Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 245: Hundred Miles Chase (Part 2)


 It’s the real Kakuto!

Although the mysterious black shadow passed before the cross-country, it was concluded early that the mysterious black shadow was a puppet controlled by Kakuzu.

 However, when Kakuzu actually appeared in front of Xiaonan, and a sneak attack severely injured Xiaonan, Xiaonan, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, still couldn't help but tremble hard in his chest!

 Because, although I understand the cross-country plot of the original work, I deeply understand how terrifying Kakuzu is!


 There are only a few, like monsters.

 In the original plot, what was Kakuzu’s first impression of Cross Country?

That's Uzumaki Naruto's experience baby!

As the villain BOSS and one of the immortal duo of the "Akatsuki" organization, Kakuzu's appearance seems to be to help Uzumaki Naruto achieve the prestige of the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu!

However, is the real Kakuzu really just an experience baby?

  Can escape from the failure of assassinating the first Hokage, is the veteran Kage level strong Kakuzu really a waste?

Certainly not!

Not to mention that Kakuzu masters the secret technique of Taki Ninja Village, which is the black tentacle called Jiyuyu. Through the secret technique of Jiyuyu, he can control five hearts, which is equivalent to having five lives, and he can also use those hearts. Escape techniques with different attributes.

Even before Kakuzu betrayed Taki Ninja Village, his terrifying ability to escape from the hands of the First Hokage is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Especially the sudden appearance of Kakuzu, which severely damaged Xiaonan, the cross-country partner, and made the situation facing cross-country even worse.

The black tentacles transformed by the earthly resentment directly penetrated Xiaonan's legs, and Xiaonan lost the ability to move freely. So, if you want to save Xiaonan's life, cross-country needs Xiaonan, a burden, to fight against Kakudu, and fight against a true shadow-level powerhouse. How much pressure is that?

 So, seeing that Xiaonan was hit hard by the horns, there was no hesitation in cross-country!

 “Wind’s instant body!”


 In just one moment, Cross Country used the Wind Blink, and the next second he appeared next to Xiaonan.

 Then, make a seal with both hands!

The Nara clan's S-level secret technique, the Shadow Shield is used!

 At that moment, Cross Country ignored Shimura Danzo's restraints and used the Nara clan's secret technique in front of Konan and Kakuzu.

 At that time, thanks to the use of Shadow Shield off-road!

The black shadow under his feet suddenly turned into a shield to defend himself in front of him, and then there were several "bang" and "bang" sounds!

The black tentacles controlled by Kakuzu suddenly hit the Shadow Shield the moment they appeared off-road!

If he hadn't been prepared in advance, he might have become the first dead soul in Kakuzu's hands when he went to rescue Xiaonan!

However, even though the Shadow Shield is used for off-roading, and the Shadow Shield is an S-level secret technique of the Nara clan, its defensive capabilities are no less than the black tentacles transformed from the Earthly Resentment. However, after just resisting two heavy blows from Kakuzu, Cross Country discovered a fact that made him very desperate, that is, the Shadow Shield could only withstand two heavy blows under Kakuzu's strong attack. !

 “Are you kidding me?”

“Is Kakuzu so powerful just by using Earth Resentment Yu?”

“In the original plot, were Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto and the others fighting against monsters like Kakuzu?”

"It seems that before I reach the shadow level, especially with Konan as a burden, it is impossible for me to get any benefits from Kakuzu!"

 “Since that’s the case”


Hunted coldly, his eyes were full of confidence, and then he took a deep glance, and secretly thought in his heart:

 “If that’s the case, then we have no choice but to run away!”

“In terms of speed, Kakuzu, even ten thousand of you can’t be my opponent!”

 “The acceleration of the wind!”



 Obviously, if it weren't for Xiaonan, Cross Country would definitely be willing to fight Kakuzu.

  After all, under the pressure of shadow-level experts, cross-country can make rapid progress, cross the barrier in front as quickly as possible, and become a new member in the hall of shadow-level experts.


 Off-roading in the Land of Rain, there are too many things to plan!

Not only the mission of Shimura Danzo, but also the future of the "Akatsuki" organization.

