Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 302: fatalism


  Shimura Danzo's words came, and Cross Country subconsciously looked at his palm.

 Because, the answer to the fate of the Nara clan is imprinted on the palm of the cross-country!

 Being controlled by the Hokage faction is the so-called fate of the Nara clan!

Besides, after Cross Country completed the mission of assassinating the demigod Hanzo, what he obtained from Shimura Danzo was undoubtedly the liberation of Cross Country's future brother, Shikaku's son, who was Shikamaru in the original plot.

There is no need to bear the fate of the Nara clan, and there is no need to be bound by the Hokage faction. Danzo Shimura's gift to Cross Country really exceeded Cross Country's expectations.

However, after getting freedom from Danzo Shimura for the future Shikamaru, are you happy going off-road?

 Not happy at all!

At that moment, Cross Country just felt the fate of the Nara clan, it was really funny!

 Why should the Nara clan be loyal to the Hokage and be controlled by the Hokage for the rest of their lives?

Why did he go through so much trouble to bring back the head of the demigod Hanzo from the Land of Rain, only to get Shikamaru's liberation instead of the liberation of all the Nara clan?

 Hands of fists clenched, if someone is in front of Cross Country, that person will definitely be able to see the burning flames in Cross Country's eyes.

 Unfortunately, there is no way!

The Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans in Konoha Village are so sad!

 Unless Cross Country has the power to become the next generation of Hokage in Konoha Village, it is possible to change the fate of the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans. Otherwise, in the eyes of the Hokage, the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans are very useful chess pieces, and there is no need to worry about betrayal. When they have such useful chess pieces in their hands, would anyone be willing to give the chess pieces their freedom?

Even if the cross-country teacher is the Fourth Hokage, the Fourth Hokage must be unwilling to unravel the so-called "destiny" of the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans!

Then, he took a deep breath and watched Shimura Danzo's back slowly disappear.

 The clenched fists of cross-country slowly loosened, replaced by hard training!

“Since one Hanzo’s head can only buy one Shikamaru’s freedom, then I really don’t need to work hard!”

“The next time I complete my mission, the reward Danzo will give me is nothing more than the freedom of Uncle Shikaku and Aunt Yoshino.”

 “No, not necessarily yet!”

“This time Danzo is warning me, so Shikamaru’s freedom is just a knock!”

"No matter how much I complete more tasks in the future, no matter how much I contribute to the Hokage and Danzo, I can't exchange for another person's freedom!"

“Especially my own freedom, and Uncle Shikaku’s freedom, in the eyes of Danzo and the others, they cannot be given!”

 “Just because we are useful, we must be restricted!”

 “This is the fate of the Nara, Akimichi, and mountain clans!”

 “This is the fate of the elites of the Nara, Akimichi, and mountain tribes!”

“If you want to unravel the so-called fatalism, the first thing you need is strength!”

“Recovering half-step quasi-shadow level strength is what I must do now, so the Uzumaki clan’s Yin Escape Brand Secret Technique…”

 “I can only rely on you now!”

 Slowly exhaling the turbid breath in his chest and abdomen, the cross-country journey undoubtedly deepened his desire for strength, and he was even more eager to change the so-called fate of the Nara clan.

 However, the road must be walked step by step, and cross-country people have understood this truth early on.

So, after Shimura Danzo left with the three Jonin-level Anbu, Cross Country re-trained the Uzumaki clan's fine arts, hoping to lay a solid foundation for the practice of Yin Escape Brand.

 The decision to practice the esoteric arts of the Uzumaki clan and lay the foundation for the practice of the Yin Escape Brand was made after meeting Danzo Shimura.

 Because Cross Country knows that there is a certain possibility of failure in using the spiritual energy of one's own "qualitative" transformation to complete the condensation of the Yin Escape brand in the Uzumaki clan's secret technique.

 If it fails, the "amount" of cross-country mental energy will be reduced again.

  Reduced to an irreducible level, the mental energy of off-roading has disappeared, and the possible result is to become a vegetable forever.

 Previously, Cross-country was focused on recovering its strength and did not think about the possibility of failure. It was because Cross-country itself was too anxious.

Now knowing that he must not fail, Cross Country, just like Lu Jiu said, temporarily put down the heavy burden in his heart and planned a better and safer cultivation path for himself.

Immediately afterwards, four days passed quickly in the process of practicing the whirlpool clan's spiritual arts and laying the foundation for condensing the Yin Escape Brand.

