Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 29: comprehensive progress

 “Special items?”

“In addition to the secret medicine of the Nara clan, weight-bearing weights are also special items according to the APP?”

“And it’s also a BUFF that accelerates physical training? That’s great!”

His pupils were full of joy. The APP had a miraculous effect from the weight. Even though it only had a 10% acceleration effect in physical training, it solved the urgent need for off-roading.

You should know that the effect of APP modifying the practice progress can be applied to ninjutsu and secret techniques.

It seems that the training of hidden weapons and physical skills need to be completed bit by bit by Cross Country himself. Otherwise, he would not have to spend so much time and complete the training of hidden weapons according to the training methods on the secret scrolls of the Uchiha clan. You only need to modify the training progress, and the hidden weapon training can be completed early.

What's more, compared to the cultivation of hidden weapons, the cultivation of physical skills is undoubtedly more difficult.

 Because in terms of the cultivation of hidden weapons, cross-country can be gradually completed based on the records on the Uchiha clan's secret scrolls and the consumption of hidden weapons. On the contrary, it is the practice of physical skills. Without the guidance of a famous teacher, let alone whether you can get started in cross-country. Let’s just say that the difficulty of physical training is not comparable to that of hidden weapon training!

Now, with the 10% acceleration of physical skills training, there is no need to worry about cross-country, and the problem of not being able to get started after practicing physical skills for a long time.

 Then, his eyes fell on Akai, secretly attracting Akai's attention.

The future Taijutsu master of the cross-country mind path is around, and it would be a fool not to make good use of it.

Immediately afterwards, with an exploratory attitude, he first took the weights on Akai's hands and tried to see if he could increase the percentage of acceleration in physical training.

Sure enough, with the weight on both hands, the 10% acceleration of physical skills training will be found when going off-road, and it will suddenly become a 20% acceleration of physical skills training.

While exploring cross-country, he gradually understood the law of accelerating physical skills training, that is, a 10KG load can increase the acceleration effect of physical skills training by 10%.

If Cross Country can practice under a load of 100KG, then he will have an astonishing 100% acceleration effect in accelerating physical training. Unfortunately, after talking to Akai later, Cross Country knew that a 10KG weight load was his limit without hurting his body. As a result, Cross Country could only have a 10% training bonus in terms of physical training.

However, after understanding that as long as you carry weight, you can activate the APP's physical training bonus, I feel that my own gains from cross-country are not small. Immediately, watching Akai struggle to put on the weight, Cross Country wanted to give it a try and asked Akai: "Akai, can I practice with you in the future? When we were just sparring, I felt that you My physical skills are very good, can you give me some guidance on how to practice physical skills in the future?”


Hearing what Cross Country said, Akai was stunned for a moment, and after half a moment he couldn't help but asked: "Xiao Crossing, you are a member of the Nara clan, haven't you practiced physical skills within the clan?"

 “No, I haven’t practiced the physical skills of the clan.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Cross Country sighed deeply and said: "We, the Nara clan, generally focus on the practice of secret arts, so there are very few people in the clan who concentrate on practicing physical arts. More Besides, the taijutsu of our Nara clan is far less powerful than the Goken fluid jutsu in the village. Just now I saw that you were using the Goken fluid jutsu in the village, so I wanted to ask you to teach me."

 “So that’s it!”

Off-road explained, and Akai understood the situation.

Then, giving a thumbs up to Cross Country, Akai nodded with a smile and said: "Xu Cross Country, if you are not afraid of hardship, then follow me to practice!"

“My training is very hard! For the sake of burning youth, let’s work harder!”


Akai is a straight-tempered person who doesn’t like to beat around the bush.

It just so happened that cross-country suited Akai's temperament, and he was from the Nara clan, so Akai also had the idea of ​​making friends. Not only did he not hide the cross-country in his training, but he also carefully taught him the training of cross-country physical skills. .

Especially on the second day of training, Akai deliberately brought a load to the cross-country, which touched the soft heart of the cross-country.

In the Konoha Village, the person closest to him is Nara Shikaku, who is the only person who has walked into his heart.

As for Akai, to put it bluntly, it was just a chance encounter.

If Xue Chuang didn't know that he was the "King Kai" in the original work, then he didn't even have the slightest intention to pay attention to him. Who would have thought that Akai looked like an idiot but was very considerate at heart?

 Don’t underestimate the weight.

Hands and feet add up to 10KG. With the status of off-roading among the Nara clan, it is not a problem at all to have a look that is just beckoning.

 But what Xue Chuang really cares about is that Akai thinks of him all the time.

 So, besides Nara Shikaku, Akai became the second person to enter the heart of cross-country.

Especially as the two hellish death training progressed, Cross Country gradually formed a deep bond with Akai, and the two have since become very good friends.

 Time flies, two months later.

 “Konoha Cyclone!”

 “Konoha Cyclone!”



The morning sun has not yet risen. In a remote training ground in Konoha Village, Cross Country and Akai practiced here early.

With Akai's help, he conducted two months of hell-like death training cross-country, and finally got started with Konoha Goken-ryu's taijutsu.

Moreover, after two months of hard training, physical skills are no longer a weak point in cross-country, but have become a relatively strong cross-country event!

 During the sparring session, both of them took off their burdens and moved very quickly.

 When using the same moves, his cross-country speed and strength may be slightly slower than Akai's. However, in a pure physical battle, even Akai clearly noticed the progress of cross-country. Then, when the two of them fought for hundreds of rounds and failed to determine the winner, Akai just rubbed it. With sweat stains on his forehead, he smiled and said:

“Cross-country, your progress is so fast! You can reach such a level of physical skills in just two months. You are indeed a genius!”

 “What kind of genius? Doesn’t genius need to work hard?”

"Akai, don't think I don't know that you didn't use your full strength! What, are you planning to save your strength to challenge Kakashi?"

 After two months of getting along, Cross Country and Akai have become friends who talk about everything.

 So, as early as a month ago, Cross Country knew that Akai was going to challenge Kakashi Hatake who showed up just like what was recorded in the original plot.

Unfortunately, Kakashi is now at his peak, especially after obtaining Obito's Sharingan, it is even more difficult for Akai to win with taijutsu. It is also because of this that every time Akai challenges Kakashi, what he sees cross-country is the scene where Kakashi violently tortures Akai, and finally uses the insight effect of the Sharingan to easily defeat Akai.

But let’s not forget that every time Akai lost at the hands of Kakashi, the scene of him going back to work hard further aroused his desire to win in cross-country.

Now that I see Akai preparing to challenge Kakashi, my thoughts about cross-country are inevitably getting hotter.

 Because at this time, Cross Country really wanted to know whether, after two months of hard training, his strength had improved in an all-round way, he was qualified to fight against Jonin!

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