Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 261: Plans from all sides

 Bai Jue, Bai Jue again!

Thinking back on when he was participating in the war between Konoha and the Mist Ninja, Bai Zetsu's figure appeared on the battlefield many times, completing a series of plans to hide BOSS Madara.

After finally solving Kakuzu in cross-country, and following Xiaonan to the nearby "Akatsuki" organization base, when he was preparing to talk to Yahiko and Nagato about the conspiracy of demigod Hanzo and Shimura Danzo, Bai Zetsu appeared again. He walked next to Kakuzu's body, which proved that Cross Country's previous guess was not wrong at all.

Is the guy hiding behind Kakuzu really Madara who controls White Zetsu?


 After finishing Kakuzu, he checked Kakuzu's body and found that Kakuzu was really dead. Although he was seriously injured, he quickly disappeared from the place where he and Kakuzu fought.

Furthermore, due to the serious injury in Cross Country, chakra overdraft, and inability to use wind perception, Cross Country will definitely not be able to find any trace of Bai Zetsu. And Bai Jue's appearance again is likely to bring unexpected changes to off-roading. These changes are impossible to analyze and guess in today's off-roading.

 Many times, the development of things is so helpless.

 Want to step into the palace of shadow-level powerhouses, and are not willing to become other people's pawns on the chessboard.

Now I still can't get rid of the cross-country fate of the chess pieces. I can only struggle **** the chessboard and plan according to my own ideas as much as possible.

However, being in the position of a chess piece and unable to understand the entire chess game, while planning cross-country, those who are real chess players will definitely have many countermeasures.

It seems that now, isn't the "backup plan" mentioned in Bai Zetsu's mouth the last resort of Madara who is hiding in the Mist Ninja Village?

Looking closely at the figure that was gradually disappearing following Xiao Nan, Bai Jue's face showed an intriguing smile, and then he disappeared from Xiao Nan's side, and then came to the place where Cross Country and Kakudu were fighting.

Relying on the rich experience given by Madara, Bai Jue only needs to observe the traces of the battlefield to vaguely deduce the situation during the war between Cross Country and Kakuzu, and analyze how Kakuzu "died tragically" at the hands of Cross Country!

“Hahaha! I have warned Kakuzu a long time ago and told him not to underestimate the Nara cross-country. Look, isn’t this the price of underestimating the Nara cross-country?”

"However, Nara Cross-country can grow so fast, which is beyond our expectation. It is very likely that in just a few years, the little guy in Nara Cross-country will become an uncontrollable existence. This must be done after returning. We need to report it, otherwise the subsequent plans will not be completed smoothly. "

Muttered to himself, Bai Zetsu's eyes fell on Kakuzu's "corpse", he slowly put away the smile on his face, and took out a dark heart from the ninja bag.

At this time, if off-roading could see the dark heart in Bai Jue's hand, off-roading would be so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth, right?

 Because, the dark heart held in Bai Jue's hand at this moment is the heart condensed from the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu!

On the dark heart, countless black tentacles are intertwined, just like many poisonous snakes entwining and intertwining there. It was precisely the black snake-like tentacles that condensed into a surging and beating heart under extremely strange circumstances.

I estimate that if some ordinary genin traveled to the ninja world and happened to see this strange and dark heart, Bai Zetsu would not need to personally take action. The genin who saw this strange and dark heart would be scared to death!

On the contrary, it was Bai Jue, holding the strange and dark heart, very calm and calm.

Especially when Bai Jue put the dark heart condensed from the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu into Kakuzu's "corpse" slowly, and watched Kakuzu "resurrected" again, the look on Bai Zeze's face It suddenly became cold, and then at the moment when Kakuzu "resurrected" and stood up, he ordered in an unusually cold voice:

“Kakuzu, it’s not your words to choose the backup plan, it’s Nara Cross Country’s growth that has exceeded our imagination.”

“But your plan to capture Xiaonan, one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, did fail.”

 “So, if you don’t want to be punished”

 “Capture Xiao Nan alive within three days and come back!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Zetsu's figure disappeared in front of Kakuzu, leaving only the "resurrected" Kakuzu still there.

When Kakuzu saw White Zetsu disappearing, he thought that as a veteran Kage-level expert, he actually wanted to become someone else's lackey. Although his eyes were full of anger, it was a pity that even his own life was under the control of others. In the middle, Kakuzu could only take a deep breath, suppress the endless anger in his heart, and vent his anger on others!

 “Is Nara off-road?”

“Hmph! You failed to kill me today, and you will die in three days!”

 The sorrow of the weak is that any anger of the strong will be vented on the weak.

 In the eyes of ordinary ninjas, today's cross-country may no longer be called weak, but in the eyes of veteran Kage-level experts like Kakuzu, cross-country is still considered weak!

 If you fail to reach the shadow level, you are a weak person!

What's more, the dangers we will face during the cross-country trip in three days are not limited to Kakuto!

Because, almost at the moment when Bai Zetsu disappeared in front of Kakuzu, a white figure quickly condensed into the soil inside the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Water, etc.!

At that moment, Bai Jue clearly used his own secret technique to quickly deliver the information about Kakuzu's defeat to every player in the chess game!

 Konoha Village, in a dark room.

  Getting the latest information from the ANBU, Shimura Danzo just glanced at it briefly, and then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“Are you planning to attack from within the Akatsuki organization to fulfill my orders?”

 “Well, very good!”

"The ANBU I sent have already joined Hanzo's line and gained Hanzo's trust. As long as Hanzo and the "Akatsuki" organization are fighting, Cross Country and the ANBU I sent suddenly switch sides, not only the rebel named "Akatsuki" Organization, Hanzo, the so-called demigod, must die in my plan!”

“However, since the cross-country information can be successfully transmitted back from the Land of Rain, Hanzo must also take action, right?”

Thinking of this silently, Danzo Shimura handed the information in his hand to the ANBU in front of him and said:

 “Give this information to the Fourth Hokage!”

“Give Minato a chance to play chess, and he will definitely thank me!”

 “Yes, Lord Danzo!”

After Shimura Danzo gave the order, the ANBU quickly disappeared in front of Shimura Danzo.

However, when the ANBU disappeared, the smile raised at the corner of Danzo Shimura's mouth did not disappear. Instead, with that faint smile on his face, he took out another information scroll and slowly opened it. In the mouth of a poisonous snake.

 Yu Ninja Village, in the room where Demigod is hiding.

As the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, Hanzo, who is known as the demigod, needs to deal with things every day. In addition to contacting the leaders of many Ninja Villages, what needs to be solved is the slightly troublesome "Akatsuki" organization.

Looking back at the boy and girl he once was, but now he has become an obstacle to his own success, Hanzo, the demigod, couldn't help but think of the Sannin he once was.

 Once upon a time, if I had not let those three little guys go, would the structure of the ninja world have changed?

It's a pity that there is no regret in the world about taking medicine. Thinking about one's own talent, in the end, powerful enemies appeared one after another. The eyes of Demigod and Hanzo gradually became cold, especially after seeing the "Emergency" sign in front of them. When reading the information scroll, Demigod Hanzo couldn't help but snorted and thought secretly:

“You really have to be careful when working with that guy Danzo!”

“Now not only has Konan, one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, failed to be captured alive, but many Anbu from Konoha Village have also infiltrated into the village?”

“Three days later, it will be the day of decisive battle!”

“Then before the decisive battle, Danzo, let me let you go crazy for a while longer!”

 “What you have to face after madness”

 “It must be destruction!”

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