Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 226: Defective products (Part 1)

  On the third day after returning to Konoha, the sun still rose as usual, and the cross-country trip was still to go to the ninja school to show off.

However, just as Cross Country completed his daily morning training and was about to go to the ninja school, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then an ANBU appeared in front of Cross Country!

 “Hmph, Danzo!”

“Although I am currently in the honeymoon period of cooperating with you, but you have sent ANBU here privately, it’s a bit over the top!”

Suddenly, his eyes locked on the figure of the ANBU in front of him. Yesterday, Zizi met Danzo Shimura and completed some agreed cross-country trips with Danzo Shimura. A look of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes locked on the ANBU. .

 Obviously, although Cross Country was cooperating with Danzo Shimura at this time, he seemed to have betrayed the Fourth Hokage.

 But Cross Country's heart is still with the Fourth Hokage. The reason why he seeks cooperation with Danzo Shimura must have a higher-level idea.

I still remember that it was when Cross Country had just said goodbye to Orochimaru.

Saying goodbye to Orochimaru, who was almost a "legend" in my mind, the mentality of cross-country fluctuated so much that in the next few days, he was taciturn. Even when facing Itachi, who was with him through life and death, his cross-country performance was as ice-cold. The block was average, and Itachi felt strange when he said goodbye to the cross-country after doing it.

 At this moment when his off-road mentality fluctuated violently, what exactly was he thinking about?

 There are three questions!

 The first question is how to avoid power struggles within Konoha, avoid dark things as much as possible, and simply do what you want to do.

 The second question is how to carry out the next stage of research work and conduct human experiments, so as to avoid betraying Konoha Village like Orochimaru did and completely establishing ties with his relatives and friends.

 The third question is, how to remove the Nara mark on the palm of your hand and truly become a free man!

 My head is filled with these three problems, each of which is a headache for off-roading and feels difficult to solve.

Especially after returning to Konoha Village, I personally understood the mentality of the Fourth Hokage.


I don’t know if it’s because of the rift between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, or because of the mission related to Lin and the discovery of too many dark sides within Konoha. The more Cross Country communicates with the Fourth Hokage, the more I feel that the Fourth Hokage’s The ambition is too great, and he is completely unlike the very sunny Fourth Hokage in the original plot. He is simply like a replica of Shimura Danzo.

Moreover, in the exchange between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, there was one point where the Fourth Hokage really chilled the cracked heart of Cross Country.

 That is after going through life and death for the Fourth Hokage off-road, there is not even a single reward or benefit at all!

 Are you kidding me?

 Having gone through life and death to complete the mission, do you need only verbal rewards for cross-country?

 Isn’t there anything substantial at all?

 Okay, let’s not talk about rewards and benefits for now. To say too much may hurt feelings.

But as the Fourth Hokage, maintaining the bond between master and apprentice with Cross Country, you only focus on the results of completing the mission, and what is the situation of the intrigue with Shimura Danzo?

Almost at cross-country, he knew that after he completed the task perfectly, without any reward, he still had to hide in the ninja school and pretend to be an ordinary student going to study. It turned out to be because the Fourth Hokage wanted to have a conspiracy with Danzo Shimura. At that time, my heart felt really cold while going off-road!

 Even off-road people are maliciously guessing that the Fourth Hokage is really using the bond between master and apprentice to restrict him, forcing him to complete one task after another, so that he can fight for power in Konoha Village!

Of course, these are some rather malicious ideas for off-roading.

  In general, the relationship between Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage has not dropped to the freezing point. At least before the crisis of the Nine-Tails Battle is about to come, Cross Country still has not despaired of the Fourth Hokage.

However, disappointment is inevitable.

 But just when I was disappointed, I was walking silently on my way home, and suddenly thought of an alternative method to solve the three problems I was facing!

“The first problem is that there is no way to avoid the power struggle within Konoha in a short time.”

"Even if I can successfully advance to become a quasi-kage level expert, or even cross the three gaps between quasi-kage level and become a true shadow-level expert. But just like Madara used the fourth generation Mizukage to tell me As long as I am a member of the Nara clan and bear the mark of shame, I will not be able to avoid the struggle for power and will inevitably wander in the whirlpool of power within Konoha."

