Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 219: By feeling

“It doesn’t matter if you use a trick that can kill someone more often, it doesn’t matter.”

 “As for me losing?”

 “Hmph! Not necessarily!”

With a cold snort, the Fourth Mizukage lowered his raised fist without hesitation, aiming at the cross country's chest.

Moreover, judging from the strength of the Fourth Mizukage's punch, if Off-Road can't dodge anymore, Off-Road's chest must have been broken even if it wasn't penetrated by that iron fist, but the ribs on Off-Road's chest will still be broken there. With an iron fist, even broken ribs may be pierced into the internal organs of the cross-country body, causing fatal trauma!

 So, no matter how you go off-road, you must avoid the iron fist dropped by the Fourth Mizukage. It just depends on what method you use when going off-road!

There is one more thing that is beyond doubt.

If Cross Country's psychology was not adjusted well a few seconds ago, and his eyes were full of hesitation, then even if Cross Country had a way to avoid the fists dropped by the Fourth Mizukage, it might eventually happen. The result is that despite hesitation, Cross-country was still traumatized by that iron fist.

 But now, off-roading is different!

 The hesitation in his eyes was all gone, and Cross Country had clearly adjusted his psychology!

Immediately afterwards, when the Fourth Mizukage's iron fist finally fell, there was only a "bang" sound!

Under the slightly constricted pupils of the Fourth Mizukage, his iron fist obviously failed to land smoothly on the cross-country chest. Because, the moment the Yondaime Mizukage's iron fist fell, the shadow under his feet suddenly disappeared, and then formed a shield to defend the cross country's chest. .

That secret technique is the latest secret technique of the S-class Nara clan mastered by Off-Road!

 Shadow Shield!

Moreover, it happened that when Off-Road used the Shadow Shield to defend against the iron fist's attack, causing the fourth Mizukage's pupils to shrink slightly, he noticed the change in the Fourth Mizukage's demeanor, and the confident smile raised at the corner of Off-Road's mouth , it has obviously become a bit richer!

“Fourth Mizukage, don’t you really like to comment on the characteristics of my secret arts?”

 “Then let me ask.”

“What kind of flaws does my newly developed Shadow Shield have?”


 The confident voice of the cross-country came, and the fourth generation Mizukage's expression suddenly turned cold, and he wanted to continue the attack while having the advantage.

Who would have thought that when Xue Xue said those confident words, all the demonic obstacles in Xue Xue's heart would disappear!

 What is the Fourth Mizukage?

 It’s nothing more than a clone of the Fourth Mizukage!

At the moment when Cross Country broke the demonic barrier, the thought in Cross Country's mind was that maybe the fourth generation water shadow came in person, and he would not be able to withstand the fierce power of the shadow level powerhouse.

 But at this time, the Fourth Mizukage is just a clone, so what is there to be afraid of?

 In an instant, not only was the hesitation in my heart completely eliminated, but even the little bit of fear that remained was dissipated.

 In the instant when the psychological warfare used by the Fourth Mizukage completely disappeared, Cross Country suddenly used the Wind Blink again and disappeared in front of the Fourth Mizukage.

Then, when Off-Road appeared again like a ghost, he suddenly formed a seal with his hands. Off-road took advantage of the Fourth Mizukage to sense his location and directly used the Shadow Sewing Technique!


 Using the Shadow Suture Technique, the shadows under the feet of the Fourth Mizukage were controlled and shot directly into the sky.

With a muffled sound of "bang", the shadows under his feet suddenly bounced up. The Fourth Mizukage was really unable to dodge the strange shadow suture attack. This undoubtedly allowed Cross Country to further prove his conjecture!

"Sure enough, I was able to be suppressed by the Fourth Mizukage before, not because the clone of the Fourth Mizukage also had the power of a shadow-level strongman, but because the psychological tactics used by the Fourth Mizukage clone under Madara's control worked. !”

“First, in the psychological warfare of the Fourth Mizukage.”

“No, it’s in Madara’s psychological warfare, and Konoha’s intelligence leakage is the key!”

“If Madara hadn’t revealed my ANBU identity and true identity at the beginning, then no matter how well Madara’s psychological tactics were used, there would be no way to shake my heart!”

