Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 185: Breakthrough (Part 2)


Hearing the reply from Off-Road, Yuhi Hong was obviously stunned for a moment.

 Obviously, she didn't understand why Yue Yue said that her breakthrough in cultivation was illusion.

On the contrary, it was cross-country. He couldn't answer Yuhi Kurenai. You are an illusion type ninja in the original plot. It must be right to practice illusion, right?

Therefore, when Kurenai Yuhi asked back, Cross Country smiled and replied: "Kuru, maybe you haven't noticed it yourself, but your talent in illusion is very good, far exceeding your talent in taijutsu and ninjutsu. "

“When we led the team to break out, without you, those illusion traps would have been enough of a headache for us.”

“Furthermore, Hong, while you are practicing illusion, you can also practice the secret art of perception!”

“With a certain level of perception and good genjutsu, it won’t be long before you can break through the current bottleneck and become a jounin in our village!”


 It’s hard to imagine that off-roaders have such a high opinion of themselves.

Almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Yuhi Hong’s eyes were filled with excitement, and she was eagerly waiting for Cross Country’s reply.

At this moment, Xue Xiang answered Yuri Hong with an affirmative look.

Moreover, anyone can imagine that if Kurenai Yuhihi, whose perceptual ability is not strong in the original plot, can really practice some secret techniques of perception while working hard to practice illusions, then Kurenai Yuhihi's future achievements will definitely be better than those in the original plot. Still high. After all, in the original plot, apart from Yuhi Kurenai's extremely high attainments in illusions, her other attainments are really very ordinary!

 Then, after receiving cross-country guidance, Yuhi Hong felt extremely happy.

If Yuhihong concentrates on practicing illusion and can really solve the problems encountered in her current practice, then Yuhihong must be very grateful to Cross Country for his guidance.

Immediately afterwards, they briefly discussed the issue of future training. In order not to disturb the cross-country training, Yuhi Hong hurried back to practice.

Before leaving, Yuhi Hong did not forget to tell Cross Country that there would be a party after returning to Konoha Village, and she hoped that Cross Country could come to attend.

Joining a party can make more friends and relax, so off-roading is a must-go for Yuri Hong.

Just when Yuhihong’s figure slowly disappeared in front of Cross-country, it solved Yuhihong’s cultivation problems. Cross-country was thinking about her own problems!

“Ever since I made a breakthrough in mental energy, my problem is actually similar to Hong’s, that is, I have entered a slow period of strength improvement.”

"If I didn't have the trouble of the Nine-Tails War, then I could practice with peace of mind as I thought before. Anyway, my achievements are very high now. There is no need to worry about my own practice. Even if the all-round ninja progresses very slowly, It’s still so long before the original plot starts, so I really don’t need to rush.”

“Unfortunately, the annihilation of the Uchiha clan is still far away, but the Nine-Tails War is about to begin!”

"Who knows if Madara can add another obstacle to Konoha? Who knows if Uchiha Obito failed to "blacken", if Madara has other trump cards?"

“So, even if it’s to be on guard against Madara’s premeditation, even if it’s for Minato-sensei, and the master’s wife Kushina, who has never been masked before, I must touch the shadow-level barrier as soon as possible!”

"As long as I can touch the shadow-level barrier and remind Minato-sensei about the Kyuubi when I get back, I can be confident in facing some emergencies!"

“Since we want to improve our strength as soon as possible, then”

 After analyzing his own situation silently, a flash of light flashed across Xue Yu's eyes, and he obviously had some ideas.

 The breakthrough is just a point that breaks the cultivation bottleneck in front of you!

  Focusing on the cultivation of the breakthrough point does not mean that you should give up the rest of the cultivation, but that you should focus your cultivation in the direction of the breakthrough point.

Looking at the many practices required for off-roading, there is no way for many of them to become a breakthrough.

 The first ones must be chakra training, the Uzumaki clan's spiritual and mystical training, as well as physical training!

 There is no need to say much about the cultivation of physical skills.

