Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 178: Burn youth!

 “Eight Gate Dunjia?”

"That's right! The reason why Matt Dai can ignore Loquat Juuzang is because of his self-created forbidden art Eight Gates Dunjia!"

"With all eight doors open, not to mention a Loquat Juuzou, even if all the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas are present, Matt Dai has a way to destroy the Seven Mist Ninjas and successfully rescue them. It’s mine and Akai’s!”

“After all, in the original plot, Akai used all eight gates of Dunjia and severely tortured Master Ban!”

"After all, with the eight gates of Dungeon fully open, even if Matt Dai is a ten thousand year genin, he will be able to have strength comparable to, or even surpass, a shadow-level powerhouse in a very short period of time. of!"



Suddenly using his mental energy perception, he discovered that Matt Dai had opened the first door of the eight Dunjia doors early, and then he opened the second door of the eight doors of Dunjia, the rest door, and the third disciple door. Understand the meaning of Matt Dai's penetration of Ninja Dao, that cross-country is really an idiot who came through in vain and has a negative IQ!

 There is no doubt that Matt Dai’s trump card is just as Cross Country thought, it is the forbidden art Eight Gate Dunjia that he created and developed himself!

  When he came to rescue Cross Country, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, Matt Dai never thought that he would go back alive!

 Because it’s like biting your lower lip while off-roading, with a look of struggle in your eyes, and you don’t want to think about it anymore!

Metadai is prepared to use his life to protect the new generation of cross-country, Akai, and these small flames of Konoha Village!

 After all, after all the eight gates of Dunjia are fully activated, the cost of gaining strength beyond the shadow level is one's life!

Moreover, when Matt Dai opened the second door and the third disciple door of Eight Gate Dunjia in succession, Cross Country could clearly detect the third disciple of Eight Gate Dunjia even on Matt Dai's back. When the door opened, all the skin on Matt Dai's body turned red due to congestion. A bright green energy shrouded the moment Matt Dai opened his door to life. On the body turned into blood!

 Obviously, the burden of using the Eight Gate Dunjia started when Matdai opened the third disciple gate.

 As for the reason?

That's very simple, it's because Matt Dai had a previous confrontation with the Mist Ninja, and his injuries were relatively serious.

Facing a strong enemy at this time, Matedai ​​insisted on using the forbidden technique Eight Gates of Dunjia regardless of his injuries. It may have only opened three of the eight gates of Dunjia. But that burden still turned into the last straw that crushed Matt Dai. Almost the moment Matt Dai used the Eight Gate Dunjia, his fate became destined to die here!

 So, leaning on Matt Dai’s back, I couldn’t help but choke a little while going off-road.

 When faced with life and death dangers, cross-country has never been so choked up as it is now.

Only when he saw Matt Dai disregarding his life and coming to rescue himself, Akai and others, determined to protect the new generation power of Konoha, did Cross Country feel his nose was sore, and the choking sound was transmitted in the direction of Cross Country. into Matt Dai's ears.

 However, since Matedai ​​had made up his mind early on and was prepared to use his own life to implement the Way of Ninja and protect these small flames of the new generation across the country, it was impossible for him to have any regrets in his heart.

 So, when he heard the choking sound coming from the direction of the cross-country road, Matt Dai smiled silently.

Especially when his eyes slowly drifted into the distance, and he vaguely saw the figure of Akai and others fighting hard, Matt Dai's slightly joyful voice slowly echoed in the ears of Cross Country!

“Cross-country, didn’t I just say that? Seeing that you can carry out your own forbearance, I feel that I have no regrets in life.”

"Before I came, the only guilt in my heart was probably for Akai."

“But now, seeing that Akai has a good friend like you, the guilt in my heart has disappeared.”

“Because I believe that you can protect Akai well on my behalf in the future.”

 Speaking, Mattei took a deep breath.

 The moment Mattei took a deep breath, there was another "bang"!

 The fourth gate of the Eight Gate Dunjia, the Injury Gate is open!

