Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 241: Sharp gun emerges (Part 1)

“It is you who is hiding behind those wandering ninjas!”



Suddenly, at the place where Cross Country and Xiao Nan met, a mysterious black shadow suddenly appeared.

 At the moment when the black shadow appears, Cross Country can guarantee that there is never any record of that mysterious black shadow in the original plot!

  That is to say, off-road can confirm that the black shadow is not the famous ninja in the original plot.

 Instead, it’s Xiaonan!

At the moment when the mysterious black shadow appeared, his pupils narrowed slightly, directly revealing the identity of the mysterious black shadow.

However, when he heard from Xiaonan that the mysterious black shadow was the minions of the demigod Hanzo, and combined with the strange shapes on the arms of the wandering ninjas he had observed earlier, a suspicious look appeared in the eyes of the cross country!

 Obviously, the off-roader at that time was doubting the identity of that mysterious black shadow!

At the same time, Cross Country is even more secretly suspicious. The mysterious black figure shrouded in black and wearing a strange white mask is probably not the true face of the enemy!

“In the original plot, Demigod Hanzo collaborated with Danzo, but I have never heard of Demigod Hanzo having other collaborators!”

"Also, the guy in front of Xiaonan and I doesn't have the slightest breath of life in his body. He doesn't look like a normal human being at all!"

“On rare occasions, I can use the sense of wind to feel the beating of the other person’s heart!”

 “Who the **** is this guy?”

 “Is he really a collaborator of Demigod Hanzo, or?”

 “Or are they enemies from other forces?”

“Is the real oriole the guy in front of Xiaonan and I?”

 Doubts appear one after another.

However, amidst the many doubts, the only thing that Cross Country can be sure of is that he must solve the mysterious black shadow in front of him!

 Otherwise, he and Xiaonan might really be buried here!

 However, thinking about getting rid of the mysterious black shadow, the face hidden under the ANBU mask couldn't help but raise a faint bitter smile.

 Wanting to solve that mysterious black shadow is easy to say, but really difficult to do.

Let’s not talk about the strength of that mysterious black shadow. Let’s talk about it. Is it possible for Cross Country and Xiaonan to cooperate sincerely even though they are competing with each other?

Definitely not!

 At this moment, the situation of Cross Country and Xiaonan is very embarrassing.

 On the one hand, cross-country use of the wind-flowing blades loomed as a threat to Xiaonan's life.

On the other hand, Xiaonan used the detonating charm attached to the cross-country chest, which also threatened the life of the cross-country.

 The situation would have been better if there hadn't been that mysterious black shadow.

 It's just that Cross Country and Xiaonan each take a step back and have a good talk to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

On the contrary, after the mysterious black shadow appeared, Cross Country and Xiaonan cast suspicious eyes on each other.

And the suspicions of Cross Country and Xiaonan undoubtedly fulfilled that mysterious black shadow!

On the cross-country road, Xiaonan, no one wanted to give in first, and there was no sign of any seals. The mysterious black shadow suddenly cast a ninjutsu at Xiaonan!

 “Fire Escape! The head is hard!”


 Suddenly, the fire escape ninjutsu was completed.

 The blazing flames followed the direction of the mysterious black shadow and attacked in the direction of Cross Country and Xiao Nan.

If off-road and Xiaonan still don't choose to compromise, then the result that off-road and Xiaonan will face is to die tragically at the hands of that mysterious black shadow!


 It’s just a fire escape ninjutsu. Although its power is somewhat amazing, can it really kill off-road in an instant?

 The answer is no!

  Off-road is good at wind escape, which seems to be restrained by fire escape in a certain way.

 But don’t forget, cross-country wind escape is a two-stage wind escape with extreme changes in nature!

In the face of the ultimate wind escape effect, unless it is a fire escape with two extreme changes in nature, otherwise the wind escape used cross-country will definitely be able to defeat the fire escape used by the mysterious black shadow!

