Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 222: Snake Trail

"I guess the Weasel God hasn't gone far yet, right?"

“Madara controls the fourth generation Mizukage, and he is still fighting against that shadow-level powerhouse.”

"Even if Madara wants to return to the Mist Ninja Village, he must be able to delay the shadow-level strongman for a while, so Itachi and I still have a chance!"

“Then, let’s return to Konoha Village without using this trump card as much as possible!”

 Using a scroll to seal the arm in front of him, Cross Country did not hesitate at all. He used the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique and began to chase after Itachi God and Lin.

 Furthermore, in his subconscious mind, he still resisted the deal with Banye.

 Although at this time, Cross Country had already swallowed the poisonous apple, except for the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country really didn't want others to know that the poisonous apple was in his stomach.

Therefore, if it is possible to escape without the survival key given by Madara, the cross-country goal is to try our best to take Lin, the Weasel God, back to Konoha Village as soon as possible.

 As long as you return to Konoha Village, even a shadow-level expert needs to have some concerns.

It was also because of this that Cross-country moved forward while maintaining the secret technique of "acceleration" at all times. Sure enough, in just a few minutes, Cross-country caught up with the Itachi God and Lin's progress.

 “Off-road? Are you so fast?”

“Well, it’s just a clone, how troublesome it can be to solve it!”

 Smiling relaxedly at the Itachi God, judging from the appearance of the cross-country, no one can know the inner thoughts of the cross-country.

And when the dark side of his heart was all hidden, Cross Country suddenly discovered that there were traces of battle on God Itachi's body, and he frowned and asked: "Itachi, who did you fight just now? I'll say, with your Judging from the speed, even if I carried Lin on my back, I shouldn't have been here for so long."

 "Is it a ninja from the Mist ninja? Are you not injured?"

“No, off-road, they are not the ninjas of the Mist ninja, but just a few wandering ninjas.”

Shaking his head, God Itachi gave a rare smile in front of Cross Country, and said: "And, thanks to those wandering ninjas, Cross Country, I feel that the gap between you and me has narrowed a lot. Not to mention challenging you within a year. , it only takes three years, I hope you can give me another chance to challenge you."

“The challenge I’m talking about is not a one-sided discussion, but a battle with all our strength.”

“Cross-country, can you give me three years?”

"no problem!"

 Smiled, Cross Country was very curious about what God Weasel had gained, and asked: "Itachi, can you tell me about the source of your confidence?"

 “It’s simple, that’s it!”

  While God Itachi was speaking, Cross Country suddenly saw a very shocking scene!

Almost as soon as Itachi God’s voice fell, a strange red color appeared in Itachi God’s dark pupils. Moreover, as the red color gradually swallowed up the black in the pupils, a black magatama suddenly appeared in Itachi's red pupils. Isn't it the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan?

However, it should be very normal for Itachi to be able to awaken the Sharingan, right?

After all, Itachi is one of the few people who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan in the original plot. There is no need to be shocked when going off-road, right?


 The shock of off-roading is completely necessary!

 Because, judging from the original plot, God Itachi was able to awaken the Sharingan when he was eight years old.

 In the original plot, Itachi, who was able to open his eyes at the age of eight, has clearly established himself as the genius of the Uchiha clan!

What now?

He opened his eyes at only five years old. Compared with the original plot, which was three years earlier, Itachi God's future is simply unlimited!

“I opened my eyes at the age of five. I believe Itachi God will be able to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan earlier in the future, right?”

“Sure enough, none of the geniuses in the original plot can be underestimated.”

“Needless to say, Shisui, even if I progressed fast enough, Shisui’s pursuit has never slowed down.”

“And there is Kakashi. Although I have completely surpassed Kakashi now, that guy Kakashi is working hard to challenge me.”

"As for the others, there is no need to say more about Akai. He must have fully understood the Eight Gate Dunjia, and his progress will be raised to a new level!"

