Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 168: Magical use of clones (Part 2)


Facing a life-and-death crisis, Ebisu had no way to deal with the user of the double-sword Platinum except for a symbolic defense.

As for Ebisu's companions, Akai and Shiranui Genma, because the gap between them and the user of the double-sword user was too big, they could only watch Ebisu die tragically at the hands of the user of the double-sword user. That’s all!

But it didn’t take even a second, and the user of the double-knife flounder was about to harvest Ebisu’s life.


The gorgeous and sharp wind blade came directly. Under Ebisu's slightly dilated pupils, the head of the double-knife user fell to the ground with a "pop" and warm blood. Above the ground!


 For a moment, there was silence!

In particular, that familiar figure stood proudly in front of Ebisu at the moment when the user of the twin swords, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were facing a life-and-death crisis. , that’s surprising, even the language function has been lost!

 Because at this moment, the person standing proudly in front of Ebisu is the cross-country who is dead in everyone's eyes!

 “Ebisu, I’m so sorry.”

“I just wanted to kill the guy in front of me, and I frightened you!”

Cross Country, who was supposed to be dead, appeared, and an indifferent yet confident voice echoed in Ebisu's ears. Apart from nodding hard and grinning silly, Ebisu really didn't know how to thank him. Off-road is good.

If there was no cross-country, even if Ebisu thought about it with his toes, he would know what kind of result he, Akai, and Shiranui Genma would face.

So, seeing the death of the user of the double sword in front of him, how could Ebisu blame Cross Country?

 It’s too late to thank you for going cross-country, so why blame it?

On the contrary, there were four people, the Pufferfish Ghost from Xigua Mountain, the Wild Bait Man from Tongcao, Wuli Jinba, and Black Hoe Leiya, staring at the thin figure off-road with panic.

 What is going on?

Isn’t that Konoha ANBU kid dead?

 Why did he come back to life again?

Also, why did the remaining half of the kid’s body just disappear?

When Xiguashan Fugugui and the other four members of the Mist Ninja Seven were filled with doubts, their eyes rested on Cross Country, especially feeling the strong confidence emanating from him. The members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, who had experienced hundreds of battles, inevitably felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

  After all, the users of Kurisuke Kushimaru and the double-sworded squid died in the hands of off-road one after another!

 Two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas died tragically at the hands of that little Konoha ANBU off-road!

However, when the four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, including Watermelon Fugu Oni, killed Kurihara Kushimaru and the user of the double-sword Kushiumaru due to cross-country, the momentum of the cross-country for the first time overcame the edge of the Seven Mist Ninjas. , the sudden "pa" and "pa" applause echoed in the ears of Cross Country, Akai, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost and others!

And when Akai, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and others looked intently, they suddenly discovered that the person applauding was actually Loquat Juuzang!

 “That kid codenamed “Shadow”, if I read it right just now”

“The half of your body left there should have turned back into your shadow and returned to your feet!”

“Is that technique the special clone technique of your Nara clan?”

As soon as the applause ended, Loquat Juuzang's voice echoed in the forest, which really frightened Akai, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost and others!

 Just using a clone technique, did Cross Country have the seven Mist Ninjas in the palm of his hand?

He just used a clone. Did he fight with Kurisaru Kushimaru for so long with just that clone, and even broke Kurisaru Kushimaru's arm and picked off Kurisaru Kushimaru's hand tendons and hamstrings?

Loquat Juuzang's words fell into the ears of Akai and others, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost and others, which gave people completely different feelings.

In Akai, Shiranui Genma, Ebisu, these three off-road companions think about it, off-road can use a clone technique to play with the seven fog ninjas, what kind of terrifying strength is that?

After all, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu didn't even have the strength to fight back in front of the seven Mist Ninjas!

On the contrary, he is a pufferfish ghost from Watermelon Mountain, a man who uses grass and bait in the wild, has no pear, has a black **** and has thunder teeth. Listening to the words of Loquat Juzo, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Almost as soon as Loquat Shizang broke the "immortality" trick of cross-country, the mentality of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and others changed, so that the advantage that cross-country finally created disappeared in an instant.

Even Cross Country himself, listening to Loquat Shizang’s comments, couldn’t help but secretly thought:

 “I think among the seven mist ninjas, it is still Loquat Juuzang who knows me best!”