What's more, to put it ten thousand steps back, cross-country wind escape can't restrain the fire escape of that mysterious black shadow.

But relying on his own strength, Cross Country still had the confidence to escape under the scorching fire. On the contrary, Xiaonan's situation seemed a little bad.

As we all know, Fire Release can completely restrain the secret technique used by Xiao Nan.

Especially when Xiaonan uses "Shiki no Dance", if there is no way to avoid the scorching fire escape, every inch of flesh and blood on Xiaonan's body will probably be turned into fly ash under the scorching fire escape power!

So, the one who is more nervous than the cross-country at this time is obviously Xiaonan, who is fully restrained.

 However, when facing the fatal fire escape, the thoughts in Xiaonan's mind were extremely struggling!

"what to do?"

"If I didn't hide, I would have died under that guy's fire escape ninjutsu!"

“But if I dodge, the strange ANBU in front of me may take the opportunity to counterattack!”

 “What should we do?”

 Obviously, the situation Xiaonan has to face at this time is that there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

Moreover, just as Xiaonan was thinking in her heart, if she evaded, Cross Country might take the opportunity to tear off the white paper on her chest and escape from Xiaonan's control. If Xiaonan had not avoided that fatal fire escape, then as mentioned before, Xiaonan would have died under that terrifying fire escape.

 In such a crisis situation and having to make such a difficult choice, Xiaonan must be hesitant.

I estimate that even if it’s off-road, I’ll have to hesitate for a long time, right?

But just when the raging fire, following the control of the mysterious black shadow, made Xiaonan feel the hot breath coming towards his face, Xiaonan suddenly froze there!

 Because before Xiaonan was stunned, Xiaonan actually found that Xiqiu hugged her!

Furthermore, when Off-road hugged Xiaonan, Off-road did not attack Xiaonan!

Instead, while holding Xiaonan, he used the teleportation technique to quickly escape from the scope of the blazing fire!


After escaping, Xiao Nan looked at Cross Country with an indifferent expression, his eyes full of questions.

After listening to Xiao Nan's words, Xue Yue naturally understood the underlying meaning of that sentence.

With a short sentence of "why", Xiaonan wanted to ask about off-roading. There were two things in total.

 The first thing is why Cross Country held her and used the teleportation technique, and why he wanted to save her life.

 The second thing, Xiao Nan wants to ask Cross Country, isn't he afraid of repaying his kindness and killing him with a detonating talisman?

However, facing Xiaonan's questioning, the face hidden under the ANBU mask just showed a faint smile.

Furthermore, he did not answer Xiaonan’s question. When Xiaonan asked, Cross Country just stared at the black figure in front of him with indifferent eyes and said lightly:

“Uncle Xiao Nan, if we want to survive now, what we need is sincere cooperation.”

“So, I hope that through what happened just now, we can build trust between us. I believe you, Uncle Xiaonan, know how to do that, right?”

“Since we have a common enemy to kill, there can be no hesitation!”

“Should we cooperate or continue to be suspicious of each other?”

 “It depends on your decision, Uncle Xiaonan!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue chakra light in his palms suddenly became brighter and brighter.

That is undoubtedly the determination of Cross Country to strengthen the use of the Gale Flow Palm Blade and prepare to cooperate with Xiaonan to kill the mysterious black shadow!

On the contrary, it was Xiaonan who snorted coldly after hearing what Xue Chuang said calmly.

 But after a "hum", Cross Country found that the white paper on his chest disappeared!

 That means that Xiaonan is also ready to cooperate with cross-country when facing that mysterious black shadow!

 So, when Xiaonan also expressed his sincere cooperation, off-road all his attention was placed on the mysterious black figure in front of him. But when he occasionally glanced at Xiaonan with his peripheral vision, and caught a glimpse of Xiaonan's delicate face covered by indifference, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly think in his heart:

 “The first step in the plan due to a strange combination of circumstances.”

 “It’s finally done!”

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