Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 196: The Root of Anbu (Part 2)

 A second ago, Off-Road was in complete control of the situation!

While displaying the power of the fast wind blade and the soft fist, Cross Country exhausted all the parasites in the body of the Anbu in front of him, forcing the Anbu of the Aburame clan to enter a vacuum period.

During the vacuum period, the Anbu of the Aburame clan really did not pose any threat to the cross-country.

So, when Off-Road used Wind Blink to appear in front of the ANBU in front of him, the ANBU of the Aburame clan could be said to have life and death under Off-Road's control!

With just one thought, Cross Country can kill him with the Swift Wind Blade!

 But who could have imagined that the ANBU coming to attack Cross Country was not one person, but two!

The next second, just when Cross Country was about to teach the ANBU of the Aburame clan in front of him a profound lesson that would never be forgotten, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound, and the second Anbu suddenly appeared behind Cross Country Did not say!

Furthermore, when he caught a glimpse of the Anbu seal with his peripheral vision, he realized that the other party was actually using the secret technique of the mountain clan. His mind went blank for such a short moment!


 The reason why Cross Country's mind went blank was definitely not because a second ANBU came to attack him.

Because, as early as when Cross Country fought against the ANBU of the Aburame clan, he used the sense of wind to observe the surrounding situation. Cross Country had already known that there was another ANBU hiding around and was always paying attention to the situation.

 Under such circumstances, the second ANBU's sneak attack was naturally within the expectations of the cross-country.

 So, what really surprised Cross Country at this time was the identity of the ANBU!

 The identity of that ANBU turned out to be a member of the mountain clan!

You know, in Konoha Village, the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka are all in the same spirit!

Even if you are an Anbu, don’t forget that you are a member of the mountain clan!

Under the name of the Yamanaka Clan and using the secret techniques of the Yamanaka Clan, if Cross Country is really injured in the hands of these two Anbu, how will the Nara Clan and the Yamanaka Clan get along with each other in the future?

All right.

Let's not talk about this problem for the moment, let's talk about the secret technique used by the ANBU of the mountain clan!

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Yamanaka Clan's ANBU seal, preparing to use the Yamanaka Clan's secret technique. Off-road knew that the secret technique the opponent was going to use must be the Yamanaka Clan's signature Heart Turning Technique!

 The art of turning one's heart around is a art that uses one's own spirit to occupy the opponent's body!

  If, at this time, Off-Road can avoid the mind-turning technique of the Anbu of the mountain tribe, then Off-Road will be 100% sure to deal with the two Anbu in front and behind!

But when he was concentrating on facing the Anbu of the Aburame clan, Yukio didn’t realize that the second Anbu was an Anbu of the Yamazaka clan!

 So, glancing at the Anbu of the mountain clan with your peripheral vision is the limit of off-roading!

 It is basically impossible to avoid the secret technique of the Anbu of the mountain clan!

In an instant, he realized that the identity of the second Anbu was a member of the Yamanaka clan. On the one hand, Cross Country was worried about the relationship between the Nara clan and the Yamanaka clan in the future. On the other hand, Cross Country is anxious about how he can avoid the secret technique of the Anbu of the mountain clan so that he can avoid the crisis in front of him!

 But just when he was thinking that he must quickly reveal the trump card he had laid out before, there was another "buzz" sound!

The Anbu of the Yamazaka Clan who appeared behind the cross-country suddenly used the secret technique of the Yamazaka Clan at that moment!

 “The art of turning the mind around!”


Suddenly, without the cross-country reveal of his trump card, the ANBU from the mountain clan succeeded in casting a spell!

 At the moment when the other party succeeds in performing the spell, Cross Country may have no other way to vent his frustration except a wry smile.

After all, the ninja from the mountain clan successfully cast the spell, and soon he was able to hit Cross Country's body, successfully replace Cross Country's consciousness, and control his body.

