Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 165: first drop of blood

What is Kurumi Kushimaru's trump card?

 The answer is the seven mist ninjas who appeared in front of Kai and three others on the cross-country road!

So what is the long-hidden trump card of off-roading?


 Revealed soon!

In an instant, the users of Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Kurumi Kushimaru, and Double Knife Platinum, who had fought with Off-Road, attacked at the same time. That was because they knew the strength of Off-Road and deeply understood that Off-Road had the ability to counterattack. possibility!

It seems that there are three members of the seven mist ninjas, namely Tongcaoyejiren, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Thunder Fang. Because they have never fought against off-roaders, they showed up without any intention of taking action. Obviously, Tongcaoyebaiten, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Leiya felt that the seven of them, the Mist Ninja, were actually used to deal with cross-country. Akai and the other three people were really using a butcher's knife to kill a chicken. mean.

However, in the Tongcao Yebai Man, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Leiya, all three people stared with disdain at the sudden attack of Loquat Juuzang, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Li Xingchuan, and Shuang Shuang. When the user of Knife Flounder, the trump card that had been hidden for a long time in cross-country was suddenly revealed, which made the three people who had previously despised cross-country, Tongcao Yebaiman, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Leiya, show some surprise!

Even Tong Cao Ye Bai Ren, Wu Li Jin Ba, and Black Hoe Lei Ya all regretted it!

I regret not following Loquat Juuzang and others to attack off-road!

So, what is the hidden killer move in off-roading?

That was when the users of Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni, Kurisuke Kushimaru, and the double-sword Kushiro users came to the crossroads. They waved the four ninja swords that had been passed down by the Mist Ninja for a long time, and they were about to fall on the crossroads. Cross Country suddenly formed a seal with his hands, then slapped his right palm on the ground, and used the S-level secret technique of the Nara clan!

 The Shadow Realm is coming!



 One second ago, the users of Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Li Xingchuan, and the double-sword Flounder, who had vowed to attack, almost foresaw the scene of Cross Country dying under the siege of the four of them.

 After all, those are four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

With four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas present, even in Konoha Village there are only a few people who can withstand their power!

Among them, the fourth generation Hokage, the cross-country mentor, must be able to stop the joint attack of four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas.

As for the other one, if Juzo and others think about it, only the Third Hokage can stop the combined power of the four of them!

  Instead, it’s off-road.

Although the users of Loquat Juuzang, Xiguashan Fugugui, Li Xingchuanwan, and the double-knife user attach great importance to the strength of cross-country, in the hearts of Loquat Juuzang and the other four people, cross-country is nothing more than a young adventurer. He is just an ANBU of Konoha Village who is small but has extraordinary strength. And what if he is stronger?

  With four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas attacking together, is there any possibility of a miss?

However, just when Loquat Juuzang and four other members of the Seven Mist Ninjas attacked fiercely, and decided that Off-road must die tragically here, Off-road's palm hit the ground heavily, and with "buzz" and "buzz" "The sound of a dark shadow stretched out from the feet of off-roaders, and in an instant it was not only shrouded in the feet of Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Li Xingwan, and the double-knife user.

At that moment, the shadow extending from the off-road foot quickly extended to the feet of Tongcao Yebai Man, Wuli Jinpachi, and Black Hoe Leiya in the distance!

 Follow up!

 The confinement ability is used!

Off-road, while using the S-level secret technique of the Nara clan, he used the Shadow Realm to directly imprison all the seven members of the Mist Ninja!

 In this second, the situation faced by off-roaders has suddenly changed!

 A shocking reversal!

 It can be said that the situation of the cross-country battle suddenly changed when using Shadow Realm Arrival!

 But don’t forget, the enemies in front of you off-road are the Seven Mist Ninjas!

 But among the fog ninjas, they are truly the best among the best!

Especially Loquat Juzo, who has personally witnessed the arrival of the Shadow Realm in cross-country use!

Therefore, when Cross Country used the Nara clan's S-level secret technique Shadow Realm to descend and suddenly imprisoned all the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, including Loquat Juuzang, Loquat Juuzang's sharp eyes fell on Cross Country. Immediately, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said to the seven members of the Mist Ninja next to him:

“Don’t worry, this Konoha Village ANBU named Shadow is a member of Konoha Village’s Nara clan.”

