Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 239: Who is Huangque (Part 2)

 Purple hair and Akatsuki organization’s signature windbreaker.

With the insight into the oriole's appearance and attire, if Off-Road could not guess the identity of the other party, that he was Xiaonan, one of the founders of the "Akatsuki" organization, then the familiar plot of the original work would be a joke!

However, it is precisely because Cross Country can understand Xiaonan's identity that Xiaonan appears at the border of the Land of Rain, which makes Cross Country feel even more confused.

If Cross Country's guess is correct, then according to the information scroll given by Shimura Danzo, the demigod Hanzo had already prepared to organize with the "Akatsuki" organization before Shimura Danzo sent Cross Country and other front units to the Land of Rain. The leaders of the group, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, are making peace with each other, and are secretly preparing a plan to eliminate the "Akatsuki" organization.

 So, under this background, shouldn't Konan follow Yahiko and Nagato to prepare for peace talks with the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, Demigod Hanzo?

  Why did Xiaonan appear at the border of the Kingdom of Rain for no reason?

 After all the impossibilities have been eliminated, there is only one truth that Cross-country finally reveals!

 That is, the reason why Xiaonan appears at the border of the Kingdom of Rain is probably due to the conspiracy of Demigod and Hanzo!

In the original plot, wasn't it Konan who became the prisoner of the rain ninja who was used by the demigod Hanzo to threaten Nagato and Yahiko?

Since this is the case, the ultimate secret of Konan going to the border of Rain Country alone to perform some kind of mission may be an ambush set by the demigod Hanzo to capture Konan before the peace talks!

As for Cross Country's previous guesses, if they were all correct, a solemn look appeared in Zi Cross Country's eyes, and then Cross Country quickly put away the use of the Gale Wind Flow Palm Blade, analyzing it secretly in his heart. road:

"Xiaonan's appearance, if there is really a demigod and half hidden plot hidden behind the scenes, then the real oriole is not me, let alone Xiaonan!"

"It's very possible that during the time when Xiaonan and I were fighting, Demigod Hanzo had already laid a dragnet around him!"

“In this case, the final result that Xiao Nan will face is to be captured alive by the oriole, the demigod Hanzo!”

“And without stating that I am an ANBU under Danzo, it is very likely that even I”

“What we have to face is the real oriole killer, Demigod Hanzo!”

“Then right now, it would be best to use Xiaonan as the person who connects me with the Akatsuki organization!”

"Furthermore, if Konan can be successfully rescued under the conspiracy of Demigod Hanzo, it is really possible to avoid the tragedy of Yahiko's death in the future!"

Huttered to himself, Cross Country nodded silently, and then prepared to take Xiaonan to escape. This is a place where a dragnet is likely to be deployed.

Immediately afterwards, there was no time to worry about the abnormality of the arms of the three wandering ninjas, and there was no time to collect the bodies of the ninjas from Yu Ninja Village.

Off-roading means that when the oriole is probably half-hidden behind the scenes, it seems to be escaping, but in fact it is leading Xiaonan to gradually leave this place where there is a possibility of an ambush.

As for why Xiaonan wanted to attack him, that is not something that cross-country needs to consider.

It can also be said that if an ANBU without any ninja village mark appears in the Kingdom of Fire, Cross Country's first thought is to kill the unidentified ANBU.

 Because of this, Cross Country did not have too many doubts about the reason why Xiaonan was chasing him.

 Similarly because of this, Off-Road missed an opportunity to understand who the real mastermind was!


Failing to understand the real man behind the scenes, what kind of impact it will have in the future is not something that current off-roaders need to consider.

 At this time, what Cross Country is really concerned about is his battle with Xiaonan.

Even though the cross-country was in the middle of the confrontation, he could easily escape from Xiaonan, leading Xiaonan step by step out of the "trap" that the cross-country probably set there. However, despite easily escaping, Xiaonan still created a lot of dangers for off-roading. It can be seen that Xiaonan's elite Jonin level strength is also not a boast!