“Now that Itachi God is five years old, I must seize the time and enter the shadow level palace faster!”

I have experienced so many dark things before, and this is the first time I have completed a deal that symbolizes darkness. Cross-country has hidden so many dark things in my heart, which undoubtedly has a certain impact on my emotions.

it's good now.

Seeing the Itachi God open his eyes at the age of five, the gloom in Cross Country's heart was swept away, as if he had been given a new life.

 It was also the feeling of hard work that gradually eliminated some of the dark thoughts in Xue Xue's heart. It was really a timely rain!

 But it’s a pity that off-road was not given a chance to further eliminate the darkness in his heart, and changes came to him again!

Almost when he knew that Itachi God had opened his eyes at the age of five, when he was observing Itachi God's Sharingan, and was about to give him a few words of encouragement, a python suddenly appeared in front of him, baring its sharp fangs and biting him directly. To the Itachi God beside Cross Country!

 “Weasel, be careful!”

Suddenly seeing the python appear, if the identity of another shadow-level powerhouse had not been known from the Fourth Mizukage, then the off-road state of mind would not have been affected in any way.

 After all, it is quite normal for pythons to appear in the forest!

However, after learning the identity of another shadow-level powerhouse from the Fourth Mizukage, Cross Country looked at the sudden appearance of the python in front of him, and the pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly!

 The next second, just hear a "pop" sound!

 Use the Swift Wind Blade!

Off-road held the special tachi, and the azure chakra was attached to the special tachi, forming a fast wind blade, and directly cut off the python that attacked the Itachi God.

Moreover, when the thick python was broken into two pieces by the sharp blade of the wind flow, and fell to the ground with two "bang" and "bang" sounds, he looked forward with solemn eyes, and the cross-country was indeed After cutting off the python, he encountered the second shadow-level powerhouse after the Fourth Mizukage!

 That's Orochimaru!

One of the Sannin of Konoha, Orochimaru has not been seen for a long time!

 “Interesting kid!”


“Is there another kid from the Uchiha clan next to that kid?”

“Although there was a little accident, there was still a lot to gain!”

In an instant, Orochimaru, who was wearing a linen kimono, just appeared. His sharp snake eyes were locked on the cross-country. The figure of God Itachi licked the corner of his mouth with interest.

Especially when he used his hoarse and magnetic voice to treat off-road and Itachi God as prey, a strange light burst out from Orochimaru's snake pupils!

Immediately afterwards, under the solemn gaze of the cross country, Orochimaru stretched out his right arm and used his signature ninjutsu!

 “Latent Shadow Snake Hand!”



 In his right arm, two pythons are entangled one after another. It seems to be a very ordinary move, but when facing the off-road in person, he directly feels the boundless oppression!

 There is no doubt that that is the power that a shadow-level powerhouse should have!

Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, has a unique charm!

  No matter what kind of ninjutsu he uses, even the ordinary three-body jutsu, Orochimaru feels like a cold-blooded animal like a snake, full of boundless killing intent at all times.

 Fortunately, Cross Country had fought against the Fourth Mizukage's clone before. Otherwise, he might have faced a crisis again if he had not faced Orochimaru's signature ninjutsu!

 Then, on the one hand, he used his sense of wind to sense Orochimaru's offensive as much as possible. On the other hand, he relied on his own sense of cross-country and quickly used the wind blade to resolve Orochimaru's offensive.

 But after the first round of confrontation, even if the cross-country team defeated Orochimaru's offensive.

 But when faced with the real Orochimaru, Cross Country is still not confident enough to defeat the veteran shadow-level powerhouse Orochimaru.

 So, after Off-Road neutralized Orochimaru's latent snake hand, Off-Road hurriedly dragged the Itachi God and quickly withdrew a certain distance. After that, Cross Country did not think of a way to counterattack. Instead, with Orochimaru looking at him and Itachi indifferently, he knelt down and shouted loudly:

 “Blade Squad, Shadow!”

 “See Lord Orochimaru!”

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