 At this stage, the overloaded weight-bearing training performed every day in cross-country is to consolidate the secret foundation of the human body, and it consumes the most time. Perhaps, due to the overloaded weight-bearing training carried out every day in cross-country, the foundation of the human body's hidden secrets is very slowly consolidated, but the progress of Konoha's Gouken fluid technique is very rapid.

 But don’t forget that the problem that cross-country needs to solve urgently is the battle of the Nine Tails!

 Could it be that cross-country is to practice the Konoha Gouken fluid technique and use taijutsu to deal with Madara's conspiracy and deal with the possible appearance of the Kyuubi?

Do not make jokes!

Even if Akai in the original plot does not use the Eight Gate Dungeon, but only uses the Konoha Gouken fluid technique, is it possible to fight against the tailed beasts?

Therefore, unless cross-country can quickly consolidate the foundation of human body secrets and complete part of the eight-door Dunjia training, physical training can become a breakthrough in cross-country. Otherwise, even if the cross-country Konoha Gouken fluid technique becomes a breakthrough, he who shatters the barrier will still be unable to face the problems that need to be solved in the future.

At this point, physical training has become a breakthrough, which is the first thing to give up in cross-country.

As for chakra training, the Uzumaki clan’s spiritual and mystical training has been mentioned before. It is a process that involves water and stone, and there must be no way to solve the imminent problem of off-roading.

Secondly, the Nara clan’s secret skills also cannot be used as a breakthrough.

 Because when it comes to mastering the secrets of the Nara clan, off-roaders really need to rely on the R&D function of the APP.

What if the next secret technique of the Nara clan developed off-road was accidentally developed for two years?

Does cross-country have to wait for more than two years to find a breakthrough in the secret skills of the Nara clan?

At that time, if the Nine-Tails War really breaks out, maybe the bones of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina will be turned into ashes, right?

 Finally, the breakthrough point for giving up cross-country is the practice of hidden weapons and illusion.

  Needless to say more about hidden weapons, cross-country hidden weapon training can only be consolidated, and there is basically no possibility of breakthrough.

 In terms of illusions, off-roading has basically never practiced illusions. It is a joke to treat illusions as a breakthrough like Kurenai Yuhi did.

 So, in the process of summarizing, there are only two aspects of practice that can be used as a breakthrough in off-road discovery!

 The first one is the Space-Time Rasengan that Cross Country has just mastered. It is most likely a ninjutsu branch of the Space-Time Ninjutsu!

 The second one, needless to say, must be the secret technique of the gale flow created by Cross Country!

“Whether it’s the Space-Time Rasengan or the secret technique of Gale Flow, it can be regarded as a breakthrough in my current practice!”

“However, now I am not sure whether the Space-time Rasengan is one of the branches of Space-time Ninjutsu. If I regard the Space-time Rasengan as a breakthrough in practice, there is a certain chance of failure!”

“On the contrary, it is my self-created secret technique of gale flow. It has the highest plasticity and the greatest chance of becoming a breakthrough!”

“Then, let my secret technique of gale flow be the breakthrough for me to advance to the shadow level!”


"Anyway, my daily overload training must be done without using chakra, so why don't I use the shadow clone training method to practice the secret technique of the blast flow to seek a breakthrough?"

 “I’m so stupid!”

 Decided to use the secret technique of Gale Wind Style as a breakthrough to practice, and even thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Off-road was overjoyed, and he used the multiple shadow clone technique without any hesitation, draining all the chakra in his body.

And when he exhausted his chakra and used the art of multiple shadow clones, he controlled the shadow clones to seek a breakthrough in the Hayate style secret technique, while his own body was boringly practicing the physical skills ordered by Matt Dai. Cross-country is the day before returning to Konoha, where the training direction for the next few months is initially planned.

Then, in the evening of the next day, after completing the high-load training, he saw the entrance of Konoha Village from a distance.

At that moment, a lot of emotions suddenly arose in Xue Xue's heart!

Especially when he saw the front of Konoha Village, where the Third Hokage led the ninjas of Konoha Village to greet him, Cross Country couldn't help but sigh:


"I'm back!"

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