Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 200: special instructions

 June, the summer is hot.

 Although the Third War is still in its final stages, every once in a while, a funeral will be held in Konoha Village.

But in the scorching hot weather, most people living in Konoha Village still choose to escape the heat at home. Only a few people will continue to practice hard under such a vicious sun.

 Noon, the hottest time of the day.

In a luxurious mansion of the Uchiha clan, there are two diligent figures, who are still maintaining a high load of practice despite their clothes being soaked with sweat.

And those two Uchiha clan members who practice diligently are Uchiha Shisui, who is familiar with cross-country, and the future Itachi God!

 “Itachi, that’s it for today?”

 “No, Brother Shisui, I can continue!”

“Oh, I really can’t do anything about you! It seems that off-roading has given you a lot of excitement!”

“Well, just like Brother Shisui said, cross-country is really strong.”

“Well, let’s take a short break for ten minutes and then continue practicing!”

"no problem!"

Smiling, he looked at Itachi who was gritting his teeth and persisting in training. He found that during the few months of training in the ninja school, Itachi's training had obviously become harder. The faint smile raised by Uchiha Shisui suddenly changed. It's a bit more intense.

Who is the person who can make Itachi work harder?

It is undoubtedly Uchiha Shisui, the cross-country Itachi God just mentioned!

Time flies, and three full months have passed since Itachi entered the ninja school for further training.

During these three months, except for the period when he was out on missions, Uchiha Shisui would basically see the Itachi God who was in a mess and full of bruises every day when he returned home. The family dealt with the scars on their body silently, for fear of being discovered by others.

And at one point, Uchiha Shisui accidentally broke through Itachi God's silent healing. Under Uchiha Shisui's questioning, Uchiha Shisui naturally knew the source of Itachi God's injuries, which came from God Itachi has to challenge him every day.

The person that Itachi God has to challenge every day must be Uchiha Shisui's former companion off-road.

 However, when he learned that Itachi's injuries were all caused by cross-country, Uchiha Shisui would definitely not go to trouble for cross-country.

On the one hand, Uchiha Shisui has a good personal relationship with Cross Country. Even when he is busy performing tasks, Uchiha Shisui has to visit Cross Country who is also practicing hard.

On the other hand, Uchiha Shisui hopes to build confidence in God Itachi.

 After all, the current Weasel God is still young and is not yet the Weasel God in the future.

Moreover, when he discovered that every time Itachi God was defeated miserably at the hands of Cross Country, he would work harder and harder when he came back to practice, and his strength improved very quickly. On one hand, Uchiha Shisui thanked Itachi God for helping to train Cross Country, and on the other hand, he secretly Marveling at Itachi's talent, it is very likely that he has surpassed himself, and it is even more likely that he has surpassed the cross-country that even Uchiha Shisui wants to challenge.

 So, as long as he has his spare time, Uchiha Shisui will accompany God Itachi to practice together, hoping that God Itachi can make progress faster.

However, when Uchiha Shisui and Itachi God sparred again, Itachi God still faced a disastrous defeat and fell to the ground helplessly. A question from Itachi God suddenly made Uchiha Shisui freeze there. .

“Brother Zhisui, do you think I can keep up with the cross-country pace?”

“After all, I am making progress, and cross-country is also making progress.”

“Speaking of Shisui-san, are you sure you can beat Cross Country now?”

 Listening to Itachi's question, Uchiha Shisui was stunned.

But after being stunned for a long time, Uchiha Shisui smiled slightly and replied: "When I visited Cross Country a while ago, Cross Country seemed to have been conducting research on some kind of secret technique and temporarily put aside his practice. So, Itachi, you During the hard training in the past few months, it is very likely that I have caught up with cross-country.”

 “But, now.”


 “Brother Zhisui, what do you mean?”

 “That’s right!”

Before Itachi God finished speaking, Uchiha Shisui nodded firmly and said:

“He seemed to have made a breakthrough in cross-country research a few days ago!”

“In not even half a year, Cross Country once again perfected his self-created secret technique of blast flow.”

“So in the second half of the year, we have to practice harder. After all, it is very possible to further improve the cross-country of the secret technique of the gale.”

 “It’s likely to get scarier!”

 Speaking, Uchiha Shisui patted Itachi on the shoulder, and then said with a smile:

 “Itachi, are you resting well? Shall we continue?”


 Practice hard just to catch up with the pace of cross-country.

Therefore, despite receiving bad news from Uchiha Shisui, Itachi God still did not give up that stubborn idea and wanted to use his own efforts as a medium to catch up with the cross-country pace little by little.

It can be seen that the Itachi God's achievements in the original plot depended on more than just talent.

 As for off-roading?

While Itachi God and Uchiha Shisui were practicing hard, what was he doing?

 In the Nara clan.

In the empty yard, there was only one person, Xiu Chuang, sitting there silently, as if he was dazed or thinking about something.

If there were others watching the "practice" of cross-country here, that person would probably laugh at the cross-country. What kind of practice could they be doing in a daze?

However, just when Xifang was sitting there like a stone sculpture for a whole afternoon, suddenly a ray of light appeared in Xuxiao's eyes!

 The next second, blue chakra light shrouded the palm of the cross-country!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “A thousand swords in the palm of your hand!”




 In an instant, using the Wind Flow Palm Blade, blue chakra light bloomed on the palm.

 In the past, when using the Gale Blade in cross-country, you would have to contact the enemy at close range in order to hurt the enemy in front of you.

 But at this moment, Off-Road just stretched out his palm using the Gale Flow Palm Blade in the air, followed by several loud "swish" and "swish" sounds!

Then, from the cross-country gale flow palm blade, blue chakra like thousands of books was sprayed out, directly into the trees in front!

Moreover, when the azure light, which was like a thousand books, just landed on the tree trunk in front, there was another "boom"!

Several deep tree holes actually appeared out of thin air on the tree trunk that was as thick as a person!

“It seems that I have mastered the new characteristics of wind chakra perfectly!”

“I didn’t expect that it would be so difficult to study a new secret technique on my own!”

“Think about the R&D function of APP, it’s really a magic skill!”

“After all, the secret technique developed by the APP research and development function only takes a few months at most!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country smiled and nodded, obviously very satisfied with the new secret technique of the Gale Wind style called "Thousand Blades of Hands".

However, when I clicked on the R&D function of the APP and looked at the new secret technique that combined the shadow clone technique and sneak research and development, the R&D progress was still at 80%. After three months of hard work, I smiled bitterly. , closed the APP's R&D function list, and prepared to summarize the gains in the past three months after testing the new secret technique of Gale Flow.

Who would have thought that just one second before the cross-country was about to sum up the harvest, Kakashi's figure actually appeared next to the cross-country the next second.

During the period of training at the Ninja School, in addition to research, Cross Country also visited Matt Dai, the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina and others, as well as his friends Akai, Uchiha Shisui, and Shiranui Genma. We only see each other once in a while, and naturally we rarely see senior brother Kakashi, who has to perform tasks every day and whose relationship is not very good.

 So, when Kakashi came suddenly, it was really a shock to the crossroads.

But just when Cross Country was thinking that the purpose of Kakashi's visit was probably to challenge him for a discussion, the cold-faced Kakashi just threw an information scroll to Cross Country and said something indifferently. , and then disappeared in front of the cross-country.

“Cross-country, Minato-sensei gave you special instructions. After reading this, go find Lin!”

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