't take long for the defense line to launch a ferocious offensive at the Kiri Ninja's base camp, and the first person to rush into the Kiri Ninja's base camp was none other than Choza, who had previously defeated Kurihara Kushimaru!

 “Doubling technique!”



The moment he stepped into the Mist Ninja's base camp, Dingzuo suddenly used the doubling technique, and two giant-like arms slammed into the Mist Ninja's base camp.

  It was simply like the Fourth Hokage leading Konoha's ninjas to a perfect victory on the front line.

At this time, Ding Zao, who was using the secret technique of the Akimichi clan, also used two giant-like arms to severely break through the protection of the Mist Ninja base camp, allowing Konoha's ninjas to quickly take advantage and quickly complete the task. Strategies for the Mist Ninja Base Camp.

 However, the Fourth Hokage hid something that he was very concerned about, and Ding Zao also hid something in his heart.

Therefore, when Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu chased Kurigaraki Kushimaru, and Cross Country went to rescue Akai and the other three, Ding Zao found that Konoha had a complete advantage and could capture Kiri immediately. Shinobu established the base camp within the Land of Fire. He sighed deeply, returned to Shikaku and said:

“Shikaku, do you know where we are going off-road?”

"Oh, I see."

Listening to Ding Zao's question, Shikaku couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "I really didn't expect that Akai and the others would be so impulsive, and they went to chase Kuri Karetsu Kushimaru, who was seriously injured and escaped. The seven dignified Kiri ninjas Members, can Akai and the others just deal with it? I think Cross Country thought of this, so he went to rescue Akai and the others."

“After all, the relationship between Cross Country and Akai is good, and he was once a member of Adai’s team, so it would be right for him to pursue them.”

 “It’s just that you and I didn’t think of it!”

“The base camp of the Mist Ninja is completely an empty shell. No wonder there was a riot in the Mist Ninja’s camp just after we occupied the third line of defense of the Mist Ninja!”

"turn out to be."

 “It turns out that the Mist Ninja was ready to give up long ago!”

Seeing Lu Jiu sighing deeply after finishing speaking, Ding Zuo couldn't help but frowned and asked worriedly: "Then going cross-country to rescue Akai and the others, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

 “Shouldn’t be possible!”

Looking at the direction where Matt Dai left earlier, Lu Jiu first answered firmly, and then said with some doubt: "It's just that the seven Mist Ninjas were not seen in the Mist Ninja camp. No one was there. I don’t know what they did, so I just sent Adai to lead people to welcome them back.”

"Furthermore, I just got a reply from Minato, saying that Kakashi disappeared into the camp and seems to have gone on some special mission."

“Oh, off-roading, Kakashi, these elites of the Blade Team are really more troublesome than the last!”

“Dingzuo, what we can do now is probably watch their performance silently!”

 After saying that, Shikaku and Dingzao sighed a few more times, and then began to focus on the battle in front of them.

But what is obvious is that in the three battlefields known to Konoha, the Mist Ninjas are all showing signs of decline, and the Mist Ninjas' failure is basically unavoidable.

Sure enough, the subsequent battle only lasted a short time, and not only the base camp of the Mist Ninja fell!

 In another known battlefield, Off-Road also defeated Kurisuke Kushimaru, who was showing signs of decline, and stepped heavily on Kuritsume Kushimaru's face!

Just like the cross-country plan, when Kurira Kushimaru lost his arm and his long knife and stitches, there was no possibility for him to recover from his disadvantage.

 So, on the one hand, we pay attention to the situation of Akai and the other three people, so as to prevent Kuritari Kushimaru from sneaking up on Akai and the other three people. On the other hand, off-roading is using the secret "acceleration" technique passed down by the Fourth Hokage, which wears away Kurikaru Kushimaru's strength bit by bit. When Kurirahara Kushimaru is ready to pick up the broken arm, there is also recovery At the moment when the long knife and stitches were being stitched, Cross Country seized the opportunity, and with a Konoha whirlwind, Kurikaru Kushimaru was kicked hard to the ground.

However, when Yukoku stepped **** Kurisha Kushimaru's face with his foot and was about to use the kunai in his hand to harvest Kurisha Kushimaru's life, Kurisha Kushimaru's weird laughter came again. , but it was Cross-country who won the victory, slowly frowning!

 “Little brat of Konoha, do you think you’ve won?”

 “Jie Jie Jie Jie!”

 “This feeling of entering heaven and then falling into **** is so wonderful!”

 “Jiejiejiejie! Hahahaha!”

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