"Maybe the Nara clan's secret technique he used covers a much wider area than we imagined, but the wider the area his shadow covers, the more people who need to be imprisoned, and the smaller the power of the secret technique is!"

“Also, while maintaining the secret technique, this Konoha ANBU brat cannot move!”

 “Black Hoe Leiya, what are you waiting for?”

“Use your secret technique of lightning escape to get rid of this brat quickly. Don’t forget that we have other tasks to perform. We don’t have time to stay here for too long!”

“Hahahaha! It turns out that the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light! Then leave this kid to me and I will arrange a perfect funeral for him!”

As soon as Loquat Juuzang finished speaking, a cruel look flashed across Black Hoe Lei Ya’s eyes.

Even when Black Hoe Lei Ya raised the corner of his mouth with an extremely ferocious smile, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, who had no ability to intervene at the side, all narrowed their pupils slightly.

Obviously, they had just seen the possibility of a comeback in cross-country, and the possibility of a comeback was shattered under the guidance of Loquat Juuzang. In an instant, the joy that had just risen in the hearts of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu disappeared. It turned into despair.

But just when Black Hoe Lei Ya got the guidance from Loquat Juuzang, he was about to hold the Thunder Fang tightly and use his signature Thunder Release Ninjutsu in the direction of the cross-country to attack the cross-country. His extremely powerful confinement ability The sudden appearance not only made Black Hoe Lei Ya freeze there for a moment, but also used the shadow world to imprison all the members of the Seven Mist Ninja Cross Country, but also secretly raised a cold smile!

 Because, if it were placed at the time when Cross Country and Loquat Juuzang fought, Loquat Juuzang's guidance was not wrong at all.

  After all, at that time, the off-road Nara clan's S-level secrets had not been perfected, and all the weaknesses of the Shadow Realm that Loquat Juzo pointed out were real!

 But don’t forget, after the cross-country battle with Loquat Juuzang, he has improved a lot!

 The half-step "qualitative" transformation of spiritual energy is completed, and the change in the nature of wind attribute chakra is extremely complete, not to mention the second stage of breakthrough!

 Just talking about the arrival of the Nara clan’s S-level secret technique in the shadow world, cross-country has perfected all its shortcomings!

Therefore, when Loquat Juuzang confidently pointed out the weakness of Shadow World Advent, hoping that Black Hoe Lei Ya could directly solve the cross-country, all that was left in his mind besides sneering was to laugh at Loquat Juuzang's arrogance. idea!

 “Loquat Juuzang, what a pity!”

“If it were put in the past, my arrival in the shadow world would indeed have a lot of shortcomings!”

“But since I fought with you, all the weaknesses you pointed out in the Shadow Realm have disappeared!”


“The Shadow Advent I am using now is more terrifying than the Shadow Advent you imagined!”

 “Now, let me demonstrate it for you!”

He secretly thought to himself, if someone could see the face hidden under the Anbu mask of the cross country, that person would definitely notice that the sneer raised at the corner of the cross country's mouth suddenly became a little stronger!

The next second, the sneer that almost raised at the corner of Yue Yue's mouth suddenly became more intense. The pupils in the eyes of Loquat Juuzang, Black Hoe Lei Ya and other members of the Seven Mist Ninjas were all shrinking slightly. Under such circumstances, off-road's lower body gradually "trapped" into the black shadow coming from the shadow world!

Immediately afterwards, as the cross-country journey got deeper and deeper, Kurihara Kushimaru, who was imprisoned by the arrival of the shadow world, suddenly found a palm made of black shadow, slowly climbing to his neck. Above!

 Then, just listen to a "click" sound!

The seven people in the fog and one of the "ruthless" two -person group, Li Yan Chuan Wan, under the action of the palm condensed by the black shadow, the neck and bone diameter broke there!

 Churi-grain skewers!

He became the first person to die tragically in the cross-country VS Mist Ninja seven-person battle!

 More transformed into a cross-country VS fog ninja seven-person battle, the first drop of blood harvested by the cross-country!

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