Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 249: Shadow Shield Upgrade (Part 2)

 Two hundred meters away, the horns appeared suddenly.

Relying on the sense of wind, he locked onto Kakuzu's figure off-road, even though his body was covered in scars.

 However, in the face of Jiaodu, cross-country is still full of fighting spirit!

 Because during the hundreds of miles of pursuit, Don Kanjiao was always in the upper hand, severely suppressing Xiaonan who was burdened with burdens.

 However, the cross-country can keep Xiaonan safe in the hundreds of miles of pursuit in Jiaodu. Is the disadvantage of the cross-country really irreversible?


 The disadvantages faced by off-roaders can still be rectified!

Moreover, driven by the will to fight, the cross-country trip now has a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

That feeling is clearly about off-roading!

 Victory over Jiaodu, today!

 Stepping into the shadow level, also today!

Then, under the pressure of Kakuzu's sudden momentum, Xiaonan next to him saw that off-road's own momentum was shrinking little by little, and even the original awe-inspiring fighting spirit disappeared there.

Relying on Xiaonan's elite Jonin level strength, she can naturally see the true meaning of the disappearance of cross-country fighting spirit!

 Under what circumstances can a person restrain his fighting spirit?

 Either in times of despair, or at the critical moment of breakthrough!

With extremely shocked eyes, he locked eyes on the thin body of off-road. Layers of cold sweat broke out on Xiaonan's back. It was even harder to suppress the feeling of shock in his heart, and he thought silently:

“As a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, the potential of the wind is truly unfathomable!”

"Judging from the many battles between Feng and Hanzo's minions, Feng must have inherited the true inheritance of the Fourth Hokage, and occasionally uses secret techniques, it seems."

“It seems to have some shadows of the secret arts of the Leaf Village and the Nara clan, right?”

“But from the information I obtained, it seems that there are few geniuses like Feng in the Nara clan!”

 “Could it be.”

“The true identity of Feng is the Nara Cross Country in the intelligence?”

 “The wind is only five years old this year?!”

Humbling silently, Xiaonan couldn't help but turn pale. She couldn't help clenching her palms into fists, trying her best to suppress the infinite shock in her heart!

 However, while Xiaonan was secretly shocked that a cross-country player could have such strength at the age of five, one thing was beyond doubt.

 That is the exposure of off-road identity, which is still related to his use of the secret technique of the Nara clan!


  Why did Danzo Shimura restrain Cross Country and tell him not to use the secret techniques of the Nara clan as much as possible?

Isn't it because the use of the Nara clan's secret technique is exposed, and the identity of the off-road is about to be exposed?

How many talented ninjas can there be among the Nara clan?

 Other than the clan leader Nara Shikaku, only one person, Off-road, is famous.

Under such circumstances, let alone Xiaonan, let alone a ninja whose other intelligence is not very sound, it is very simple to deduce the identity of off-road.

However, with Xiaonan as a burden to escape, it was now the first time that Cross Country was preparing to challenge the veteran shadow-level powerhouse Kakuzu, and he could no longer care about his identity being exposed.

Especially when Kakuzu was approaching little by little, Cross Country's violent fighting spirit shrank in his heart, just waiting for the confrontation with Kakuzu to break out, recalling the several confrontations with Kakuzu in ten days, Cross Country was deeply Taking a deep breath, I thought to myself:

“If I want to defeat Kakuzu, I have only one disadvantage, and that is my injuries!”

"During the pursuit, I had many encounters with Kakuzu, and every time I was able to escape calmly in front of Kakuzu. That was because of my speed advantage. And when I had the speed advantage, Xiaonan became a liability. , Every time I get injured, it has something to do with Xiaonan. Therefore, I am so scarred that I can’t regain the strength I had at my peak, which is the disadvantage I face now.”

 “As for Xiaonan.”

During the secret analysis, Xiujiang cast his eyes on Xiaonan, and then thought to himself:

"This time, since I'm going to fight Kakuzu with all my strength, either I will die or he will die, then the burden of Xiaonan can be ignored."

"After all, I have to make arrangements for Konan before I fight Kakuzu."

“Otherwise, even if I defeat Kakuzu, I will still face a situation of failure!”