“It’s a pity that because Konoha’s intelligence leaked, Madara mastered my ANBU identity and my true identity. Madara subconsciously used psychological tactics without me noticing!”

“Second, in Madara’s psychological tactics, he exposed the flaws of the ninjutsu and secret techniques I used time and time again, just to further increase the pressure in my subconscious!”

 “Yes! How terrible is an omnipotent enemy?”

"No matter what kind of ninjutsu or secret techniques I use, they are just tricks in the eyes of the enemy. Over time, I will inevitably hesitate when using ninjutsu and secret techniques. And that hesitation is just a ploy. As a result, my strength level is weakened and the enemy’s strength level is increased!”

“No wonder. No wonder the fourth generation Mizukage clone controlled by Madara can always suppress me!”

“If I fail to break through the psychological barrier, I’m afraid I will eventually die at the hands of the Fourth Mizukage clone controlled by Madara!”

 “As for the third.”

Silently analyzing the crisis he faced before, Cross Country first used the Shadow Sewing Technique to fly away the Fourth Mizukage in front of him, and then changed the method of sealing. The shadow under his feet extended in the direction of the Fourth Mizukage. It was obvious that he had used the shadow imitation technique and was preparing to imprison the fourth generation Mizukage who flew out.


 Before the shadow under the off-road foot extended, the fourth generation Mizukage regained the balance of his body.

However, just when the fourth generation Mizukage regained control of his balance and quickly avoided the shadow imitation technique of Cross Country, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Zi Cross Country's eyes!

“As for the third one, it’s the psychological pressure that Madara himself caused me!”

“Perhaps, even Madara himself doesn’t understand. I’ve long known that the Fourth Mizukage clone is controlled by him.”

“However, whether I know that Madara is hiding behind the Fourth Mizukage, or whether Madara uses his identity as the Fourth Mizukage to exert pressure, the result is basically the same!”

“Using the identity of a shadow-level strongman, when he appears, he creates a feeling that the enemy is strong and we are weak.”

“Only in this way can Madara use the first two points to successfully complete psychological tactics and control a clone of the Fourth Mizukage to kill me!”

“It is estimated that during the fight, if the clone of the Fourth Mizukage was not too weak, it could not kill me despite several opportunities.”

“Perhaps I didn’t even realize that, apart from being very good at using psychological warfare, the fourth Mizukage’s clone’s real combat ability is really bad!”

 After the analysis, Off-road took a deep breath and no longer paid attention to the fourth generation Mizukage clone in front of him.

 Want to ask why?

The reason is that when Cross Country's shadow imitation technique is used and the Fourth Mizukage is not imprisoned, the hard battle that Cross Country faces is over!

 In an instant, the Fourth Mizukage regained his balance and avoided the off-road shadow imitation technique. What was he going to do next?

 Aren’t you just preparing to fight back?

However, when the Fourth Mizukage in front of him, relying on Madara's terrifying combat awareness and rich combat experience, was about to fight back, he knew through analysis how he should fight, and a layer of wind wrapped around his palms. Blue chakra light!

That blue chakra light, what is it if it’s not the palm of the hand?

Immediately afterwards, there were just a few loud "swish" and "swish" sounds!

 The new secret technique of Gale Wind Flow can be used by Qianben Zhang!

Cross-country is to use the Palm Blade Senbon to fly away, directly penetrate the hands and feet of the Fourth Mizukage, causing the Fourth Mizukage's clone under Madara's control to be completely lost. His ability to move fell down in front of him with a "plop".

But when the fourth-generation Mizukage clone in front of him completely lost his ability to move, a look of surprise could not help but appear in the eyes of the cross country.

Because at that moment, Cross Country suddenly discovered that after the fourth generation Mizukage clone suffered a fatal injury, it did not disappear with a "pop" like an ordinary clone. Instead, it cast a cold gaze and curiously asked Cross Country road:

“Nara Cross Country, how did you understand the little trick I used before?”

 “The answer? It’s simple!”

The strange clone that was secretly guarding the Fourth Mizukage suffered fatal injuries and did not disappear directly.

On the bright side, off-road smiled coldly, put his finger directly on his head, and said confidently:

“After analyzing and understanding your tricks, it’s easy to find a way to defeat you!”

 “It’s just three words, just based on feeling!”

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