That is the real danger zone of Eight Gate Dunjia, and it is really used to maintain the state of Eight Gate Dunjia!

 However, the fourth injury door is obviously not the limit that Matt Day wants to open!

 The next second, the fifth door is Dumen, the sixth is Jingmen, and the seventh is Jingmen!

Seven of the eight doors of Dunjia were fully opened. Off-road could even see with the naked eye that the sweat stains "squeezed" out of Matt Dai's skin actually seemed to "burn" on Matt Dai's body, turning into Wisps of blue steam!

At that moment, not only was Cross Country shocked, but even Loquat Juuzang couldn't help but gasped when he saw the changes in Matt Dai's body!

The forbidden art of Eight Gates Dunjia only opens seven gates!

Metadai has gone from being a ten thousand-year-old genin to a being that even Loquat Juzo is worried about. What kind of terrifying forbidden technique is that?

However, when Matt Dai opened seven of the eight gates of Dunjia, what really made Cross Country stunned was not the terrifying strength that Matt Dai had when he opened seven of the eight gates of Dunjia. What really made Cross Country stunned was the last words Matt Dai said to Cross Country when he opened the seventh door!

"Off-road, you who can implement the Way of Ninja are already qualified to inherit the Eight Gate Dunjia!"

“So after I die, let Akai teach you how to use the Eight Gate Dunjia!”

"I'm sorry, Off-road, I can't give guidance to such a talented ninja like you, let alone the opportunity to watch you and Akai grow up step by step!"

"But off-road, I hope that after I die, you can tell Akai for me!"

“The true meaning of burning youth lies in the way of tolerance I taught him before!”

 “The eighth door! The door of death!”


 “Eight Gate Dunjia Formation! One foot!”


Eight Gate Escape, in addition to the original plot, Cross Country finally saw the true power of Eight Gate Escape!

 What kind of terrifying power is that?

Red light bloomed all over the body. It was almost as if Matt Dai fully opened the eight-door armor. The moment he used the eight-door armor formation, he just punched out of thin air in the direction of Loquat Juuzang. The fist wind was compressed. The air current directly knocked away the seven members of Loquat Juuzang's ferocious Mist Ninja!

 Furthermore, when Loquat Juuzang was injured and fell to the ground, Loquat Juuzang, who had to be treated with caution even when going off-road, turned out to be alive or dead!

What's more, the unknown life and death of Loquat Juzo is just a small prelude to Matt Dai's burning youth!

Just when Loquat Juuzang fell heavily to the ground, and even the beheading sword was unable to protect him. In the moment of uncertainty about his life and death, Matdai stepped lightly on the ground with his right foot, and there was only a "bang" sound in the cross-country. , even the heavy earth could not withstand the power of Matt Dai's kick, and then there were cracks on the ground, and Matt Dai's figure rushed straight in front of Muri Jinpachi!

At that moment, Muri Jinpachi was about to take Ebisu’s life!

But Muri Jinpachi never expected that his life would be predetermined in the hands of Matt Dai as soon as Matt Dai launched an attack on him!


 Still a punch!

 With all eight doors open, Matt Dai is truly invincible!

 It’s a pity that the eight-door Dunjia can only be maintained for a short time!

Especially when Matt Dai was seriously injured, the forceful opening of eight of the eight gates of Dunjia showed a fierce power that surpassed the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse. As a result, the power that all eight gates could maintain was far shorter than in the original work. Akai in the plot.

 So, there is no time to talk to Cross Country, Akai and others.

With all eight doors open, Matt Dai used his burning youth and the remaining time to punch the remaining three punches!

 After three punches!

The seven mist ninjas were completely wiped out!

On the contrary, it was Matt Dai, who used the Eight Gate Dunjia to burn his youth, and successfully rescued Cross Country, Akai and others!

Furthermore, when Akai and others were rescued during the cross-country trip, the fiery red youth turned into withering flames and disappeared little by little on Matt Dai's body!

 “Captain Adai!”

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