Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 27: Make friends with Akai

  Maitkai, also known as Akai for short, is one of the more legendary Jonin in Konoha Village!

In the later stages of the original plot, Akai relied on the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation to easily torture Master Ban once, thus earning the honorable title of "Emperor Kai".

But what impressed the most about cross-country was not Akai’s terrifying strength with all eight doors open, but his life-long growth experience.

 Who is the real genius in Konoha Village now?

In addition to Uchiha Itachi, the off-roader who has just gained some fame, there is Hatake Kakashi, who became a jounin at the age of twelve and created his own S-level ninjutsu!

 However, after the battle of Kannakun, Cross Country knew that Kakashi's name was beginning to decline.

 Having obtained the Sharingan from Obito, anyone who thinks that relying on Kakashi’s talent will surely focus on another legend in the ninja world. Who would have thought that Kakashi was injured by the bond and his strength stagnated. Even during the original plot period, he became an ordinary person. Even when he fought with Zabuza Momochi, he was miserable and almost lost at the hands of the ghost. .

On the contrary, it was Akai, that guy with mediocre qualifications, who took advantage of Kakashi's fall to catch up. With diligence and hard work, he won the name of Konoha's Blue Beast, and became a lifelong enemy with Kakashi. Even in the four battles in the original work, he was stronger than Kakashi who was reduced to a sidekick. Much.

 So, if I want to talk about the guys I really admire in cross-country, Akai is definitely one of them.

Especially at 5 o'clock in the morning, when I saw that Akai's feet were covered with dried sweat stains, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly thought: "I graduated at the age of 7 and became a chuunin at the age of 11. Akai definitely did not rely on talent. , but diligence and hard work. Compared with Akai, I seemed a little lazy some time ago!”

"It took nearly half a month. With the assistance of the shadow clone, I have just completed the first stage of hidden weapon training. Sooner or later, this progress will be caught up by Itachi God and other geniuses in Konoha Village! "

"No! Even if it is for the title of genius, I will start working hard from today on!"

"From now on, let's leave the training of hidden weapons to the shadow clone first! Anyway, the most difficult first stage of training for hidden weapons has been completed. From now on, my focus of training will begin to shift!"

Huttered to himself, Cross Country looked at Akai sweating in the training ground, with a faint smile on his face.

 Then, I called up the research and development function list and saw that the practice of the new technique had just completed more than 30%. It would take a long time to develop the new cross-country mental technique, so I was ready to adjust the focus of training to physical skills.

 Don't underestimate taijutsu. Often, taijutsu is the real priority in a ninja battle.

Even if it is the future Hatake Kakashi, how many times does he have enough chakra to use Raikiri?

 When using the Sharingan to fight, Kakashi often falls down from exhaustion before the enemy falls. So it can be seen that most jounin use taijutsu to defeat the enemy when they fight. Nowadays, cross-country taijutsu is a weakness. If you don't practice more frequently, even if you master more family secrets, your ninjutsu will be useless. With this skill, he will be destined to be cannon fodder when he goes to the battlefield in the future.

 Recognize your own shortcomings and make up for them.

Especially since one-third of the hidden weapon training has been completed, Cross Country feels that by using shadow clones to practice, he can complete the next two stages of hidden weapon training. Therefore, after using the multiple shadow clone technique to create more than ten shadow clones, feeling that only one-third of the chakra remained in his body, he appeared in front of Kai with a smile.

 As for Akai, who was practicing, he obviously didn't notice the existence of cross-country.

Almost as soon as Cross Country appeared, Akai assumed a fighting posture and shouted coldly: "Who is it!"

“Sorry, I just took a fancy to this training ground yesterday, but I didn’t expect someone to be practicing here so early.”

 “Well, that didn’t bother you, did it?”

Peeping on others practicing is a taboo in the ninja world.

Therefore, when Cross Country just showed up, he quickly apologized to Akai. Fortunately, Akai is not a fussy person. Then Cross Country saw Akai and said with a smile: "So it's cultivation! It doesn't matter, let's practice together! Here The training ground is relatively quiet, and I usually like to practice here.”

 “By the way, I haven’t asked your name yet!”

 “My name is Nara Cross Country, please give me your advice in the future!”

 “What? Are you Nara Cross Country?”

As soon as he reported his name, he suddenly noticed that Akai's eyes were a little different.

Although the costume is similar to the original plot, they all have the signature watermelon head, a green tights, only the red scarf around the chest, which makes it a little more fashionable.

But who would have imagined that when Akai heard his name from off-road, not only his eyes were filled with a little sparkle, but his exposed teeth were shining as if they were advertising toothpaste.

 “Nara Cross Country, I’ve heard of your name!”

"You are the genius in the village, right? I want to challenge you!"


Originally, I thought that Akai had some special hobbies in cross-country, but who would have thought that he would be another challenger who was ready to challenge the genius.

However, the other challengers may not care about cross-country, but who is in front of him?

That is the "Kai Huang" in the original work!

 So, hearing that Akai was preparing to challenge, Cross Country also smiled and replied: "You haven't said your name yet, it seems a bit rude!"

 “Oh! Oh! Sorry!”

 “My name is Metkai, just call me Akai!”

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Akai asked with a smile: "Cross-country, I have always had a dream, that is to prove that the tail end can also defeat the genius. Kakashi used to be my goal, but unfortunately I can't find him recently. , I finally met you, and I want to discuss with you!"

As he spoke, Akai’s eyes seemed to light up, and then he asked: “Can we compete in cross-country?”

 “Of course it’s no problem!”

“But you’d better take a rest first! You’ve just consumed a lot of energy by practicing, right?”

Off-road kindly reminded Akai, but Akai smiled ungratefully and replied: "It doesn't matter, what does this little practice mean?"

“Cross-country, since you agreed to compete, I’ll get on it!”

 “Be careful!”


 When in contact with such a person, you don’t need to worry about what other ideas he has.

  But in this way, it is a matter of discussion, which inevitably leads to some surprises in cross-country.

Especially cross-country physical skills are not very good to begin with. Although Akai used his signature Konoha whirlwind when he made the move, under Akai's strong strength, he could resist Akai Konoha with his palms. The cyclone's cross-country still inevitably took a few steps back.

 Just after taking a few steps back to stabilize his body, off-road eyes looked at Akai differently!

 “What a great Akai, your physical skills are indeed amazing!”

“But you can’t defeat me with just physical skills!”

 “Shadow Mimicry!”

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