Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 163: Seven Mist Ninjas!

 “Kuri-Kushimaru, you talk a lot!”


Seeing that Kuritsugu Kushimaru was about to die in the hands of off-road, who could have imagined that a sudden change would occur!

 Those are the reinforcements from the Mist Ninja!

  He is even more the savior of Kurumi Kushimaru!

Previously, Kurumi Kushimaru pointed out that Rin, as the three-tailed jinchūriki, spent a lot of effort to rescue Rin when she was not at the Mist Ninja headquarters, so that Kakashi did not need to regret his life, and Uchiha Obito did not need to Going cross-country on the road to "blackening", it was really a state of mind wandering, and all the things on my mind were about Lin.

Undoubtedly, I did not expect that the Kiri Ninja could secretly **** Lin. In Shikaku, Ding Zao and others moved Lin with low eyelids. This was really beyond the expectations of the cross-country.

After all, if Lin is not at the Mist Ninja Base Camp, all the means of cross-country preparations to rescue Lin will be in vain!

 So, with his mind wandering, Cross Country's only idea was to eradicate Kurihara Kushimaru, and first get rid of the clones of the Seven Mist Ninja who were escorting Lin.

 But it happened that his mind wandered during the cross-country trip, which prevented him from concentrating on using his wind sense to sense the surrounding situation, and he got involved in Kurikaru Kushimaru's plan.

Immediately afterwards, when a dark shadow appeared behind Yuji, Yuji's attention was all on Kurumi Kushimaru. Naturally, there was no way to know that anyone came to help Kurumi Kushimaru. Therefore, he just kicked the cross country's back hard with his foot, and the black shadow appeared, successfully relieving Kurikaru Kushimaru's life crisis!

Then, perhaps because he knew that the cross-country could drive Kurihara Kushimaru to the point of death and that he was an opponent that would not be easy to deal with, when the black shadow successfully rescued Kururigaraki Kushimaru, he just held his hand tendons and hamstrings completely severed. Kuri-Kushimaru went to a rock not far away and threw Kuri-Kushimaru's body heavily onto the rock!

“Hiss! Don’t you know how to be gentle? Didn’t you see that I was injured?”

“Idiot, don’t you want your arm anymore? If you do, just be polite!”

“Jie Jie Jie! Okay, then take my arm back! Remember to have stitches!”

 “It’s really troublesome!”

 One second ago, the dark shadow appeared and had just resolved the crisis of Kuritari Kushimaru.

The next second, the cruel light flashing in the dark shadow's eyes quickly glanced at the cross country, Akai and others, and then prepared to take back the broken arm of Kuritsugu Kushimaru, as well as what was left there. Long knife and needle.

 As for Akai, there are three people, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

The moment I saw that dark shadow appear, I completely lost the possibility of thinking!

 Because, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu felt very shocked after understanding the Kiri Ninja's plan.

After all, Lin was someone Akai and the other three knew. They really didn’t expect that Lin disappeared into the Leaf Village and was actually going to carry out a secret mission ordered by the Fourth Hokage!

And the secret mission was actually to sneak into the Mist Ninja Village and become the Jinchūriki of the Three-Tailed Isozu!

Now, the Fourth Hokage's plan has been completely ruined, and Lin has fallen into the hands of the Mist Ninja. What do Akai and the other three think?

On the one hand, Akai and the other three felt that it was really cruel for the Fourth Hokage to sacrifice his disciple Lin to go to the Mist Ninja Village. On the other hand, for the benefit of Konoha Village, Akai and others tried their best to defend the Fourth Hokage. The final result was that Akai and the other three were hesitant, not knowing whether their thoughts were biased towards the Fourth Hokage. It's better to be on behalf of Hokage, or to favor Yu Lin.

 Even when they were preparing to take out Kurumi Kushimaru off-road, Akai and the other three were struggling with their thoughts.

And when that black shadow appeared, he saved Kurisu Kushimaru, and was about to take back Kuri Hare Kushimaru's arm. When he was sewing stitches with a long knife, Akai and the other three people were still there, with that blur of appearance. The black shadows who saved Kurihara Kushimaru were all silently sighing that Kurisaru Kushimaru's plan was indeed good. He used small tasks that were almost completed to deceive the ninjas of Konoha. .

