Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 243: Sharp gun emerges (Part 2)

 Hand cards, under ordinary circumstances, should never be revealed easily or let others know easily.

As the saying goes, when people are wandering in the world, how can they have few trump cards?

In the beginning of your cross-country training career, there is no doubt that the APP’s accelerated training and research and development functions are one of the trump cards for cross-country mastering. After all, being able to master power as quickly as possible with the accelerated training of the APP, and being able to master one after another mysterious secrets of the Nara clan with magical effects through the research and development function, cross-country is to rely on these two skills when one is at a disadvantage. The hole cards were used to make a comeback.

So, the trump card of cross-country in the early days was the accelerated training of the APP, as well as the research and development function of the APP. What is the trump card of cross-country now?

 There are three trump cards!

 The first trump card is undoubtedly still the cross-country use of the R&D function of the APP to successfully master the secret techniques of the Nara clan one after another!

 Because, in the early days, the strength of cross-country was low, and rapid growth was the first problem that cross-country faced.

Under such circumstances, with the accelerated training function of the APP, Cross Country can freely modify the ninjutsu in the training list, and the progress of secret skill training will undoubtedly make Cross Country grow faster. However, as the cross-country strength improves step by step, it has to be said that the accelerated training of the APP basically does not have much function.

  After all, at this stage, as an elite Jonin, Cross Country has his own growth path. Cross Country cannot randomly supplement other people's ninjutsu and secret techniques, affecting his own existence, right?

 What’s more, it’s a good thing to have many skills but not be overwhelmed.

 But if you don’t have too many skills, there must be a prerequisite.

 The skills that cross-country people want to master are skills that are suitable for his growth path. The conditions have obviously become harsher.

  Instead, it is the research and development function. Being able to continuously develop the secret techniques of the Nara clan suitable for off-roading is the golden finger that helps the off-roading itself the most.

  Unfortunately, in the face of that mysterious black shadow, there are restrictions from Shimura Danzo, and the secret techniques of the Nara clan cannot be used off-road.

As a result, off-roading will definitely not be able to use the Nara clan’s secret skills.

Otherwise, it’s just a matter of killing that mysterious black shadow, which is just a puppet under the control of the warlord. Do we still need to worry about off-roading at this time?

As for the second trump card that Off-Road has mastered, it goes without saying that it must be the secret technique of the blast flow developed by Off-Road itself.

However, neither the Hayate Flow Palm Blade nor the Senbon Palm Blade can break the terrifying defense of the mysterious black shadow, and the situation faced when going off-road is more embarrassing.

 Because, the third trump card in cross-country mastery is the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan!

 Use the characteristics of the Space-Time Rasengan, regardless of whether you use a fingertip Rasengan or an ordinary Rasengan.

Off-roaders are sure to instantly shatter the white mask representing his vital position without being able to detect the mysterious black shadow.

 However, the embarrassment of off-roading lies here.

Using the characteristics of the Space-Time Rasengan, the mysterious black shadow, and the role behind the mysterious black shadow are all easy to say. Off-road is sure to deal with the mysterious black shadow without leaving any trace, so that as a shadow-level powerhouse No flaws can be seen in any of the corners.

 But what about Xiaonan?

Since they want to cooperate, since they want to use Xiaonan to infiltrate the "Akatsuki" organization, cross-country can't use up the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan, and kill Xiaonan, right?

 Let’s not talk about Miukou Xiaonan, how confident is he in cross-country?

 Just because of the situation, Xiaonan can't be attacked even when going off-road.

So, there is still no complete guarantee to gain Xiaonan's trust. If Cross Country even uses its last trump card, what if Xiaonan suddenly turns his back after solving the mysterious black shadow?

 Before traveling cross-country, there is a saying that rivers and lakes are dangerous.

 The ninja world where cross-country is located is a more dangerous place than Jianghu.

 In a situation of sincere cooperation on the surface, but in fact everyone has their own thoughts, Cross Country is definitely not willing to expose all its trump cards.

Therefore, just when an embarrassment appeared in the cross-country's eyes, and the mysterious black shadow in front used the terrifying effect of the earth's resentment to successfully suppress the cross-country, the hesitant cross-country, in his eyes Then suddenly a flash of light appeared!

