Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 304: clan emblem imprint

  Everyone will feel bored after practicing hard in seclusion for a long time.

Although in the eyes of others, Cross-country looks like a practicing madman, but after practicing hard for more than a month on the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts, taking advantage of the happy days of Shikamaru's birth, Cross-country is also preparing to bid farewell to the days of "ascetic" and live a good life. Take a walk outside and take a look at your future brother Xiaoqiang.

 “Off-road master, you are here!”

 “Off-road master, please come in quickly!”

Originally, after proving his talent in cross-country, he had been living in Shikaku's mansion. If he wanted to go to see the newly born Shikamaru, it would only be ten minutes away at most. Let alone cross-country, it was probably even Even an ordinary genin wouldn't feel tired.

But who would have thought that since Cross Country defeated three Jonin-level Anbu under Danzo Shimura, the name of Cross Country would once again be resounding throughout the Nara clan.

 Although the Nara clan is working hard to suppress the spread of the news, they don't want too many people to know that Cross Country has the ability to defeat Jonin.

 But unfortunately, paper cannot cover the fire.

Therefore, after the news that Off-Road could defeat Jonin-level Anbu spread throughout the Nara clan, except for Nara Mikawa and other Off-Road guards, almost all the Nara clan members called Off-Road "sir". When going cross-country to Shikaku's place, you need to nod frequently to avoid being labeled as arrogant by the tribe and making you feel out of place.

However, in many cases, whether you fit in with others or not is not a matter of off-roading.

 Just like those Nara clan members who are on par with cross-country!

Ever since I knew that Cross Country could defeat Jonin-level ANBU, I looked at Cross Country with eyes filled with awe. Even if Cross Country was unwilling to show off to them, those members of the Nara clan who were of the same generation were somewhat respectful of Cross Country. In the end, Cross Country I can only helplessly recognize the facts and accept the reality that my peers have no friends.

 Fortunately, off-roaders have no friends among their peers, but they still have many friends among their ninja peers.

Except for Kakashi, the relationship between the two of them, which was not a good relationship in the first place, became even more tense due to cross-country "taking refuge" in Shimura Danzo. In fact, people like Uchiha Shisui, Akai, etc. Ninjas of the same period have a very good relationship with off-roading.

Even though God Itachi has always lived in the shadow of Cross Country, God Itachi would greet Cross Country every time he met, and the two of them got along very harmoniously.

Over time, friends of the same race and generation no longer need to care about off-roading, even if they have some respect for it.

Then, busy nodding and gesticulating, which made his neck feel a little sore, he speeded up his walking speed and hurriedly walked into the courtyard where Shikaku lived, hoping to avoid some trouble. Who would have thought that when he entered Shikaku's courtyard, Cross Country was eager to go see Shikamaru who had just been born, but the figure of the Third Hokage stood in front of Cross Country.


 “See the Third Hokage!”

  Early before he prepared to go to see Oshikamaru, Shikoku knew that he would probably meet the powerful people in Konoha Village at Shikaku's place.

However, even if Off-Road had already made predictions, when he saw the Third Hokage right in front of him, Off-Road was still a little cautious. After all, the Third Hokage was not just a powerful person in Konoha Village, but a true overlord.

 However, compared to the restraint of off-roading, the Third Hokage is as amiable as in the original plot.

In addition, Cross Country is the elite of the new generation of the Nara clan, and will definitely be the pillar of Konoha Village in the future. Therefore, when the Third Hokage saw Cross Country's respectful salute, he smiled and said, "Is it Cross Country? You must be here to see Shikaku's newborn child. Right?"

“Oh, it’s a pity that Shikaku has a mission to perform, so he can’t see his newborn child with his own eyes.”

“Off-road, you are Shikaku’s nephew, please take more care of Yoshino!”

 “Yes, the Third Hokage!”

  Nodding, and then bidding farewell to the Third Hokage, Cross Country finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 Because after the Third Hokage finished talking to Cross Country, Cross Country finally saw Oshikamaru as he wished.

Having just given birth, Yukichi's aunt, Shikaku's wife Nara Yoshino, was very weak. Her face was pale as she lay there, which shows how much pain Nara Yoshino endured for the birth of Shikamaru.

But even though his forehead was covered with sweat, Nara Yoshino showed no pain at all. His eyes were full of love, and his attention was always on Shikamaru, who had just been born next to him.