Just say that Kakuzu, a member of the "Akatsuki" organization in the original plot, suddenly appeared in the Land of Rain. Off-roaders need to be careful about the person hiding behind Kakuzu!

With cross-country analysis, who is the person hiding behind the scenes in Jiaodu?

 First of all, the first target of the cross-country elimination is Danzo Shimura who ordered him to go to the Land of Rain to perform a mission!

 It doesn't take much thinking to know that Kakuzu must hate the Leaf Village because he almost died at the hands of the First Hokage.

Since Shimura Danzo happens to be from the Leaf Village, it is naturally impossible for him to assign Kakuzu to complete the important task of capturing Konan!

Secondly, there is a 30% chance that the person hidden behind Kakuzu is the demigod Hanzo from the Rain Ninja Village!

 Judging from the current situation, the person Kakuzu wants to capture is Konan.

Combined with the scenes of the original plot, if Kakuzu successfully captures Konan, he must be handed over to the demigod Hanzo to threaten Yahiko and Nagato in the current "Akatsuki" organization, creating the identity of Yahiko in the original plot. After his death, Nagato became completely "blackened" and created the tragedy of the dark "Akatsuki" organization in the future.

 But why do we feel that there is only a 30% chance of a demigod and a half-hidden person hiding behind the scenes when going off-road?

 The reason is naturally that Jiaodu is too well prepared!

And the step-by-step layout of Kakuzu is really great!


 In the analysis of cross-country, there is still an assumption!

The hypothesis is that Kakuzu sent a puppet who was completely targeted at Konan to complete the mission. On the one hand, it was to avoid enmity with Konan, Nagato and others, and to successfully join the "Akatsuki" organization in the future. On the other hand, Kakuzu has information about Konan and uses the puppet who is proficient in fire escape to restrain Konan's secret technique.

Then if the hypothesis is established, Demigod Hanzo is not the behind-the-scenes instigator of Kakuzu.

After all, Demigod Hanzo did not have detailed information about Konan and did not know what kind of secret techniques Konan used. Secondly, Demigod Hanzo wanted to destroy the "Akatsuki" organization. How could he watch Kakuzu join the darkness of the future? "Akatsuki" organization?

As a result, the possibility of Demigod and Hanzo hiding behind the scenes in Kakuzu is reduced to only 30%.

As for the remaining 70% possibility, off-roading is just a feeling. The guy hidden behind the scenes of Kakuzu is most likely Madara!

Having already completed the layout of the Land of Rain, Madara wants to control Nagato!

 “Master Ban, it seems to be you again, right?”

“You are really tired of being active behind the scenes in the ninja world, creating one tragedy after another, and making plans again and again!”

“Then, who is the person who will go to the Land of Rain on your behalf and secretly contact Konan, Nagato, and Yahiko?”

“Is it the Uchiha Obito who still hasn’t returned to Konoha Village?”


“Madara, Uchiha Obito has died in your hands? Is the person who went to the Land of Rain instead of you another puppet who surrendered to you?”

Silently thinking about the conspiracy hidden behind the scenes, Cross Country, with Xiaonan on his back, surprisingly used the secret technique of "acceleration" to gradually get rid of Kakuzu who was chasing after him!

 That’s right.

 In today's ninja world, there are very few ninjas who can compete with off-road speed.

Let’s just say in Konoha Village!

Except for the Fourth Hokage, it can be said that Cross Country has no advantage in terms of speed. Even in terms of speed and durability, Uchiha Shisui, Akai, and Cross Country, who are equally excellent in speed and durability, have only feelings when using the secret technique of "acceleration". Waiting to eat ashes!

However, when Xiao Nan was using the secret technique of "acceleration" on his back, he felt that the corners behind him slowly disappeared into the wind perception, proving that the corners were far behind, and suddenly there was a burst of sound from his right palm. The stinging pain made Cross Country feel a shiver in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly observed the remaining amount of chakra in his body, and then he was shocked to find that he had temporarily abandoned Kakuzu, but it seemed that he still had no way to ensure the safety of himself and Konan!

 “Damn it, I just used the palm-bladed sharp spear and I was so excited!”

 “A sharp-edged spear that was only used once, as if.”

 “It seems like it consumed too much of my chakra!”

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