"No matter what, Xiaonan is the key to my plan. I will soon break into the "Akatsuki" organization, and Xiaonan must be the one to pull the strings."

"And with the only disadvantage eliminated, I fight against Kakuzu, what is the key to victory?"

“I’m afraid the key to victory is the three trump cards I have now, right?”

 At this point in the analysis, I feel that my condition has been adjusted, and I am focusing on the three trump cards to defeat Kakuzu!

 The first trump card is still the space-time Rasengan!

In the many battles between Cross Country and Kakuto, although Cross Country exposed the use of the Nara clan's secret techniques, Cross Country's trump card of the Space-Time Rasengan was never revealed.

Therefore, the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan are still one of the trump cards of cross-country and one of the trump cards of cross-country.

 When using the space-time Rasengan, Cross Country was confident enough to kill Kakuzu twice!

           According to the information of the original plot, Kakuzu has at least five lives!

  In other words, when Cross Country mastered the trump card of the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan, he could only suppress Kakuzu's "resurrection" opportunities to about three times!

 The second trump card is the new secret technique of Hayate Ryu, a sharp spear that has just been mastered in off-roading!

 Don't look at the initial mastery of the sharp gun off-road, it only takes a dozen days.

 However, every time he fights against Jiaodu, his cross-country combat experience and combat awareness are improving. After all, Kakuzu is a veteran movie-level strongman in the original plot. Every time he clashes with Kakuzu, and then uses the "acceleration" secret technique to escape, the "experience value" of cross-country is increasing rapidly.

It is also because of this that when facing the cross-country confrontation this time, I vaguely felt that I was about to break through.

 It is also because of this that the new secret technique of Hayate Flow, which was initially mastered by Off-Road, is gradually perfected in the many battles with Kakuzu.

 However, it is also a pity.

Although off-road sharp-edged guns are becoming more and more perfect, their characteristics of hurting others and themselves are still there.

 Speaking of it, how could the new secret technique of the Swift Wind Style be mastered perfectly in such a short period of time, as terrifying as a sharp spear?

Therefore, the sharp gun is still a trump card that cannot be revealed in off-road vehicles as a last resort.

In this way, before you can be sure that you can truly defeat Kakuzu by killing Kakuzu once, you cannot use the Zhang Ren sharp gun in cross-country. Otherwise, using the sharp spear with a palm blade consumes a huge amount of chakra, and with one palm unable to be used, there is only one result for Cross Country and Kakuzu to continue fighting!

The result is death at the hands of Jiaodu!

So, what about trump card three?

 What is the final trump card for off-roading?

 The answer is to use the research and development function before going off-road. It took a long time to initially understand the secret skills of the Nara clan but failed to discover its true usefulness!

 Shadow Shield!

Since in the many battles with Kakuzu, the new secret technique of the Hayate Style that Cross Country has mastered, the sharp spear, has gradually become perfect.

In the many battles with Kakuzu, Cross Country has used the super defensive effect of the Shadow Shield every time. Naturally, as he progresses, he can discover the secret skills of the S-class Nara clan and the deeper secrets of the Shadow Shield. Got it!

As for the deeper mystery of the Shadow Shield, Off-Road has already made a guess!

That's the upgrade of Shadow Shield!

 It is also the complete evolution of Shadow Shield!

After many encounters with Kakuzu and many realizations, the cross-country Shadow Shield has suddenly changed from an ordinary shield to an armor that can cover the whole body!

 Shadow Armor!

 This is the comprehensive upgrade of Shadow Shield, and the new name given to it by off-road!

As for the disadvantages of using Shadow Armor, there is only one drawback that has been discovered during cross-country travel, and that is that it consumes three times as much chakra as using Shadow Shield.

However, under the terrifying effect of the all-round defense of the Shadow Armor, no one can basically ignore the disadvantages of consuming more chakra.

Immediately afterwards, at the moment when Cross Country silently analyzed all its own advantages and understood all the trump cards, Kakuzu's ghostly figure suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country.

However, when Xiaonan was quite shocked and Kakuzu was chasing after him again, Shijie smiled faintly, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said lightly to Kakuzu:

 “The moon is full today!”

 “I will kill you!”

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