It wasn’t until he saw Cross Country approaching that Nara Yoshino’s eyes shifted from Oshikamaru to Cross Country, and he said with a smile: “Cross Country, are you here?”

 “Well, Aunt Yoshino, I’m here.”

Listening to Nara Yoshino's words, Cross Country smiled, his eyes focused on Oshikamaru, and he was thinking of complimenting Oshikamaru.

 But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed what he wanted to say.


 Because the newly born baby has wrinkled skin and looks like a little monkey, there is no trace of Shikamaru in the original plot.

So, the wordless Cross Country immediately set his sights on Nara Yoshino, and asked with an embarrassed look: "Um...Aunt Yoshino, when will Uncle Shikaku come back? My newborn brother hasn't been named yet, right?"

“Shikaku, you may have to be busy for a while.”

As he spoke, Nara Yoshino's eyes couldn't help but dim.

 Obviously, her husband was not around when the child was born. Even if Nara Yoshino could understand Shikaku, he still had resentment in his heart.

But when he talked about Oshikamaru, Nara Yoshino's eyes shone with light again, and it was undoubtedly the light full of maternal love.

While talking to Nara Yoshino, I didn’t know why, but suddenly felt envious. After all, after the cross-country journey, I have never seen my parents after the time travel. Now that I see the relationship between Nara Yoshino and Koshikamaru, it is also impossible to say that there is no strange emotion in my heart.

 Then, in order not to disturb Nara Yoshino's rest, he stayed for a while and then returned to his room.

Moreover, the moment he returned to the room, the strange emotions in his heart disappeared. Recalling his conversation with Nara Yoshino, and recalling the appearance of Koshikamaru who had not yet grown up, he smiled knowingly, and it was unexpectedly touching. Fa, suddenly according to the cultivation method in the Yin Escape inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, the Yin Escape brand was condensed!

 There is no doubt that the birth of Shikamaru gave a certain feeling to off-roading.

It is that feeling that makes the off-road feeling condense the Yin Escape brand.

Especially when talking to Nara Yoshino, Cross Country felt some kind of power called "inheritance" from Nara Yoshino's words, which allowed Cross Country to smash the last hurdle of practicing the Yin Escape brand, allowing Cross Country to successfully condense Yin Escape. The imprint is a bit more certain.

Immediately afterwards, he sat cross-legged quietly in the room, just like he usually practiced the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan. He first completed the practice of the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan, and then a solemn expression appeared on his face.

The Uzumaki clan has finished practicing their spiritual arts. At this time, the spiritual energy at the center of the cross-country eyebrows is at its peak.

 The substantial spiritual energy formed, was condensed bit by bit under the skilled control of Cross Country, and little by little it condensed into the image imagined in Cross Country's mind.

If someone could see the process of condensing the Yin Escape brand off-road, that person would definitely be very shocked!

Because the Yin escape brand formed by off-roading using his own spiritual energy, it looks like the emblem of the Nara clan!

 Obviously, that is the first step to condense the Yin Escape brand!

 It is also the most important step in condensing the Yin Escape Brand!

 In the inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, the method of condensing the Yin Escape Brand is explained in detail.

The first difficulty in condensing the Yin Escape Brand is the appearance of the Yin Escape Brand!

According to the records in the Uzumaki clan's inheritance, different practitioners can condense into different Yin Escape Brands, and different Yin Escape Brands have different side effects.

Previously, Cross Country had been practicing **** the spiritual mysteries of the Uzumaki clan, firstly to enrich his own spiritual energy, secondly to lay the foundation for condensing the Yin Escape Brand, and finally because he didn’t know what kind of Yin Escape Brand to condense.

 After bidding farewell to Nara Yoshino and the newly born Koshikamaru, Cross Country has become a little more enlightened in condensing the Yin Escape brand.

 That’s right!

The Yin Escape brand that will be condensed in the cross-country looks like the emblem of the Nara clan!

When Cross Country condenses its Yin Escape brand according to the emblem of the Nara clan, in addition to carefully controlling its own spiritual energy, the things that Cross Country thinks about are matters related to the Nara clan!

 "Uncle Shikaku and Aunt Yoshino's kindness is something I will never be able to repay in my lifetime!"

“So, in addition to protecting Uncle Shikaku, Aunt Yoshino, and their child Oshikamaru...”

“Helping Uncle Shikaku, Aunt Yoshino, and Oshikamaru to protect the Nara clan is the source of power I use to condense the Yin Escape Brand!”

 “Yin Escape Brand…”

 “Give me some condensation!”

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