Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 216: Fierce battle with water shadow (Part 1)

 “The Four Generations of Water Shadows.”

 “Loss of position?!”

With the help of the Weasel God, Cross Country saw the dawn of victory and finally escaped from the dark cave.

But who would have thought that, just one step after crossing the road, he had just escaped from the cave with hope, and the next second he would have fallen into endless despair.

Especially combined with the memories from the original plot, I recognized the silver-haired, purple-eyed, short figure in front of me. He was the fourth generation Mizukage who single-handedly constructed the Mist Ninja Village during the "Blood Mist" period. I'm trembling!

A tremor originating from the depths of the soul made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly!

Some people may want to say that Cross Country is an elite Jonin-level ninja. There is no need to be scared to death when meeting a Mizukage, right?

Definitely not!

If Off-Road met an ordinary shadow-level powerhouse, then when escaping from the dim cave, Off-road would still be certain to block the path of the shadow-level powerhouse, allowing Itachi to lead Lin to break out first.

 But the Fourth Hokage was the only one who lost his position and was the one who could not be stopped by the cross-country.

 If you want to ask why, it’s very simple!

 The reason is that the fourth generation Mizukage who built the Mist Ninja Village during the "Blood Mist" period is actually not the fourth generation Mizukage that everyone knows!

 A long time ago, behind the fourth-generation Mizukage's loss of position was a guy who even the off-roaders were unwilling to face at this time!

That person is Uchiha Madara!

 One of the behind-the-scenes BOSSs in the ninja world, the terrifying existence that Off-Road has always respected as "Madara"!

At this time, looking at the cold purple pupils of the Fourth Mizukage, Cross Country felt like he was looking at Madara's red pupils, being analyzed under the gaze of the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. All the secrets about him.

And when Cross Country was facing off against the Fourth Mizukage, and no one made the first move, Itachi God appeared behind Cross Country carrying Lin on his back.

Just when he saw the short figure of the Fourth Mizukage, Itachi God was also stunned on the spot.

 Obviously, even Itachi, who failed to become a ninja, also learned some information about the Mist Ninja Village from within the family and recognized the depressing identity of the Fourth Mizukage!

 “Off-road, what should I do?”

“There is no other way, you can take Lin to break out first!”

 “Then cross-country you.”

"There's no need to worry about me, Itachi. Do you think the Mizukage in front of us is really the Mizukage himself?"

 “Off-road, what do you mean?”

 Listening to Cross Country's reply, God Itachi looked shocked.

Instead, he was off-roading. After taking a deep breath, his hands stopped shaking for a moment, and he analyzed calmly and wisely: "In my perception before, in addition to the water shadow in front of us, there was also a terrifying guy. Sniper us outside the cave. Now, we only see the water shadow and not another scary guy. What does it mean? "


"The water shadow in front of us is just a clone at most!"

“His true form is actually in a stalemate with another terrifying guy outside the cave!”

“If a mere clone of Mizukage can take away my life, it can only mean that I am not good at learning!”

With that said, Cross Country patted Itachi God's shoulder hard, and a faint smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Itachi, the task of protecting Lin is left to you!”

 “No problem, I’ll trouble you then! Off-road!”

After Off-Road finished speaking, Itachi nodded vigorously, then took a deep look at Off-Road, and then quickly ran towards Konoha Village while carrying Lin on his back.

 At the moment when Itachi was carrying Lin on his back to break out of the siege, what was the Fourth Mizukage doing?

The Fourth Mizukage didn't go after Itachi, as if his goal was to go off-road!

 As for the Weasel God.

Carrying Lin on his back, he quickly fled into the dense forest ahead. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the cross country who was in a stalemate with the Fourth Mizukage, and immediately clenched his fists fiercely.

 Is a clone of the Fourth Mizukage really that easy to solve?


Wanting to deal with the clone of a fourth-generation Mizukage is not as easy as Cross Country said. After all, it is the clone of a powerful Kage!

 It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Fourth Mizukage is not under Madara's control, the clones of the Fourth Mizukage are not that easy to solve.

Off-road has the confidence to fight against the Fourth Mizukage's clone alone, which is based on the strength of the off-road elite Jonin level!

  What if it were the current Itachi God?


It is estimated that even ten thousand Itachi Gods will die tragically under the clone of the Fourth Mizukage!

So, the more he felt the ease with which Cross Country said those words, the more Itachi God was frightened by the strength hidden under that calmness of Cross Country.

 “You can’t die while going off-road!”

 “If you die, then I.”

 “Then I really can’t surpass you!”

 Clenched his fists fiercely, following Akai, Kakashi and others, cross-country has further stimulated Itachi's potential.

 Because, if it were the plot period of the original work, God Itachi would really have no target to catch up with except Uchiha Shisui. Now, not only does Uchiha Shisui have his goal, but the cross-country around him has become the target of Itachi God. Presumably under the pressure of cross-country, there is a famous Itachi God in the original plot. It must be a new level!

On the contrary, we were off-roading, and when we saw the figure of Itachi carrying Lin gradually away, I finally let go of part of the burden in my heart.

With Itachi God and Lin by his side, it would be impossible for Cross Country to seriously compete with the Fourth Mizukage.

 After all, Itachi and Lin were a burden in such a battle and needed cross-country protection at all times.

Furthermore, Itachi and Lin escaped first. Cross Country felt that even if he was not the opponent of the Fourth Mizukage clone, there would be no problem in escaping.

 But now that he has double protection, Cross Country is a little curious about the thoughts of the Fourth Mizukage!

 “That doesn’t make sense!”

“Even if the Fourth Mizukage’s loss of position was not under Madara’s control, he must have ventured to the Land of Fire for the sake of the three-tailed Izodiac in Lin’s body, right?”

“Now the Fourth Mizukage has easily let Rin go, letting go of the possibility of regaining the Three-Tailed Isodon. Could it be that Master Madara’s goal wasn’t Rin from the beginning? Wasn’t it the Three-Tailed Isoten?”

 “Then what is Madara’s goal?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country cast his puzzled gaze on the Fourth Mizukage, but he never thought that the Fourth Mizukage might give him an explanation.


  Nearly every BOSS in the original plot died from talking too much.

 But in actual combat, who can explain so many things to his enemies?

 Hence, with his puzzled eyes locked on the fourth generation Mizukage in front of him, Off-Road never thought about what the fourth generation Mizukage in front of him could explain to him.

What's more, don't look at the Itachi God and Lin who were asked to escape first before going off-road. They looked like they were vowing to do so. However, even though the Fourth Mizukage is just a clone here, the person that Cross Country is going to fight against is still the clone of a Kage-level powerhouse. It is inevitable that Cross Country is under a certain amount of pressure in his heart.

But what happened next, what Chujie didn't expect was that he originally thought that the Fourth Mizukage was controlling the clone, and he must have started a fierce battle with the Itachi God Lin after he escaped. Who would have thought that before the fierce battle began, the clone of the Fourth Mizukage opened his mouth to ask Cross Country a question after being silent for a long time!

“Anbu of Konoha, you are the “shadow” in the Blade Team, from the Nara clan.”

 “Is Nara off-road?”

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