“Then, it seems that the third issue, that is, the issue of eliminating the Nara brand, is a breakthrough to avoid power struggles!”

“But if I don’t have a certain level of strength and can’t conduct huge human experiments, how can I conduct research on eliminating the Nara stigma?”

“And my next improvement in strength will definitely require some human experiments.”

“In this case, the second question becomes extremely important. How can human experiments be conducted under reasonable circumstances?”

"The answer"

"It seems to be the person that Minato-sensei wants to defeat now, Danzo Shimura!"

After silently analyzing it, Cross Country suddenly thought of Danzo Shimura who wanted to win over him, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes!


 In the original plot, Orochimaru started human experiments early. Why did the Third Hokage discover it so long later?

 The reason lies in Danzo Shimura!

How could Orochimaru's human experiments be so smooth without Danzo Shimura's protection?

Furthermore, after a careful analysis based on the memories from the original plot, Cross Country found that the relationship between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo was far better than others imagined.

  Not to mention the cooperation between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo, it almost runs through the early plot of the original work, and it is not the end until Orochimaru's "failure" to seize the body of the second pillar of Uchiha.

 Just say that Shimura Danzo’s arm was the product of Orochimaru’s research, and you can see the relationship between the two!

Therefore, if Cross Country is under the "protection" of Shimura Danzo and conducts human experiments like Orochimaru, it is very likely that Shimura Danzo will be able to seize the opportunity. However, as long as it can be well hidden in Shimura Danzo's hands and the experiment can be carried out more secretly, Cross Country can be completely sure to conduct human experiments in Shimura Danzo's "shadow".

 Even if he encounters the worst outcome, it is impossible for Cross Country to defect like Orochimaru and cut off all the hard-earned bonds.

Then, with a preliminary idea, Cross Country had a plan in mind, and then disappeared into the eyes of the ANBU sent by the Fourth Hokage, and went to the Hokage's office to have a secret talk with Murura Danzo.

As for the content of the secret conversation between Cross Country and Shimura Danzo, there are only two people in Konoha Village who know about it for the time being, one is Cross Country and the other is Shimura Danzo.

Moreover, in secret talks, the condition that Cross Country has been striving for as much as possible is that he is cooperating with Shimura Danzo instead of relying on Shimura Danzo.

However, when Cross Country went to have a secret talk with Shimura Danzo, in Shimura Danzo's view, he was betraying the Fourth Hokage, which had nothing to do with Cross Country.

It was also because of this that when Cross Country saw the ANBU sent by Shimura Danzo in front of him, there was a little bit of anger in his eyes.

After all, Shimura Danzo sent ANBU at this time, which almost destroyed the agreement between Cross Country and Shimura Danzo, indicating that Shimura Danzo wanted to further control Cross Country. Can Cross Country be happy?

However, just when Cross Country wanted to attack the ANBU in front of him, the ANBU spoke out Shimura Danzo's instructions like a machine, which made Cross Country suddenly realize that he had misunderstood what Shimura Danzo meant.

It turns out that Shimura Danzo sent this ANBU here, and his real intention was to let this ANBU complete the tasks assigned by the Fourth Hokage on behalf of Cross Country.

 In other words, this Anbu will be Cross Country's substitute in the future, and Cross Country himself will be free.

 After seeing this ANBU successfully disguise himself as himself, even if he looked down on Shimura Danzo, he still had to admire Shimura Danzo's idea as a good one.

Immediately afterwards, before the secret tracking of Cross Country, he personally supervised the ANBU dressed as himself as he went to the ninja school. After Cross Country found that there was nothing abnormal, he followed the previous ANBU's instructions and went to Shimura Danzo. . However, when he started to go to Shimura Danzo's place, Cross Country just thought that Shimura Danzo wanted to test himself.

Who would have thought that when Cross Country arrived at Shimura Danzo's place, he suddenly discovered the presence of a third party, and Cross Country's pupils suddenly shrunk!

 “That figure.”

 “It’s Orochimaru!”

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