Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 228: Defective products (Part 2)


Looking at the prison-like room, where nearly a hundred children aged between fifteen and six were imprisoned, Chu Chuan's face was still as cold as ice, but there must have been a storm in his heart!

 So many five- and six-year-old children are the experimental subjects of Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo. So where do these children come from?

 Are you an orphan during the war?

 Or the missing child in Konoha Village?

 If you are an orphan during the war, you will feel better when you go off-road.

After all, during the war, most orphans died tragically in the shadow of the war, either starving to death or accidentally entering the place where ninjas were fighting. In short, there are very few orphans who can be like Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan in the original plot. So lucky to be favored by Jiraiya and become a ninja.

 So, in terms of treating orphans during the war, Cross Country’s psychology is the same as Orochimaru’s in the original plot.

If during the war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja, Cross Country as an ANBU met orphans from the war, would those orphans be able to get help from Cross Country?

 No, not even remotely possible!

In Cross Country's view, the best destination for these orphans is heaven. Therefore, if Cross Country meets orphans during the war, he will definitely be like Orochimaru treating Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan in the original plot. His first thought is to end them. A painless death may be the best outcome for these wartime orphans.

However, quietly observing the experimental subjects, Cross Country quickly discovered that not all the children in that room were necessarily orphans during the war!

 There are a few children, and they have some impressions of cross-country!

  In other words, these children are very likely to be the missing children in Konoha!

 The reason why those children disappeared is because of Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru who were beside him!

“Let me just say, how could the Third Hokage be so angry if ordinary human experiments were conducted?”

“It turns out that Orochimaru and Danzo, as well as the children in the village, have no intention of letting go. Those children who often go missing in Konoha are actually Orochimaru, and Danzo and the others managed to get rid of them!”

“So, the first test Danzo gives me now is to test my ability to obey?”

 “Damn it!”

“Aren’t those three children in the corner missing members of my Nara clan?”

 “Danzo, your test”

 “It’s really awesome!”

There is no need to observe Shimura Danzo's expression. Off-road can guess that Shimura Danzo must have that hateful smile on his face!

Furthermore, when he found three children from the Nara clan among the children who were experimental subjects in front, he realized how terrifying Shimura Danzo's methods were!

 Are those three children of the Nara clan really just used to test their cross-country obedience abilities?

Obviously not!

In Danzo Shimura's test, the first point he planned to test the cross-country was to test the cross-country's obedience ability and see if under his own orders, the cross-country could attack children from the same village and race.

If you have the slightest hesitation in cross-country, then he is not qualified!

 As for the second point that Danzo Shimura wants to test cross-country


 Perhaps it’s time to test your “determination” for cross-country!

 Among the experimental subjects in front of me, there were not only children from Konoha Village, but also members of the same race who traveled cross-country.

If a cross-country boy kills children from the same village and ethnic group, isn't that the same as being on a pirate ship?

Therefore, if the "determination" of cross-country cooperation is not strong enough, Shimura Danzo only needs a small test to find out. And if the cross-country is really "determined" to complete the test, then with the handle in hand, Danzo Shimura firmly believes that he can control the cross-country with his own means.

 But just when Danzo Shimura and even Orochimaru were full of curiosity and wanted to see how to prepare for cross-country, there was a sudden "bang"!

Off-road's palm fell gently, and the iron gate made of fine steel in front was cut neatly like tofu under a flash of blue light!

Moreover, the moment the iron door burst open, the off-road figure walked straight into the cell-like room!

 The first target he was going to test was a child of the same Nara clan!

“Danzo, the cross-country mind is stronger than you think. Maybe you didn’t expect it, right?”

“As early as when you told me that Cross Country was ready to cooperate with you, I knew the result would be like this.”

“Instead, it’s the secret technique created by off-roaders.”

 “Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s very interesting!”

After Orochimaru made some comments, Danzo Shimura looked calm, and no one could understand his true inner thoughts.

 But if you think that Shimura Danzo has always maintained a calm appearance when he entered the front room to complete the task, then you really underestimate the courage of the cross-country!

The moment he stepped into the room, Cross Country was like a stream of light, directly approaching the fellow member of the Nara clan.

Faced with the pitiful eyes of the children of his own race, Xue Yue remained unmoved at all. He straightly raised his iron fist and landed heavily on the abdomen of the child of his own race!


Although, the moment he stepped into the room, the cross-country suppressed his own strength, and even the strong fist used was within the range that the genin could bear.

But don’t forget that ordinary five or six-year-old children definitely don’t have the wisdom and strength to go off-road!

 So, just using a genin-level strong fist, Cross Country punched the child of the same race in the abdomen, which directly shattered the internal organs of the child of the same race.

  What will be the result if visceral rupture is not effectively treated?

He must have died of internal bleeding!

 But what if the child of the same race was seriously injured at the hands of the off-roader?

 The next second, there were several more "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds!

Off-road fists fell like a torrential rain, not only the genin-level strong fists, but also smashed the whole bones of the child of the same race. When the fists fell like a torrential rain, Cross Country suddenly used the strength of the Hyuga clan's soft fists, and even the meridians all over the body of the child of the same clan were shattered there!

Then, when the child of the same race fell weakly to the ground, his eyes dimmed, as if he had half-stepped into the gate of hell, the reason why Shimura Danzo's expression suddenly changed was that the child of the cross-country race was all He had no ability to resist at all, and at the same time proved that he had no potential. When he became a qualified experimental subject, the palm of his hand fell on the head of the child of the same race!

 Then there was a "bang" sound!

Off-road's palm fell and actually crushed the head of the child of the same race!

"Yes or no"

 “A little too much?”

His face suddenly turned livid. Apparently even Shimura Danzo did not expect that the cross-country method was more intense than he imagined.

 But beside Orochimaru, Danzo Shimura, who is also a superior, needs to maintain his dignity.

Therefore, his face suddenly became as cold as before. Shimura Danzo secretly took a breath and defended his previous words: "Even if he is a defective product, there is no need to kill him for off-roading. After all, if you want It’s still a bit troublesome to replenish the resources for the experimental products. I think this experiment should be continued here?”

“No, there’s no need to stop, I feel like I’m doing a good job cross-country.”

Shimura Danzo said that he originally thought that Orochimaru would definitely agree with his point of view.

Who would have thought that just when Shimura Danzo finished speaking, Orochimaru's eyes were filled with a look of fanaticism!

Especially when watching the cross-country performance ahead, killing one unqualified "defective product" after another, a touch of bright red blood accidentally fell on Orochimaru's face. Orochimaru even excitedly used his tongue, Tasting the taste of the warm blood carefully, he said with fascination: "Defective products have no survival value!"

“In order to develop more wonderful things, Off-road’s idea of ​​treating defective products is right!”

“Danzo, if you really compare it with off-roading.”

 “He is a complete weakling in terms of mentality!”

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