Moreover, during the confrontation, what surprised everyone was that, apart from the secret skills used in the original plot, Xiaonan's attainments in physical skills, ninjutsu, hidden weapons, etc. were beyond the reach of ordinary people. imagination!

  Let’s talk about physical skills!

 In the original plot, has anyone seen Xiaonan use physical skills to fight against the enemy?

Therefore, many people think that Xiaonan is probably a scumbag in terms of physical skills. Even the cross-country players who had previously competed with Xiaonan thought so.

Who doesn’t know that Konan’s taijutsu can be evenly matched with cross-country, and he has been using taijutsu to compete with cross-country during the pursuit, which proves that Konan’s taijutsu is also at the Jonin level.


 Because, Cross Country's own physical skills are based on Konoha's Goken fluid skills and the Hyuuga clan's soft fists that he has gradually become familiar with.

 Assisted by the effect of opening secrets of the human body, coupled with the long-lasting ability to carry out overloaded weight-bearing training for a long time.

 His cross-country taijutsu attainments are generally somewhere between jounin and elite jounin.

So, Xiaonan can use physical skills to suppress off-road, which shows that Xiaonan's physical skills are also very good.

It’s just that Konan’s real strength is still reflected in the secret arts she uses, so many people ignore Konan’s own physical skills, as well as other skills such as ninjutsu, illusions, and hidden weapons!

 As for Xiaonan's accomplishments in other areas, he can reach the jounin level, so naturally he is inseparable from Jiraiya.

 In the three years of Jiraiya's teaching, Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato laid a very good foundation within three years. Coupled with the repeated crises experienced by the establishment of the "Akatsuki" organization within the Kingdom of Rain, the growth rate of Xiaonan and the other three people is naturally not comparable to that of ninjas who grew up in the Ninja Village.

  But one thing is beyond doubt.

 That means that if Xiaonan only uses physical skills, he will definitely not be able to hurt the cross-country.

 When using the sense of wind, whenever Xiaonan prepares to use physical skills to take action, the rhythm of her action and the path of her action are all based on the detailed perception of cross-country. Under such circumstances, if Cross Country cannot entangle Xiaonan with his physical skills, then it can only be said that Cross Country's physical skills are a scumbag.

 However, cross-country physical skills are at a scum level, which is also impossible.

So, when Xiao Nan found that he couldn't solve the cross country with physical skills, during the pursuit of the cross country, Xiao Nan secretly thought to himself while pursuing the cross country, and then started to form seals quickly!

“It’s a completely unfamiliar Anbu, but it gives me a vague feeling of familiarity!”

“In addition to the location where this strange ANBU first appeared, it is very likely that this ANBU is from the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire?”

“The ninjas of Konoha Village really have completely different qualities and combat attainments than the ninjas of Rain Ninja Village!”

"It seems that it may be a bit troublesome to use a relatively chakra-saving method to deal with him!"

“Damn it, in such a dangerous situation, you actually have to spend chakra on an ANBU from the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire!”

 “Now, the only thing we can do is fight quickly!”

Hunting secretly, Xiao Nan has already completed the seal formation, and then he will show off his secret skills in front of cross country.

With Xiaonan successfully using her secret technique, combined with her elite Jonin level strength, and the memory of being a member of the "Akatsuki" organization in the original plot, one thing is certain for Cross Country, that is, he wants to deal with Xiaonan. , all need to go through a hard battle.

 Such a situation was obviously not the outcome that I wanted to foresee for the off-roader who wanted to have a good talk with Xiaonan.

Therefore, just when Xiaonan completed the seal and a strong chakra fluctuation appeared in Cross Country's sense of wind, Cross Country suddenly disappeared into Xiao Nan before Xiao Nan's secret technique could be successfully released. Within sight!

Moreover, when Cross Country showed up next time, Xiaonan, who was about to cast the secret technique, suddenly discovered it!

 The cross country she was looking for with all her heart has already appeared behind her!

 “Uncle Xiaonan, I’m sorry!”

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