Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 18: Uchiha Itachi


 Shadow shurikens flew out, cross-country was a new technique developed using the APP, and they achieved a perfect victory!

Under the confinement ability of the Shadow Shuriken, Uchiha Yunō, who had just completed the seal, took a deep breath and used the Uchiha clan's signature fire escape and high fireball technique.

Who would have thought that a shuriken suddenly shot out from the off-road hand was actually equipped with the confinement ability of Shadow Sewing Technique. It was nailed to the shadow of Uchiha Yuno, not only imprisoning it there, but also because of the interruption in the execution of the technique, it suffered the backlash of the ninjutsu, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth!


Seeing Uchiha Yuno spurting blood, Uchiha Gold, Uchiha Silver, and Uchiha Fire all looked panicked. As companions, they were obviously very concerned about Uchiha Yuno's safety.

But when the eyes of the three new generation elites of the Uchiha clan fell on Uchiha Yunō, Cross Country suddenly changed another seal method!

 “Shadow Neck Binding Technique!”



The sealing method was changed again. The shadows under the feet of Uchiha Gold, Uchiha Silver, and Uchiha Fire suddenly changed, and then a black shadow-like palm climbed up, and fiercely grasped the three Uchiha clan members. On the necks of the new generation elites, the faces of the three of them instantly turned purple.

As long as the off-roading is a little harder, it goes without saying that these three new generation elites of the Uchiha clan will definitely die miserably there!

However, who is paying attention to the four poor Uchiha clan members at this time?

Everyone’s eyes fell on Yukiha almost the moment Uchiha Yunō spurted blood!

 In three rounds, four new generation elites of the Uchiha clan were eliminated. What a terrifying achievement is this?

  Including Shikaku, no onlookers had ever imagined that the four-year-old off-road could defeat the four new generation elites of the Uchiha clan simply by relying on the secret skills of the Nara clan. Therefore, when cross-country achieved a perfect victory, everyone was silent, especially those who had not been optimistic about cross-country before. Their cheeks felt hot and they felt like they had been slapped in the face!

Only Uchiha Fugaku's expression kept changing, and even his eyes towards the cross country became more and more unkind.

But just when Uchiha Fugaku suppressed the anger in his heart and thought that he must never openly take action against the cross-country, Shikaku next to him exclaimed, breaking the originally silent atmosphere around him!

“Crossing the country! Did you invent the technique you just used?”

"Oh? Shadow shuriken? That's right, Uncle Shikaku, I invented it myself!"

 Looking at Shikaku with a smile, since he used the shadow shuriken in the competition, Shikaku said calmly: "Uncle Shikaku, isn't my new technique good?"

 “It’s more than good! It’s perfect!”

“Xiujiang, hurry back to the clan with me. I want to report your invention of the new technique to the elders! Hurry!”


  The conversation between Cross Country and Shikaku naturally echoed in Hizashi’s mansion.

And when they knew that Xizhi was able to improve the Nara clan's secret techniques and develop new techniques at the age of four, Hizashi, Choza, Haiichi and others felt as if they were living in a dream!

 Since when can even a four-year-old child be able to improve family secrets and research new ones?

Kakashi Hatake in the original work is talented enough, but he still developed new techniques when he was twelve years old!

At this moment, the Nara cross-country can develop new techniques at the age of four, which makes the head of the Nara clan slightly lose his temper. In the eyes of many family bosses, he behaves like a monster!

 The Nara clan is about to rise!

Almost all the family bosses had the same idea in their hearts in an instant!

Instead, it was cross-country. After hearing Shikaku's words, he still maintained the faint smile, and then he turned to Uchiha Fugaku and smiled: "Uncle Shikaku, please wait a moment, do we have anything else to do?" It’s done.”

As he spoke, the smile on Cross Country's face grew stronger, and then he asked Uchiha Fugaku: "Master Fugaku, can I give the bet now?"


 He snorted coldly. The better his cross-country performance was and the more talented he was, the angrier Uchiha Fugaku became.

However, the fact that he could develop new techniques at the age of four still changed Uchiha Fugaku's attitude.

Before he knew about the new technique developed by cross-country, Uchiha Fugaku secretly resented the cross-country for hitting him in the face. However, after knowing that Cross Country can develop new techniques, Uchiha Fugaku actually resented that his people were not living up to expectations. No one could defeat Cross Country, and no one could compare with Cross Country.

 However, for the sake of the family’s face, Uchiha Fugaku must fulfill his bet.

After receiving a scroll from the clansman behind him, Uchiha Fugaku threw the scroll towards Cross Country and said with a forced smile: "Jiu Crossroad, this is the secret scroll used by my Uchiha clan for shuriken training. I leave it to you. . I hope that the secret skills of my Uchiha clan can shine in your hands, and you must not disgrace the name of my Uchiha clan."

 “Don’t worry, Lord Fugaku, I won’t let you down!”

With the new technique of Shadow Shuriken, Cross Country Zhengchou did not practice hidden weapons properly and was unable to discover the true essence of Shadow Shuriken. At this time, the scroll that Uchiha Fugaku handed him was equivalent to helping Cross Country overcome the problem, so Cross Country was overjoyed after receiving the scroll, and then prepared to follow Shikaku back to the clan, first using the Shadow Shuriken in exchange for some benefits, Practice the secret arts of the Uchiha clan more diligently.

However, when Shikaku walked towards Shikaku, and Shikaku was about to say goodbye to Hizashi and go back to the clan to discuss things, another person slowly walked out of the Uchiha clan, and suddenly attracted Shikaku's attention!

 The more you look at that guy’s face, the more familiar he looks.

Then, when the young man spoke out, Cross Country was shocked and guessed the identity of the young man!

 “The Weasel God?”

 “Is he Uchiha Itachi?”

 That’s right!

Looking at the familiar face of the boy, Cross Country quickly recognized the boy next to Uchiha Fugaku. It was Uchiha Itachi, the guy known as "Itachi God"!

Looking at the young Weasel God curiously, he looks young and immature, but his eyes are as deep as an adult.

Itachi Uchiha had just walked out of the crowd of Uchiha clan, and his eyes first fell on Cross Country, and then he said to his father Uchiha Fugaku: "Father, Senior Cross Country is very powerful, I want to ask him for some advice, you see May I?"

“Oh? Itachi, do you want to fight off-road?”

  Listening to Uchiha Itachi's request, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but frowned.

In the confrontation with the Nara clan, the Uchiha clan has already lost. If Uchiha Itachi fails again, what will happen to the Uchiha clan's face?

So, the frowning Uchiha Fugaku's first thought was to refuse God Itachi's request for the sake of the Uchiha clan's face.

However, before Uchiha Fugaku could reject Itachi God, Cross Country stared at Itachi God's immature face, with a strong fighting spirit igniting in his eyes for the first time, and then smiled and said to Itachi God:

 “Uchiha Itachi, right? I’ve heard of your name!”

"I've wanted to fight you for a long time. Can you give me some time to recover my chakra?"

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