Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 299: radical benefits

 “Well, let’s go home!”

 “Uncle Shikaku!”

Even off-road, he never thought that the irritability he had suppressed for a long time would disappear the moment Shikaku appeared.

Moreover, listening to Shikaku's light and slightly warm words, the messy thoughts in Xiqiu's mind were all sorted out in an instant.

 Then, silently following Lu Jiu, he returned to his familiar home.

Dinner at home is never delicacies, but rather plain meals.

But eating this simple meal next to my uncle Shikaku and aunt Yoshino, I felt like the simple meal I was eating far exceeded the delicacies of the mountains and seas eaten outside.

 The time for dinner was very short, or rather cross-country, Lu Jiu ate very quickly.

 In less than half an hour, dinner was over.

When the servants of the Nara clan came to clean up, Nara Yoshino, who was also pregnant, went back to rest early. Instead, he stayed beside Shikaku, looking at his aunt Yoshino slowly returning to the room to rest, his face raised. A faint smile.

“Aunt Yoshino is carrying Shikamaru from the original plot, right?”

“By the way, I really thought that Shikamaru in the original plot was one month older than Naruto.”

“You mean that in one month, Shikamaru will be born and I will become Shikamaru’s older brother?”

“I was so focused on Minato-sensei that I forgot that Uncle Shikaku’s child is about to be born. It’s really ridiculous!”

“What do you do when you think about complicated things every day?”

“Most of the time, I enjoy the remaining peace and quiet at home, which actually feels pretty good!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his body.

Next to him, Shikaku noticed the situation of the cross-country, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Immediately, a relaxed expression appeared on his face as he looked at the cross-country. Then Lu Jiu slowly said to the cross-country:

 “Off-road, do you understand?”


He nodded and said with a smile: "Most of the time, burdens are added to yourself. In fact, they are unnecessary burdens. There are always solutions to burdens, it just depends on your mentality. If you have a bad mentality If you do, the burden will become heavier and heavier, but if you have a good attitude..."

 “The burden will naturally become lighter!”

 “Well, that’s good, I understand.”

I didn’t talk about my feelings about off-roading, whether it’s right or wrong.

Shikaku still had a faint smile on his face, and after hearing his feelings about the cross-country, he said directly: "Minato actually told me about your stay with Danzo. At that time, Minato said, don't look at the cross-country, you are not very old. But there are a lot of things on your mind. It turns out that you do have a lot of things on your mind, much like your father."

 “But as your uncle, off-road, I would rather you think like me.”

“Think about things when you need to think about them, and relax when you need to relax.”

“It’s like I forced you to take a holiday during the New Year, remember?”

 “A life with relaxation is a real life!”

As he spoke, Shikaku took a deep breath, as if enjoying the moment of tranquility.

And next to Lu Jiu, Cross Country also feels that his heart is getting calmer and quieter. Even some of the problems he will face in the future are solved in a peaceful environment. Cross Country is a little curious about what Lu Jiu holds in his hands. Magic can actually make me relax and think of solutions to some things.

Who knows, off-roading is like Lu Jiu said, squeezing yourself all the time.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Therefore, you must maintain strict practice every day when you are cross-country.

The tragedy in the original plot wants to solve it urgently, so the off -road thinks in the mind every day, and what you think is to play with Ban Ye.

 However, many times, whether it is the progress of cultivation or the improvement of strategies, they are all accomplished in a flash of inspiration.

Just trying hard, just squeezing yourself, is forcing yourself to go to a dead end step by step.

The only way to relax and tighten is the true kingly way.

 It’s just that the experience accumulated by Cross Country in the ninja world is still a bit lacking, and he is not as wily and resourceful as Shikaku, so Cross Country has embarked on a rough road.


If compared with Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Itachi and others in the same period, Cross Country is already ahead of the curve.

 After all, getting into trouble is also an experience of growth.

 The future Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Itachi God and others also need to experience it before they can move to a higher level bit by bit.

On the road of Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Itachi and others, it is naturally like cross-country, with elders like Shikaku, or relatives and friends giving advice.

Soon, the quiet time passed. Off-road looked at Lujiu and found that Lujiu still had something to say, so he sat there quietly and waited.

  Instead, it’s Shikaku.

Off-Road had thought that Lu Jiu had something to remind him. Who would have thought that while Off-Road was waiting, Lu Jiu smiled and left his back.

Just before Lu Jiu left, Shi Chuo heard Lu Jiu murmur something.

The same words made Shikaku understand Shikaku's true thoughts, about the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder!

“Radical results are often bad results.”

“But when it comes to off-roading, you have to know that sometimes only by being radical can you forcibly open up a new path on a road full of difficulties!”

“So, I can understand Minato’s radicalism.”

 “Off-road, it depends on whether you can understand it yourself!”

 After saying that, Shikaku's figure had disappeared, leaving only Cross Country still standing there.

Especially when recalling Shikaku's words, Shikoku suddenly realized that Shikaku seemed to agree with the Fourth Hokage's ideas and the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder. He was a little curious about the reason why the Fourth Hokage was so radical. what.

Is it to consolidate the power of Hokage or to consolidate the status of Konoha Village?

 Suddenly, Off-Road felt that he didn't know the Fourth Hokage, or that he didn't understand the real thoughts of the Fourth Hokage.

Having said that, without sufficient information, all speculation can only be a hypothesis.

 So, when Cross Country had a preliminary plan in mind, he was going to visit Shimura Danzo tomorrow.

After delivering the mission about the Kingdom of Rain, Cross Country prepared to go to the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki in person. He would first talk about the war between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, and then talk about the original protagonist Naruto Uzumaki. birth thing.

 Then, with a preliminary plan in mind, he returned to his room in the same way, ready to start practicing the Yin Escape Brand.

Before practicing the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country was really very careful and deliberately ordered the ninjas of the Nara clan to closely protect the room where he practiced and not let others come to disturb his practice.

 After doing this, Shijie returned to the room with peace of mind, adjusted his condition, and prepared to practice the Yin Escape Brand.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country took a deep breath and was about to start practicing the Yin Escape Brand, suddenly Cross Country's face turned livid!


 Because, almost at the moment when Cross Country was preparing to practice, Cross Country actually discovered several Anbu in the perception of spiritual energy!

These ANBU are definitely not the ANBU under the Fourth Hokage.

  After all, the Fourth Hokage is a person who abides by "rules". He must never send ANBU to appear in the Nara clan's mansion at will.

On the contrary, it’s Shimura Danzo, he has never followed the “rules”!

Therefore, when he discovered the existence of those ANBU with his spiritual energy perception, he knew that the person who came to find him must be the abominable Shimura Danzo. Immediately, he forced down the anger in his heart, knowing that it was Shimura Danzo who came to find his cross country, he raised a sneer, recalled what Shikaku reminded him before, and said coldly:

“The consequences of radicalization are not only bad but also good, right?”

 “Then let me try and see what are the benefits of being radical!”


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