Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 234: The first appearance of dawn (Part 1)



 Experiment completed!

The first Hokage’s secret wood escape technique was indeed perfectly integrated into Tenzo’s body!

 Although, knowing the plot of the original work, Cross Country felt very early on that Tenzo would be able to fuse the cells of the first Hokage, which would definitely succeed. But after repeated failures, the confidence of cross-country was shaken. Who would have thought that Tenzo suddenly merged with the cells of the first Hokage after squeezing out his potential? It was really a frightening thing. What a miracle!

And when the cells of the first Hokage were perfectly fused and Tenzo initially mastered the mystery of the wood escape technique, even off-roaders couldn't help but envy Tenzo!


 Because, as early as when Cross Country assisted Orochimaru and completed experiments again and again, Cross Country discovered that the cells of the first Hokage were very magical.

Orochimaru's experimental subjects were just ordinary children. Let alone ordinary genin, the students in the ninja school were more powerful than Orochimaru's experimental subjects.

However, those experimental subjects who failed to successfully fuse with the cells of the First Hokage could instantly transform from a guy who was worse than a ninja school student to a genin level in just a few seconds when they awakened the cells of the First Hokage. ninja. From this, we can see how powerful the first Hokage was, and he could actually change the power of a ninja in an instant!

What's more, those who failed to successfully integrate the cells of the first generation Hokage can successfully possess the power of a genin-level ninja.

So Tenzo, who has successfully integrated the cells of the first generation Hokage, can gain more from it?

 A moment is really just a moment!

Staring closely at Tenzo in front of him, Cross Country couldn't help but realize in shock that when Tenzo successfully integrated the cells of the first Hokage and initially mastered the secret technique of wood escape of the first Hokage, he was suddenly inferior to all the students in the ninja school. Guy, you suddenly have the power of a chunin-level ninja. Is that more than just a leap?

  It’s simply cheating!


Although Tenzo possesses strength comparable to that of chuunin-level ninjas, without receiving professional training, it is impossible for Tenzo's strength to be compared with that of ordinary chunin.

 But, with the power of a chuunin-level ninja, how long will it take for Tenzo to master that power?

 It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he can concentrate on training for a few months, Tenzo can truly rival the chuunin level ninja!

If Orochimaru's experiment can become popular, then the future of Konoha Village will become extremely terrifying!

  After all, Orochimaru, who mastered the secret of the cells of the first Hokage, is likely to have the power to mass-produce chunin after that!

 That kind of power can be said to be a taboo power even in the ninja world!

So, seeing Experiment No. 59 Tenzo completing the experiment perfectly, Orochimaru's eyes were full of excitement, and the corner of his mouth raised a bright smile.

Unfortunately, just when Cross Country was about to congratulate Orochimaru for completing his experiment, an accident suddenly happened!

 Maybe it’s because I’ve seen too many tragedies involving experimental subjects, or it’s more likely that it’s because of my inner resistance!

Tenzo had just merged with the cells of the First Hokage, and initially mastered the First Hokage's secret technique of wood escape. He actually launched a crazy attack in the direction of cross-country!

It feels like Tianzang and Off-road have an undying hatred!

 “Hmph, what an overestimating Tenzo!”

“Having initially mastered the power of Mu Dun, are you ready to kill me who helped you awaken successfully?”

 “How naive!”


Facing Tenzo's offensive, as an elite Jonin, Cross Country naturally sneered secretly, and defeated Tenzo in front of him in a few strokes.

However, the moment he subdued Tianzang, Cross Country noticed the angry look in Tian Zang's pupils, and the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth quickly disappeared, and then Cross Country thought secretly in his heart:

"However, it seems to have been stated in the original plot that Tenzo was used to seeing too many cruel experiments, which led to some flaws in his character. Even the "root" training controlled by Danzo could not make Tenzo Hide out to be a truly cruel ANBU, right?”

"In the end, it was because of this that Tenzo destroyed Danzo's plans many times. The result was that he returned from the "root" department to the ANBU controlled by the third generation of Hokage, and became Kakashi's good junior and became Hokage. The dark side of the faction.”

“Creating things to manipulate people, it really feels like creating things to manipulate people!”

“And judging from the current situation, if Tenzo really becomes the ANBU of the Hokage faction, he will be the first guy to deal with.”

“I must be the one who is colluding with Orochimaru and Danzo, right?”

“After all, those companions and experimental subjects in his eyes all died under my abuse!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country sighed deeply, and then knocked out Tianzang with force, and remained silent in front of the unconscious Tianzang.

 Instead, it was Orochimaru.

 He didn't pay any attention to Tianzang's eyes, nor did he care about Tianzang's attack on the cross-country.

Under the heavy blow from the off-road, Tenzo passed out smoothly. What Orochimaru did was to extract the blood from Tenzo's body, take away some of Tenzo's flesh and blood, and prepare to continue research.

As for Tenzo, the only qualified product in the experiment, that was the first goal that Orochimaru was ready to give up after the experiment was successful.

Immediately, when Orochimaru took away the important experimental items for the next stage of the experiment from Tenzo's body, Orochimaru slowly put away the smile on his face and continued to use his hoarse voice, Said towards cross-country:

“Off-road, Experiment No. 59, just take it to Danzo.”

“Presumably with such a qualified experimental subject, he won’t be able to cause trouble for you and me.”

“Next, I am going to leave the village and conduct follow-up experiments.”

 “As for off-roading you”

 Speaking, Orochimaru handed a scroll to Cross Country, and then said:

“As for off-roading, if you are ready to conduct experiments, I will lend you my laboratory.”

“You can dispose of the things in the laboratory as you wish. If the experimental products are insufficient, just ask Danzo for them.”

“Off-road, do you have anything else to do?”

 “If not, just take Experiment 59 to Danzo for a report!”


As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, Cross Country nodded silently.

 Subsequently, the unconscious Tenzo disappeared in front of Orochimaru. Cross Country took a deep look at Orochimaru, and soon the figure disappeared into the laboratory.

 What is the next experiment?

   What will Orochimaru do when he leaves Konoha Village?

 Obviously, these things are not things that can be understood by off-roaders.

The only thing that Off-road can know is that studying the first Hokage's secret technique of wood escape is not what Orochimaru really needs to study at all.

 It is very possible that what Orochimaru wants to obtain is some secrets about the first Hokage!

 Otherwise, if Tenzo is such a good experimental subject, why doesn’t Orochimaru conduct further experiments?

Obviously, Akira can use the First Hokage's secret wood escape technique. Why doesn't Orochimaru personally integrate into the First Hokage's cells and try it?

In just a short moment, it became clear to Cross Country that Orochimaru's ambition could not be satisfied by the secret technique of wood escape.

 Perhaps because of this, Orochimaru needs eternal life for study, research, and to satisfy his ambitions.

Gradually, Orochimaru's research focus will probably be on the study of the art of immortality!

 So, when was Orochimaru's reincarnation technique initially completed?

Off-road at this time, we can only speculate that Orochimaru's reincarnation technique will be initially completed in the next few years.

However, Orochimaru's matters were not something that needed to be thought about cross-country. He immediately thought about borrowing Orochimaru's laboratory to successfully complete his research project. On the other hand, Cross Country secretly took Tenzo to the place where he met Shimura Danzo, and first handed over Shimura Danzo's perfect experiment, Tenzo.

 After that, Shimura Danzo stared at the perfect experimental product Tenzo for a long time, and without revealing any information, he assigned Cross Country a very difficult secret mission!

“Off-road, go back and study this information carefully.”

 “After three days, prepare to leave the village and go to the Country of Rain to support!”

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