And during those four days, even the cross-country team felt very surprised that Danzo Shimura had no intention of contacting him at all!

 Obviously, the half-god and half-zodiac head made Danzo Shimura somewhat wary.

 Without the confidence to fully control the cross-country, Shimura Danzo can no longer use the cross-country as a "chess piece", but needs to put the cross-country in a "cooperative" position.

As a result, without any benefits that would satisfy Off-Road, Danzo Shimura would naturally not be able to give Off-Road any tasks easily.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

There are no tasks assigned by Danzo Shimura. I can practice well and regain my strength. Overall, I am very happy going off-road.

However, the time for relaxed training always passed very quickly. Immediately after he was practicing the secret arts of the Uzumaki clan cross-country and laying the foundation for condensing the Yin Release brand, the Fourth Hokage, who was busy with the war, came to visit in person. Cross-country is to bring the leisurely training life of cross-country back into the busy life.

 “Off-road, long time no see!”

 Just having a casual chat with Shikaku, the Fourth Hokage went to the cross country.

 When I saw off-roading, I didn’t feel unfamiliar at all, and there was no rejection like Kakashi.

 Seeing Cross Country again, the Fourth Hokage patted Cross Country heavily on the shoulder and put everything he wanted to say into his heart.

 However, meeting the Fourth Hokage again, the mood of cross-country was far from as relaxing as it seemed on the surface.

Especially when I thought about the time when the war between the Fire Country and the Thunder Country started, which almost coincided with the delivery time of Uzumaki Kushina, I had long wanted to discuss the Nine-Tails War with the Fourth Hokage, so Cross Country did not discuss it with the Fourth Hokage. The Fourth Hokage was reminiscing about the past and said straight to the point: "Minato-sensei, why did you declare war on the Land of Thunder? Kushina-sama's matter is very important, don't you know?"

 “I know, it’s just that time is running out.”

 There is no mention of Danzo Shimura arranging a substitute for Cross Country, nor is there any mention of why Cross Country "takes refuge" in Shimura Danzo.

Just by discovering that Cross Country still paid attention to Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage became more certain of his thoughts, and he was able to understand the inside story of Cross Country "taking refuge" in Shimura Danzo.

Then, nodding towards Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage took a deep breath and said: "Xiu Cross Country, Shikaku has always said that you are very smart, but it is a pity that as an ANBU, your vision of things is still a bit narrow. However, the two The matter of the country going to war is very important, so I won’t tell you the details. You just need to understand that the Cloud Ninja Village is a threat to our Konoha Village, and the Kingdom of Thunder is a threat to the Kingdom of Fire.”

"If I don't complete the deployment of the Kingdom of Thunder as soon as possible before the aftermath of the war disappears, by the time the Raikage launches an attack, the opportunity will not be in our hands."

"So, even though Kushina's matter gives me a headache, I still choose to believe Sarutobi-sama."

"After all, Sarutobi-sama said that as long as I can complete the deployment of the Kingdom of Thunder, I can rest assured about Kushina's affairs."

 “Off-road, sometimes I need your understanding, I hope you can...”

 “You can spend more time with Kushina!”

 Listening to the explanation of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country only felt that the water in the ninja world was really deep.

 However, because he understood the original plot, it was clear to him that Uzumaki Kushina's affairs were actually more important.

So the moment the Fourth Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country frowned and said: "If I had not gone to the Land of Rain to perform the mission, Mr. Minato, I firmly believe that the Third Hokage can protect Kushina-san. . But, Mr. Minato, do you know what kind of information I obtained during my mission in the Land of Rain?"

 “Did you know, Madara Uchiha…”

 “Is it possible that he is not dead?”

 “What? Madara Uchiha?!”

 There is no doubt that Banye’s name is a name that can be used to intimidate others no matter when it is used.

Looking at the original plot, when Uchiha Obito disguised himself as Madara and declared war on the ninja world, we can see the attitude of the five major ninja villages.

Because of this, although the Fourth Hokage has always been very confident, after hearing Madara's name from Cross Country, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

 However, the thing that made Cross Country the most incomprehensible was what the Fourth Hokage said later.

After hearing about Madara’s name from Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage hurriedly bid farewell to Cross Country, only leaving a few words to whisper before leaving!

 “If Uchiha Madara is really not dead, then things will make sense!”

"This is the fate, the fate that Kushina will face!"

“Xiujiang, thank you very much. I have something to deal with, so I’ll leave first!”

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