However, while Cross Country was smiling bitterly, he was secretly thinking that if he had guarded against the ninja from the mountain clan earlier, the situation might not be as passive as it is now, when suddenly there was a "bang"!

Off-roading is like being hit **** the back of the head, leaning forward and about to fall to the ground.

When the ninja of the Aburame clan in front of Cross Country saw this, he naturally thought that his companion's spell was successful, so he stepped forward and put a kunai against Cross Country's throat.

But what the Anbu from the Aburame clan never expected was that just the moment he held the kunai, the Anbu from the Yamanaka clan suddenly covered his head and fell to his knees on the ground in pain!

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

While the Anbu from the Aburame clan in front of him was holding a kunai and was in shock when he saw his companion fall to the ground, he suddenly revealed the previously hidden trump card!



 In an instant, the situation is reversed!

The moment when Off-Road revealed his trump card, two shadows suddenly extended from a black shadow hidden in the distance. They were directly connected to the feet of the two Anbu next to Off-Road, imprisoning their actions!

 As for what is that dark shadow hidden in the distance?

 The answer is simple, it is the shadow clone of off-road!

It turns out that when Cross Country fought against the ANBU of the Aburame Clan, the ANBU of the Aburame Clan ignored Cross Country's seals, which was exactly when Cross Country used the Shadow Clone Technique.

Now using the shadow clone and the shadow suture technique directly, Cross Country can naturally control the actions of the two Anbu in front of him without any hindrance.

 However, is imprisoning two ANBU what Cross Country wants?

Certainly not!

Therefore, at the moment when Cross Country successfully imprisoned the two Anbu with the Shadow Sewing Technique used by the shadow clone, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Cross Country was about to use the Wind Flow Air Blade to directly harvest the two Anbu next to him. life.

However, just as he was about to use the wind blade, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he stopped harvesting the lives of the two Anbu.

 In the next second, I only heard a few "swish" and "swish" sounds!

Nearly twenty Nara clan members followed Shikaku's footsteps and surrounded Cross Country and the two Anbu beside him!

 “Off-road, what’s going on?”

  Walking quickly to the front of the cross country, seeing that the cross country had already subdued the two Anbu, Shikaku frowned tightly while he breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially when Shikaku discovered that the area around the cross-country area was full of traces of fighting, and it was obvious that he was fighting two ANBUs, Shikaku's face became even more ugly!

 Are you kidding me?

Anbu went to the Nara clan or the home of the Nara clan leader for no reason. Does anyone else take my Nara clan seriously?

Besides, it is a crime to break into the Nara clan as an ANBU. How dare these two ANBU attack the hope of the Nara clan?

How presumptuous!

Immediately afterwards, when he saw Lu Jiu's livid face in the cross-country, and thought that Lu Jiu was going to blame himself, his heart was filled with endless anger. Lu Jiu bit his lower lip tightly, and his eyes seemed to "ignite" the flames of anger. , with a cold voice that I had never heard before, he ordered to the surrounding Nara clan ninjas:

“Take these two Anbu into custody, entertain them well, and see if they are spies from other villages!”

 “As for cross-country, you weren’t injured, were you?”

 “No injury, Uncle Shikaku.”

I have never seen Lu Jiu so angry. Hearing Lu Jiu's cold voice, Xue Yue quickly replied.

On the contrary, Shikaku found that he was really not injured during the cross-country trip, and a proud and proud smile appeared on his face.

It's a pity that in the rage, that smile didn't last long at all.

Immediately afterwards, after taking a deep breath, Lu Jiu stepped forward and patted Cross Country on the shoulder, and said coldly: "Qiu Jiu, since you are fine, then follow me to see that adult!"

“I want to see if that gentleman can give me a perfect explanation!”

"If his explanation is not perfect, then he is not qualified to control the root of ANBU!"

 “In my opinion, the root of ANBU. Humph!”

 “Leave it to someone with the ability to manage it!”

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