 Obviously, Off-Road already has an idea on how to deal with the mysterious black shadow in front of him!

 “Since there is no way to use the last trump card, the only way is to try that trick!”

“Although the secret technique is still in the initial stage of research and development”

 “But at this juncture, there is still a fight to be had!”

Off-road said to himself secretly, and then there was a "bang" sound!

The Fourth Hokage secretly passed on, and the "acceleration" secret technique was used again. Cross-country was surprisingly using the "acceleration" secret technique, and once again rushed towards the location of the mysterious black shadow.

It’s just that when Cross-Country, with the idea of ​​​​fighting, once again attacked the mysterious black shadow, not to mention the mysterious black shadow that completely suppressed Cross-country before, even Xiaonan was not very optimistic about Cross-country.


 The reason is very simple, just because of the competition with the mysterious black shadow before going off-road, Xiaonan even saw through the embarrassment that he would face when going off-road.

However, despite the seemingly sincere cooperation, Xiaonan watched the cross-country rush away without saying anything to undermine the cross-country's self-confidence.

 But in his heart, watching the cross-country rush towards the mysterious black shadow, Xiaonan was already prepared!

"That guy has no chance of winning if he charges at Hanzo's minions like this!"

"what do I do?"

“Should we continue watching the show, or should we help him?”

“If he can behave like before, then if I take action suddenly, I’m somewhat sure of defeating Hanzo!”

“Besides, I said before that I would cooperate sincerely with that guy, so that’s the case.”

“It seems that the important task of killing Hanzo’s minions will finally fall on me!”

 After analyzing the situation in front of her, Xiaonan sighed deeply and was already ready to take action.

However, just when Xiaonan was secretly thinking that as long as the cross-country could entangle the mysterious black shadow like before, she was ready to wait for the opportunity to take action. When she fixed her eyes and looked at the battle ahead, Xiaonan's eyes revealed that A look of horror!

And the look of horror was obviously not because of the scene in front of Xiaonan, but because of the sudden burst of cross-country, killing the mysterious black shadow!

What really horrified Xiaonan was that the off-roader who had previously been able to compete with that mysterious black shadow was about to lose his life in just a few rounds of confrontation!


That was the moment when Cross Country had just used the secret technique of "acceleration" and rushed straight towards the mysterious black shadow.

Using the Gale Flow Palm Blade again, the off-road right palm was contained in azure chakra, and rushed directly in front of the mysterious black shadow.

On the contrary, it was the mysterious black figure that saw the cross-country rushing towards him, and a look of disdain appeared in his eyes.

 He was disdainful that Cross Country didn't even know how to use his brain, so he rushed over in such a hurry!

 There is no need to say more about the subsequent results!

Under the terrifying defense of Earth Resentment Yu, sparks kept popping up, and the cross-country wind-flowing palm blade was unable to break Earth Resentment Yu's defense at all.

Moreover, just at the moment when Cross Country's gusts of wind failed to crush Earth Resentment's defense, countless black tentacles suddenly emerged from the two arms that had cut off the mysterious black shadow before Cross Country. Instantly wrapped around the cross-country legs!

At that moment, the distance between the cross country and the mysterious black shadow was a full thirty meters!

 Unless, off-road, regardless of exposing his trump card, uses the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan.

Otherwise, under the entanglement of the black tentacles, the off-roader will be a living target, waiting for the mysterious black shadow to kill him!

Xiaonan next to him suddenly saw the tragic situation of the cross-country, and naturally there was a look of horror in his eyes, and he subconsciously went to save the cross-country.

 What a pity, it’s too late!

His contemptuous eyes fell on Xiaonan. The mysterious black shadow was the newly spread black tentacles, ready to harvest the lives of off-road!

However, just when that mysterious black shadow was coming, he was very confident that the scene that appeared in the next scene must be the scene of Cross Country's tragic death in front of him!



  A ray of light like a sharp gun suddenly extended from the blast blade used by the off-road right palm!

Moreover, just when the blade of the blast suddenly changed, and the light like a sharp spear suddenly extended out, the white mask of the mysterious black shadow was instantly shattered under the sudden appearance of the sharp spear!

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”

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