“The special secret of the shadow clone technique may no longer be a secret in the future!”

  thought to himself, Hidden under the Anbu mask, Cross Country couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

However, when he saw the corpses of Li Xingwan and the double-knife user, they all stopped in front of him, and the wry smile on the corner of the cross country's mouth disappeared.

 Because relying on the magical effect of a shadow clone technique, in exchange for the death of the user of Kurisha Kushimaru and the double-sword Kushiro, it is a very good deal in the cross-country!

 Then, let’s talk about the wonderful use of shadow clone technique.

 The time probably goes back to the time when Cross Country came to rescue Akai and the other three!

Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu went to chase Kurisuke Kushimaru. Cross Country knew that Kurisha Kushimaru had the reputation of being "ruthless" and was a member of the Seven Mist Ninjas. He must have some hidden means. of.

At that time, off-roading was also unimaginable, and Kurumi Kushimaru's real trump card was the gathering of seven Kirigin ninjas.

So, when Cross Country caught up with Akai and the other three, and had to fight with Kurisha Kushimaru, in order to avoid Kurisha Kushimaru's trump card, Cross Country used the Shadow Clone Technique!

Immediately afterwards, Off-Road commanded the shadow clone to fight with Kuritari Kushimaru, and gradually took control of the situation in front of him. It was not until he killed the user of the double-knife Koushi that the true body of Off-Road finally appeared.

So, why can Cross Country's shadow clone last for so long, and be able to use many of Cross Country's secret techniques, and even how many times can he use the secret technique of Gale Wind Flow?

With the shadow clone, you can complete many secret techniques that the off-road body can complete, which means that the spiritual energy of the off-road has changed in half a step!

Just after completing the half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, Cross Country's strength has made a further leap. The second stage breakthrough of the extreme change in the properties of wind attribute chakra has allowed Cross Country to create the secret technique of the wind flow. It is possible to step into the ranks of shadow level in half a step.

 However, the half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy is not just as simple as letting off-road create the secret technique of the wind flow.

Just like the Shadow Suture Technique that severely damaged Kurisha Kushimaru and the user of the double-sword Flounder before going off-road, isn't it also a case of a "qualitative" change in the spiritual energy in half a step?

Then, as Cross Country gradually discovered the benefits of the half-step "qualitative" transformation of mental energy, Cross Country learned about the half-step "qualitative" transformation of mental energy, which also brought certain changes to the shadow clone technique. It was also that change that made the Shadow Clone Technique that Cross Country mastered become the second S-class secret technique of the Nara clan that Cross Country mastered after the arrival of the Shadow Realm!

That change is that when Cross Country uses the Shadow Clone Technique, in addition to consuming a certain amount of chakra to use the Shadow Clone Technique, the shadow clone created using the Shadow Clone Technique, no matter what secret technique Master Cross Country masters, They are not consuming the chakra of the off-road body, but the chakra of the shadow clone!

Furthermore, as long as there is chakra in the shadow clone, then the shadow clone created cross-country will be immortal!

So, before Loquat Juzo cut off the head of the shadow clone of Cross Country, Cross Country was still able to control the shadow clone to use the shadow clone technique, turning the severed heads of the shadow clone into shadow clones to launch an offensive of detonating symbols.

Therefore, the cross-country that appears in front of Loquat Juuzang and others at this time, except for using the shadow clone technique to consume a certain amount of chakra, is almost equivalent to the cross-country at its peak coming in front of Loquat Juuzang and others!


 Although cross-country has no other consumption except using the shadow clone technique, it is basically still the peak combat power.

On the contrary, when Loquat Juuzang and others controlled the shadow clones off-road, almost everyone had a certain amount of consumption.

 But the shadow clone of Cross Country disappears, which is equivalent to the loss of one of Cross Country's trump cards!

Especially when faced with Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Tongcao Yebaiman, Mu Li Jinpachi, Black Hoe Thunder Tooth, and a total of five members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, Cross Country knew the moment he appeared, What he will face next is still a fierce battle!

 Either the Seven Mist Ninjas continued to lose their numbers, or he fought a fierce battle to the death in the Nara Cross Country!

"Next target."

 “Black Hoe Thunder Fang!”

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