However, when the black shadow appeared in front of Kuri-Kushimaru's arm, and it was about to take back Kuri-Kushimaru's arm, and there was still a long knife to sew stitches, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

It was at that moment that the off-road figure appeared in front of the black shadow!

“Want to take back Kurumi Kushimaru’s arm? Want to take back the long knife and stitches?”


 “Have you asked me?”

 “Shadow Suture!”


 Use the Wind Instantaneously!

 Obviously, when Akai and the other three were still unable to return to paying attention to the war in front of them, Cross Country, who had known the Mist Ninja's strategy for a long time, regained his composure in an instant.

 Perhaps, Lin's transfer plan was something that Cross Country had never thought of.

Possibly, the seven mist ninjas used Madara's secret clone technique to **** Lin to Konoha Village, which also made the cross-country mind wander for a while.

However, when faced with Kuritari Kushimaru and the sudden black shadow, he encountered a sneak attack in the cross-country, and he suddenly regained his composure.

 He knew that the top priority was to deal with Kurumi Kushimaru and the black shadow in front of him.

Therefore, while the black shadow completely ignored Akai and the other three, the cross-country figure suddenly appeared, using the spiritual energy to "qualitatively" change in half a step, and the attack end became even weirder. The shadow suture technique was to control He rushed towards the shadow of the black shadow, and immediately controlled the shadow of the black shadow, and hit it **** the chest of the black shadow!


Kurihara Kushimaru was about to vomit blood under the sneak attack of the Shadow Suture Technique, not to mention the black figure who was full of contempt and came to take back Kurisha Kushimaru's arm and sew with a long knife and needle?

Dark red blood spurted out from the mouth. Under the off-road shadow suture technique, the black shadow suffered trauma, and the running figure suddenly stopped there.

But just when Crossroads secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that Kurumi Kushimaru's arm, the long knife and the stitches were finally saved.


The long knife in the hands of the black shadow suddenly changed its shape with a "buzz" sound!

"That is."

 “Is that a double-knife flounder?”

  There is no need to use the sense of wind, just use the naked eye to see the changes in the two swords in the hands of the black shadow.

And when the black shadow suddenly liberated the twin swords, the expression in Cross Country's eyes couldn't help but change. After all, the black shadow was a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, and it was simply beyond Cross Country's imagination. ah!

However, just as Cross Country was distracted during the battle, the black shadow unleashed the power of the two-sword Kushiro, and suddenly knocked away Kuri-Kushimaru's arm, and the long knife and needle fell on Kuri-Kushi. In front of Maru!

Moreover, almost at the moment when the black shadow used the power of liberation to take back Kurihara Kushimaru's arm and the long knife to sew the needle, the eyes of the black shadow suddenly locked on the cross-country figure. A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and with just one sentence, his cross-country mood fell to the bottom!

“Kid, do you think that I’m the only one who came to help Kurumi Kushimaru because he was so confident in his escape?”

 “How naive!”


As soon as the black shadow finished speaking, Yuexiu saw the black shadow in front of him, and returned to Kuritari Kushimaru's side with a teleportation technique.

 First, let’s reattach the broken arm of Kurumi Kushimaru!

Immediately afterwards, under Yuguo's slightly contracted pupils, Kurihara Kushimaru, who had reattached his arm, struggled to touch the handle of the long knife and sewing needle with his palm, and then "swish", "swish" and " With a few "swish" sounds, Kushimaru Kushimaru actually used the steel wire wrapped around the long knife to sew back the tendons and hamstrings that had been severed during the cross-country trip!

When Kurikatsumaru reconnected his hand tendons and hamstrings, and the broken arm was completely reattached, there were several more "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds!

 In an instant, a thick layer of fog filled the air in the direction of Kuritsumaru and the black shadow!

Moreover, when the thick mist gradually dispersed, revealing the seven figures hidden in it, Xue Qi felt a "buzz" in his head, and immediately while staring at the seven figures, he said with a little difficulty:

"You are"

 “Seven Mist Ninjas?!”

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